
Elliot Dragonuv

Raphael lived his life as an adventure. One day he came across a fallen arch Duke by the name of "Elliot Dragonuv" who just lost everything. The two of them lived as adventures together and many years later, Elliot opened up to Raphael about his past, the mistakes he made and how things could've been different. After their talk, Raphael went to sleep but when he awoke he was in the body of a younger Elliot Dragonuv.

Victor_Progress · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Mary's Rescue


We've arrived, so what's the plan? 


The plan is simple, really. You just have to follow my lead. 

After a few minutes, Elliot and Yolanda are at a bar and have beaten everyone in the bar except for one guy who escapes. 


So your plan was beat everyone senselessly and let one person escape? 


Yeah, by doing so we can follow him back to their hideout. 


Are you sure you're a noble? The way you do things it's like you're a veteran adventure or mercenary. 


Don't be silly. Now, shall we get going? 


Sure. Lead the way. 

(At the underground base. The escaped boy comes rushing in.)


Help me.Help. 

Guard 1:

Whats wrong with you? 


It was awful. 


What was? 


They killed everyone at the bar hideout but I managed to escape. Those guys are monsters.

Guard 1:

What on earth are you talking about? Who killed everyone there? 


Two unknown people came looking for the Dragonuv lady and when we told them to beat it they just started killing everyone. 

Guard 2:

Everyone except you?....You idiot. You didn't get away, they used you to lead them here. 

(An explosion happens and Elliot and Yolanda come crashing through.) 

Guard 2:

Looks like I was right, see what you've done? Morron. 

Guard 1:

Don't be hard on the kid. We just gotta take care of them. 


Can we make this quick? 

(Both guards charge at Elliot but with only one sword slash he manages to end the battle quickly.)


Are you done? We should split up here. 


I was about to say the same thing. You go free the other girls being held here and I'll go look for my sister.


It's likely that whoever is in charge of this place will be personally guarding her. 


I'm counting on it. 

(Elliot charges in on the left while Yolanda goes forward. Although more guards attack Elliot he just simply manages to out class them with his movements and easily defeats them. Yolanda manages to find the cells holding the other girls but doesn't find the Keyes to the cell, that's when she hears the keys being rattled and a man holding a whip appears.)


Are you looking for these? 


As a matter of fact, I am. Care to give them to me peacefully? 


Oh no, darling. That won't do....wait aren't you the blind adventure "Yolanda the blind witch" 


I am, and you are? 


A devoted fan. Please call me max. 


Well, Max. Mind handing over the keys? 


I will, on the Condition that you take their place of course. I wonder how much nobles will be willing to spend to have you as their concubine or for just your body for a day for that matter. 


Disgusting, I had enough of you. Let's settle this. 

[Back to Elliot]

(Elliot finally reaches the room Mary is being held in. He rushes over to the cell and finds her chained to the wall. Before he could say so much as a word he quickly notices a dagger being thrown at him and he quickly draws out his sword and blocks it.)


Attacking from behind? That's a cowards tactic. 


Oh? I'm surprised you could sense that. Tell me warrior, who are you? I am Xebeth, master of stealth. 


Elliot Dragonuv. 


Ohh,So the girl wasn't lying when she said her brother will come to save her? Interesting. 

(Elliot takes out his two swords and points one at Xebeth.)


Look, I don't have time for this. I suggest you give up right now. That's if you still value your life. 

(Xebeth uses his aura to make aura blades in the form of long sharp nails and charges at Elliot. Elliot barely manages to block them and he suffers a scratch on his left cheek.)


You're pretty good. Are you sure you are Elliot Dragonuv? 


You know, I've grown quite tired of that question. 

[Back at Yolanda.] 

(Yolanda and max have been going back and forth for a while now. Max is able to infuse his aura into his whip while Yolanda on the other hand uses hers in her sword. Although she's at a losing end, that's when she decided to use her trump card.)


Mana zone and aura Domain combine skill. Divinity grand slash.


Aura Domain, will-o-wips. 

(Yolanda launches a massive slash with divine energy and Max counters with a aura infused whip with fire surrounding it. Both their attacks connect after multiple back to back attacks Yolanda finally gets the upper hand and manages to land a attack deep enough to let her win the battle.)


Damn. You were a tough S.O.B. Now, I'll be taking those keys. 

[Back to Elliot.]

(The fight has been hoping on for a couple of minutes now and both men seem to have reached their limit.)


You know, I just realised something. Not even once did you use any aura in this little dance of our. 




I was wondering if you didn't using it because you thought little of me or if you can't use it at all. 

(Xebeth goes into stealth form and attacks at multiple blindspots, Elliot can barley hold his own againt him in the first place.)


Damn. It's not that I can't use aura. The thing is I'm still not used to this body as of yet. In my previous life I was one of those lucky commoners who could use aura but it took me nearly my whole life to be able to. And the methods I used to develop my aura was a total gamble, one wrong move and I could've died. Now the question is do I take that risk for her? 

(Elliot suffers a slash to his chest and is sent flying. His back hits the wall and he falls down. His vision gets blurry and that's when he had a flash back to his old adventuring days with the real Elliot.)


Raphael, although we aren't related by blood I value you as my own brother. 


Where is this coming from(drinks)are you drunk,Elliot?(chuckles) although we aren't related by blood we are sworn brothers that's the bond we forged together. 


Seriously, had I know there was a strong man like you all those years back I would've recruited you into my familey knight order. Hack I would've even lied and said you're my half brother if needed. You represent everything my father was and the man he wanted me to be. In the end I was nothing but a failure who couldn't even stand the pressure of being an arch-duke. You on the other hand have always been able to do the right thing. I wish I had your strength and heart, maybe if I did I would've prevented my families honour from collapsing like that. Anyway I'm going off to bed. See you tomorrow. 

[Back to the present.]

(Elliot struggles to get to his feet. With only one sword in hand he slowly inhails and stands his ground.)


Ohh? You're a brave one, aren't you? But tell me. Is it the brave man who wins the fight or the strong? 

(Xebeth goes back into his stealth mode and charges at Elliot. Elliot remains in the state he is and at the last second when Zebeth is about to rip his heart out he manages to use one of his signature moves, " Aura dommain: raging bull slash" and manages to cut off Zebeths hands.)

Xebeth:(screams in agony)

Aaaaahhh! You bastard. How dare you!? 


How dare I? How dare you think you can take my sister and get away with it? 

(Elliot hits Zebeth so hard that he faints. At that moment Yolanda comes through the door and sees that state Elliot is in.) 


You look like crap. 


You should see the other guy.(he points at xebeth) 


I got the keys to your sisters cell.(She shows him the key) 


Good, can you open it for me? And heal him too while you're at it. We have to turn him in to the empires knight order. 


You called them? 


Yeah. They should be here any minute actually. 

(Yolanda frees Mary from her cell and heals her wounds as well. A couple of minutes pass by as Elliot is being treated by Yolanda while also talking with Mary. A strong aura is detected by Elliot and he quickly gets on the offensive. Every second that passes he feels the aura getting closer and closer until a man wearing black amor with a lion's crest on it.)


Greetings, arch-duke Dragonuv. My name is Marki walker. I serve as the lieutenant of the royal knight order. 


A lieutenant?Are you trying to tell me that a man as strong as you is only the 3rd strongest knight in the royal order? 


Correct. But that's not why I'm here. We got a letter requesting back up from you, hence I was sent.(he turns his attention to Xebeth) if you'll excuse me. 

(With only a snap of his figures, Xebeth and his men are teleported away from the cave.)


All alive prisoners have been taleported to the Imperial city. On behalf of the King, we thank you arch-duke Dragonuv for your service. Continue to make the Kingdom and its people proud. 

(Without as much as another word, Marki vanishes as well leaving Elliot, Yolanda and Mary in the room. Elliot faints from exhaustion afterwards. Mary manages to catch him in the process. A few hours went by and Elliot comes to his senses. He awakens and finds himself in his inn room, covered with bandages. He looks around and notices Mary in a chair next to the bed.)


Just how long are you planning on staying hidden like that, Catherine? 

(Yolanda emerges from the Shadows near by.) 


How did you know I was in the Shadows? 


From the moment I woke up. How long has my sister been like this? 


She's been like that for two hours now. Give or take. After I treated your wounds she insisted on being next to you. 


Thank you. 


You know, for someone who's been asleep for 3 years, you sure can take a slash or two. On top of that you've almost healed. So I gotta ask, who or what are you? 


I'm Elliot. That's all that matters. And as for my fast healing, it must be from my lineage. You know very well how my father acquired the name of "Entei" don't you? 


It's said that he awakened the blood if you're ancestor. The flame Dragon. 




Are you saying you awakened the blood yourself? 


Not all of it though, only a small portion. That's how I'm able to heal faster than a average human can. 

(After a short pose)


I guess that makes sense. Well, I'll be on my way. 


I can't believe she bought that. Man that was close. Still though, she got her gaurd up around me.(He looks at Mary) You stayed next to me for this long? It's a shame I'm not your real brother, but thanks for worrying. 

The next morning. 

Mary:(screams in shock)

What,You're already up and looking much better? How's that possible? 


I'm just lucky that he didn't hit any vital spots, that's all. 


Didn't hit any vital spots? You almost died you idiot. This shouldn't be possible.....Unless you awakened the Dragons blood like father. 


Can we just go home already? Man you're annoying today. 


Okay. Let's go. 

[At a unknown place, a meeting is held by four people.]

Man 1:

Xebeth, that fool. 

Woman 1:

To think he would be defeated so early in our plans. 

Woman 2:

Who was the person who defeated him? 

Man 1:

Yolanda "The blind witch" and Elliot Dragonuv. 

Both ladies:


Woman 2:

Yolanda must've done all the work. It's the only logical explanation. 

Man 1:( Scared)

Yes, it is. However, what's you're take on this, friend?(he looks toward the second man in the room, who's folding his arms) 

Man 2:

Yolanda is a strong individual but aren't you missing the bigger picture here? She's an adventure who hates nobles but all of a sudden she works with one. What does that tell you? 

Man 1:

Are you trying to say she became his subordinate? 

Woman 1:

That's impossible. She even turned down the other Arch-dukes. It doesn't make sense why she'll pick someone like him to be her master. 

Man 2:

It's unlikely but not impossible. Never underestimate a Dragonuv. 

Man 1:(Thinking)

Elliot Dragonuv. Just what on Earth are you up to? You disappeared for 3 years and course a commotion as you return. 

Woman 2:

On that topic I heard House Rosélei challenged house Dragonuv to a dual. Apparently the dual I'd scheduled for a couple of days from now. 

Man 2:

This should be interesting(chuckles) 

(After hours of travel, Elliot and company finally reach house Dragonuv.)