Raphael lived his life as an adventure. One day he came across a fallen arch Duke by the name of "Elliot Dragonuv" who just lost everything. The two of them lived as adventures together and many years later, Elliot opened up to Raphael about his past, the mistakes he made and how things could've been different. After their talk, Raphael went to sleep but when he awoke he was in the body of a younger Elliot Dragonuv.
My eyes open slightly to sweet humming sound, and I notice a maid in the room I awaken from.
Oh? Young master Elliott, you're awake? I must notify the madam quickly.
The Maid rushes out and I am left in even more confusion. I get up and quickly head to the mirror, although I've seen this face before it wasn't my own and despite its young age I was certain that this was the face of Elliot Dragonuv, the son of arch-duke Ace "Entei" Dragonuv and his wife Rosé , making him the youngest child of the four but as well as the only son of the house.
If I recall correctly. When Elliot turns 18 his fiancé will leave him for not having any accomplishments to his name, because he is the last male heir to the Dragonuv arch-dukedom the responsibility fell on him and when he couldn't take it anymore he sold it to count Silver and some years from now he meets me and we have a drink as fellow adventures and he said something about how he wishes he had my strong spirit to fight and maybe things would've been different. I went to my room after that and the next thing I knew I woke up as him.
The door opens and I notices three women apart from the maid enter.
Elliot, I guess the maid wasn't lying after all. You're awake I see.
Yeah, it seems I am
Now, now girls. I know you miss your brother a lot but we have to give him time to rest, let's be on our way. Elliot, I'm glad to see you're awake.(smiles) oh, Isabel. Continue to look after him, okay?
Rosé and her daughters leave the room and Elliot is left with his maid.
Young master, are you alright?
I'm okay, it's just that I feel a bit shaken, thats all.(After a short pause) Isabel, do you know anything about my siblings? I seem to have forgotten a few things.
That's no surprise, you were in a coma for 3yrs now.
Isabel quickly breefs me in on whats been happening in the Dragonuv arch-dukedom and that for the past 3 years at least once a month "my" Fiancé would come to check on me. Isabel thinks it's because she's worried about me but I know that's not the case.
Isabel, could you get me some food and training clothes?
Training clothes? Are you planing on heading to the training grounds?
Yes, but I need to eat first. So the food, if you may.(smiles)
Right away sir.
A couple of days pass and I've been training none stop in Elliots late father's private training grounds. After that I decided to go see the knight order of house Dragonuv and to my surprise I find only 20 of them.
(The knigts gather)
Knight captain:(in tears)
Well, I guess the rumors are true. Young master, welcome back to the land of the living.
And you are?
Knight captain:
I am the Knight captain, don't tell me you forgot me.
That's not it, I just seem to have lost a few of my memories upon waking up. Sorry.
I am James Elsworth, your majesty. Is there anything you'd like of us, your humble servants?
I'm told you're what remains of our Knight order, correct?
Yes. As you know, your father held a great amount of influence in the empire and once he died people stopped favoring the Dragonuv Arch-dukedom. And you're reputation didnt help as well, the people reffer to you as a "good for nothing mama's boy who can't even hold a sword and fell into a deep coma upon hearing the news of his father's passing."
You really don't hold back, do you? Anyway that's all in the past. I want to thank all of you for staying with my family for all this years and although it's too late, I Elliot Dragonuv swear to award your loyalty. Give me 2yrs and I'll have the Dragonuv name back where it belongs. Until then I hope you will continue to help my family. That is all.
Wait, although you are the master by name. We as the knigts refuse to surve under someone who we don't know their strength. As the captain of the knigts, I James Elsworth challenge you to a duel.
I accept, but I just woke up a week ago. So would you please wait at least for another 3 weeks before our duel? I need to get my stamina up at least a bit or the duel won't be fun, don't you think?
Very well.
After that I quickly return back inside the estate and head to the family throne room to meet with lady Rosé.
You called for me, Mother?
Elliot. Glad to see you're still doing well. Although you've recently awakened, I hear you've been going to your father's private training grounds to train. Is there any reason behind it?
Mother, I've been in a coma for 3yrs now. Because of this our family has been weakened and the only thing keeping us from being attacked by the other familes and having our land taken from us is because of my engagement with Lady Ayda. But as a daughter of a Dukedom herself I think she would call off the engagement any chance they get and the only reason they didn't is because I wasn't around myself. So out of respect for father they might be waiting for me to awaken first.
I see, is that why you asked us to keep it a secret even from them? Honestly the way you're talking it's almost like you've seen the future. As your mother i prayed that you find the strength to come outt of your coma, however. I didn't think you'd come out of the coma like a different person. Even you're aura is more calm.
Mother, I'm sorry to disappoint you. But Just know that my I'll do my best for the house, so please don't let the burden consume you any longer. I'm back.
I see, thank you. That will be all , You may go back to training.And try to talk to your sisters more ,They might not show it but they truly missed you.
I will make time for them, thank you.
I leave the room and on my way out I see my sister's playing . I decided to join in on the fun for a bit
Oh? Elliot what bring you here?
The family zombie finally blesses us with his presence, huh?
Don't be like that, gosh. Hey Elliot, it's been a while. What bring you here?
Well, I came to check on you guys, it's been a while like you said.
3weeks later.
Although the body is Elliots, I discovered that for some reason I kept my abilities. My Stamina, Agility, reflexes, fast healing and strength. Although they aren't on the same level as in my previous life. I trained for the last month to get used Elliots body and I finally feel like I'm used to it. I guess it's time to head to the training grounds.
(At the training grounds)
Greetings, your majesty.
James, I'll be in your care today. Don't go easy on me now.
I must decline the offer, after all if I were to use all my strength I fear I woul-
Before James finishes his words I attack at high speed, but James manages to block it. My actions leave everyone in shock.
The speed and strength behind his attack, there's no way. Not even once have I seen him pick up a sword. Unless he's been training in secret ever since he was a child. But still this amount of power alone is just overwhelming.
James and I exchange blows for the next 60 minutes straight, although we aren't using aura I could see from his face that his having fun.
(At the front Gate, Elliots fiancé gets out of her carriage with the captain of the knights escorting her, they meet with two of the four knigts placed at the front Gate and they are quickly filled in on the situation that the young Duke has been awoke for a month and is currently facing off against sir James at the knigts training ground. She orders the knight's to take them there and when they reach there she couldn't belive her eyes. The man who she came to call off the engagement off to is busy holding his own against a veteran knight like sir James.
Back to the fight.
I'm impressed, your majesty. Although I wish for this fight to continue, you've shown us your more than capable of being called our master. Besides you-
Yeah, I know. I got a guest. I sensed her from the moment she stepped foot in my house. Anyway, I'd better attend to her. James, tell her to meet me in the throne room in 15 minutes, I have to quickly freshen up.
15 minutes later at the throne room
Honestly who does he thinks he is? He awakens for a month and doesn't even contact me. The nerve of this man. Don't you think so as well, sir Jacob?
I think so too, my lady. On top of that to make you wait this long without any proper explanation is -
The doors suddenly open and Elliot along with James and Lady Rosé walk through the doors. Ayda seems Shocked as the man who walked in might appear like Elliot on the outside, the way he carried himself with pride was as if he was a different person. Elliot sits on his late father's throne while his mother sits at her own.
Representing the lord of house Dragonuv and the Arch-duke of The Dragonuv arch-dukedom, Elliot Dragonuv , As well as his mother, Lady Rosé Dragonuv.
Lady Ayda. How may I be of service?
Sir Elliot, I hear you've been awake for a month now. Is there any reason as to why I as your fiancé I wasn't notified about this?
It's simple really, I wanted to surprise you. It's been 3yrs since we last saw each other and I couldn't see you in the weak state I was in when I awoke.
Wait, so you're telling me that all that muscle you've built was from a month worth of training?
That's impossible, do you actually take Lady Ayda for a fool? I advice you to start speaking the truth this minute.
Jacob, stop. My apologies for his outburst sir Elliot.
Out of respect for our families friendship I will overlook it just this once. But should it happen again I will not be forgiving. I'd advice you to keep a tighter leash on your dog. A dog that barks randomly will bite it's own master someday.
Thank you for the advice. And now the reason behind my visit. It's with a painful heart I say this but I must cancel our engagement. I know our families are close but as a penalty for canceling the engagement my family will send a minimum of 200 gold coins to you -
Okay. Is that all?
Ayda:(becomes shocked)
Wait you agree?
Yes, now if that's all you may leave. Oh and I expect the gold is already here? James let's go get it.
I get up along with my mother and James and walk past them. A Furious Jacob unable to contain his anger chooses to verbally attack me.
You bastard do you have any idea how you've just humiliated her Ladyship? I swear I outta-
Without so much as a word I draw my sword and point it at his throat.
Jacob, was it? Last time I checked I was a Arch-duke and you are nothing but a lonely servant of house Rosélei . So what I want to know is what gives you the right to talk to me like we're on equal footing? Draw your sword this moment
Sir Elliot, there isn't any reason to resort to violence. I'm sure Jacob is sorry.
There isn't any reason? You're knight here has insulated me in my own home, not once but twice. To make things worse not only infront of my knight captain alone but my mother as well, and you say that alone isn't reason to kill him?
You arrogant bastard, I'll kill yo-
(Before Jacob finishes his words he feels his left ear being cut off and he screams in pain.)
Consider this my last act of mercy. And for not taking his life I think an extra 50 gold coins should be added to that 200 you mentioned earlier. A small price to pay for insulting one of the empires 4 arch-dukes don't you think?
Y-y-yes sir Elliot.
It was at that moment when Ayda saw that although the man who stood infront of her had Crimson Red eyes, white hair and light brown skin like Elliot, this was a different human being from the one who she originally got engaged to 4 years back.
If that is all, you may leave. And I'll expect the remaining 50 gold coins deliverd within two days.
After taking the 200 Gold coins from Ayda I head back inside the family estate and find mother and the 3 sisters waiting for me.
Elliot, honey. Are you sure that was the wisest thing to do? Angering house Rosélei like that could back fire on us.
I'm counting on it actually.
Everyone in the room just looked shocked at my statement.
Think about it, as a prestigious house they'll have no choice but to challenge us to a duel to settle the matter since a all out war between high ranking nobles is forbidden. If my guess is right it will be a 3 on 3 at best and the house with 2 wins will get to chose what they'll take from the other house as a reward.
If that's the case, don't we stand more to lose if they win?
Now that you think about it, that's true. Right, Mary?
It's true. This is the stupidest plan you ever came up with, Elliot.
I'm surprised you guys don't see the bigger picture here. it's true that if we lose we lose everything. However, I plan to take over their mines when we win. The mines belong to them simply because 90 percent of the mine is located in their land. So imagine what will happen if we acquire the land surrounding the mines.
We would aquire the rights to the mine as well. This would mean that we would quickly gain a large increase in our gross profit in the Arch-dukedom!
Wow, I'm surprised you could think this far. Are you sure you're our little brother? It's like you became a whole different person ever since waking up.
You know we're all the same age right? I was just born after you guys. That's all.
At the House Rosélei residents.
Father, mother. I've returned.
Ayda. My precious daughter, how was your trip.
It was awful, father. Elliot has woken up. Apparently he woken up a month ago.
Really,Why didn't he notify us of this? That's not important, why are you shaking right now? And where's Jacob?
Jacob is getting treated. Father I canceled the engagement with him as you said but he didn't even care. He just took the money and accepted our cancelation.
That still doesn't explain why you are shaking!
Right. Let me explain what happened.
(A few minutes later)
Damn that Jacob. Although he is weak, he still holds the title of arch-duke. Send the additional 50 gold to him.
I can't believe you right now. Our daughter, your daughter got humiliated and all you can do is give in to his demands? Honestly, I expect more from you Charles.
What do you expect me to do? This man is a arch-duke, and only after a month of waking up he was able to fight with sir James! Sir James is one of the strongest knigt commanders there is you know. I remember you trying to even recruit him for our family at some point.
Yes he fought against James but it was just a practice match. On top of that, James didn't use any aura in their fight. And I bet my last name that he was holding back. There's no way someone who just recently woken up can be that strong.
You're right. But you know that an all out war between high ranking nobles is forbidden, unless you plan on a 1 on 1 duel with him.
No! A 3 on 3. One on one will be too merciful.
Fine. I'll sent a letter to the empire requesting the duel. However I hope you know the consequences of the duel.
Yes. I know very well. I don't know what it is that bastard wants but I know certainly what we're going to take it from him.
What's that?
His title of "Arch-duke" of course.
A week later at Dragonuv Estate, Elliot and his family are having breakfast and James comes storming into the room.
Master Elliot, a latter requesting a duel from house Rosélei has arrived from the empire.
Right on time.
What are we going to do? The duel is in a week from now and it's a 3 on 3. Apart from me and you. We don't have anymore strong fighters in house Dragonuv.
Relax. I know exactly what to do. But first, i gotta go find someone in the city of Yalti. I'll see you in a few days. James arrange the duel to be held a week from now.
Elliot takes his swords, a dark cloak and heads out to Yalti on his horse. After a few hours of travel he arrives there and takes a long look at the beauty that stands infront of him. (inspired by water 7[one piece version of Italy])
The city of Yalti, is a beautiful place. To think in a few years it would be reduced into rumble. Oh well maybe, it can't be helped. I should find "that person" now and head back.
Elliot quickly enters the city and rents a boat to get by. He quickly heads for the adventures guild there.
Goodmorning, I'm looking for the adventure Yolanda.
Goodmorning sir. You're in luck, she just returned from a job. She should be upstairs, wait here and let me take you to her.
After a few minutes of waiting in a private room, the receptionist arrives with a woman wearing black sunglasses and using a cane to walk.
Here she is. Lady Yolanda, this is the gentleman who likes to have a word with you. I'll take my leave now.
So, Yolanda. My name is Elliot Dragonuv, I'm here on a personal request. I would like to hire you.
I had no idea you were a noble, I hate nobles. So piss off.
Yolanda, or should I say Catherine. I know you aren't really a blind adventure. You are simply posing as your sister who was blind but died saving you. You took her identity for yourself as a way to honour her sacrifice.
What are you on about?
You tried reporting the man behind it but since he was a noble no one helped you, as a result you held a grudge against all nobles. But what if I gave you the help you need to take him down?
I'm sorry, but you have the wrong information. My sister , younger sister Catherine is the one that died that day, not me. Could it be that you think just because I'm an adventure I lied about my vision? I'll have you know I'm an excellent mana detector, that's how I'm able to -
Look, the person who killed you're sister is still out there and he's still doing what he did to her to other girls out there. It's up to you if you want to kill him on your own and end up in jail for doing what's right or you use me and my title to put a stop to him for his wrong doings. Look I'm gonna be in Ylati until tomorrow, you have until then to decide.
I head out of the room amd head to a inn downtown. Once I arrive I take a quick nap. Once I'm asleep, I notice a unknown presence enter my room through the window. Without so much as a second thought I jump up and charge at the unknown person.
Good, I see you're not a snob like the rest of the nobles.
Catherine. You came?
Of courses i did. Why do you sound so surprised?
Well, I thought you didn't trust me.
I still don't trust you. However I gave it some thought and you are right. Every second I waist here that monster is still breathing. So, I will make use of you and your name to bring him down. But I know nothing is for free in this world, so what is it you want from me?
I want you to be my knight. The pay is good and you get a free room in the knight's dorm.
Tell me you're kidding, what about my life as Yolanda I can't just go to the people of the guild and say " hey, so I'm really Catherine and I've been lying about who I am. Oh, and guess what I'm not really blind." Now can I?
Well, you don't have to. I'll let you continue acting as you are. I honestly don't care either way. I'm only interested in your skills.
A blind woman for a knight? You know some people may look down on you for this.
I couldn't care less. I already have a bad reputation anyway. So welcome to House Dragonuv.
A couple of hours pass and I head back home with Yolanda. After reaching home I head to the throne room to see my mother.
Elliot.Glad to see you're back. Ohh who's the lady behind you?
This is Yolanda. She is the newest addition to our ranks. Although she is blind. She is a great mana detector and uses that as her eyes in battle.
Oh? That's a unique offense She has. Yolanda, welcome to house Dragonuv.
My lady. (She bows)
Camillia comes rushing in the room.
Brother Elliot, Brother Elliot. It's Mary, she's been kidnapped.
What do you mean by that?
Well, we went shopping in the nearest village together and she waited for me outside of the shop with some knights. When I came out the knights were passed out and she was nowhere to be found. It's all my fault if I didn't insist on going shopping she wouldn't be taken.
Right on time. If I'm correct this is the work of the slave traders hidden in coco village. Although the real Elliot couldn't save his sister back then and she ended up a bought concubine for another noble down the line.
What are we to do, Elliot?
Camillia, get James and call the knigts to the training grounds.
Right away.
On my way to the training grounds.
Yolanda, you're a 4th tier mage, correct?
How did you know?
Not important right now. Although being born with the ability to weild both mana and aura is unique, I have a favour to ask. I suspect one of my knigts betrayed me. So I would like you to cast "truth detect" on them all once we reach the traning grounds.
Okay, but still how did you know I'm a magic swordman?
When the time is right, I will tell you everything. So please have a little faith in me.
Oh, and was is necessary to cast it on me just now? You know silent casting is a cool ability but I rather you don't use it on me.
How did you know? You know, you're one frustrating man.
So I've been told. We're here.
Yolanda and I enter the traning grounds and find all 20 knigts present.
Introducing his majesty, Sir Elliot Dragonuv.
Every knigt:
Greeting young master.
I'm sure you've all heard the news by now. My sister Mary has been kidnapped. The kidnappers are yet to make any demands as of yet and this led me to one conclusion. Slave traders. However what doesn't sit right with me is how did Slave traders get information on my sister? This also led me to another conclusion. We have a traitor amongst us. Now I'll only say this once, surrender yourself now and I might be forgiving.
Oh man. How did he figure it out? There's no way I'm going to hand myself over. I've seen your fight with James. You'd kill me if I do that.
No one,Huh? Yolanda are the preparations done?
Good. Now let's begin. Who here betrayed my family and sold off my sister?
Is he dumb? Does he really think I'll talk just because he as-
Before the knigt finished he raised his own hand and confessed all his doings.
It was me, young master. I'm the one who told the slave traders where to find the young lady.
And you are?
My name is Micheal.
Oh no, why am I telling him this? I can't get my mouth to stop talking.
Did you have any inside help?
No sir, It was work done by my own greed.
James. Take him to our dungeon cells and he shall await his judgement. Yolanda and I will be going to coco village to search for my sister. I'm leaving the house in your care.
In a underground facility In coco village.
Somebody help!! Get me out of here! Please.
A man walks up to Mary's cell.
It's no use. You can scream all you want but no one us coming for you.
You're wrong about that. When my brother finds out he's going to kill you.
Your brother, that good for nothing? What's he going to do, bore us to death with his whining?
You jerk, only I get to make fun of that bird brain. I won't let you talk smack about him.
Mary charges at the cell doors and tries to hit the man infront of her but she gets hit by a fist in the head.
You bastard. That could've broke my nose. What's wrong with you hitting a lady like that?
You got a couple screws lose, don't you?
Meanwhile at the entrance of coco village, Elliot arrives with Yolanda in black cloaks.