
Eliotrope in Danmachi (English)

Liam finds himself in Danmachi with a different body and is full of doubts about his future, but he has a clear goal. Explore the dungeon and the many wonders it has to offer, along with the dangers that abound on each floor. Join Liam on his adventures in the world of Danmachi. -The story will have a slow development, so don't expect the MC to have a skill geared towards getting Falna. -Furthermore, the story will begin many years before canon. Royal Road

ZackRPG · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs

First day of training part two

I picked up a one-handed sword and waited for them to do the same and pick up the wooden weapons I dropped.

They stared at the weapons. "I'll fight you three. I won't use magic, so don't worry."

David picked up the wooden spear and placed his spear on the ground. "Liam, we're still tired. Is it really okay for us to fight, and why do you carry a sword instead of knives?"

I could only sigh and point to the knives that I have on my waist. "I only use knives to stab or cut vital parts of monsters. If there were large monsters on the first floors, I would use a sword, spear, or any large weapon. Also, using knives against you guys, who have long weapons, would only make it harder for me to attack you guys," Especially since I don't want to punch any of them in the throat or stab them in major parts out of habit.

Milye picked up a wooden saber and swayed it a little. "Liam, do you know how to use swords?"

I just glared at her. "I already told you that I don't even know how to use knives. Besides, I've never tried other types of weapons."

She gave me a smug look with a small smile. "Wouldn't that put you at a disadvantage?"


I couldn't help laughing at what she said. "Milye, my status is a little higher than yours. Although I have never used any other type of weapon, it won't be difficult for me to finish off all of you." I hope they take the sparring fight more seriously because I won't be very nice to them.

I saw Milya drop the iron-tipped arrows that she had in her quiver on the ground and then she put the wooden arrows that I had thrown on the ground.

"Well, I'll step back a bit and give you some time to prepare your strategies," I started walking until I was at a fairly large distance.

I watched as they started talking, and after a few minutes, Milye and David positioned themselves in front of Milya in the shape of a triangle. "We are ready!" they exclaimed.

When I heard their voices, I covered my body in a blue aura and started running in their direction.

They were shocked by my sudden action but quickly recovered and prepared to attack me when I got close enough.

As I ran, I felt a rush of energy go through my whole body, and that same sensation made me feel more excited with each passing second because I could feel the wind around me, my heart beating, and everything moving a little slower.

Each step I took brought me closer and closer to my goals, and when I was at a fairly close distance, I saw Milya's arrow coming my way. Despite that, I didn't need to dodge because the arrow was pointing to my left side and not towards my body, which made me a little angry.

I could have created a portal and returned the arrow to them, but that would be a bit unfair. So instead, I created a portal behind them and when I was far enough away from reaching them, I put a portal in front of me. As I walked through it, I appeared behind them and kicked Milya in the side, throwing her about a meter away.


They yelled and tried to attack me, but David was the first one to slash horizontally at me with his spear. I had to stop him with my sword.


The sound of our weapons clashing produced a very loud noise. But I couldn't be careless because just a second later, Milye was only a meter away from me and she slashed at me with her big wooden saber. I couldn't dodge or deflect it because that would give David a chance to attack me and put me at a disadvantage. So, instead, I put my left arm up and took the blow squarely.

To my surprise, it hurt a lot, but not as much as I had imagined. Although, I wouldn't be able to use my left arm well anymore. I could only grit my teeth and endure the pain, which was not difficult because it was nothing compared to the bite of the ant that almost tried to eat me alive.

Milye took a step back before attacking me again, and David flicked his spear away from me before aiming for my arm. However, I just put on a smile before closing the nearest portal and putting one on my back, then jumped back, leaving them stunned.

I am now in the first portal I come across, not a very far distance, but far enough to give me time to adjust to the pain in my arm.

Instead of coming for me.

"Liam I thought you said you wouldn't use magic!" Milye complained about what I did.

"I Don't use magic!"

"Then why are you covered in Blue!"

"You guys already know that this is my ability!"

Before we could continue our discussion, Milya stood up and pointed her bow at me. An arrow came flying towards my chest, and I heard Milye scream while David ran towards me.

I deflected the arrow with my sword before running towards Milye and David. We quickly closed the distance between us, but this time Milye was the one who attacked me first, not David.

But this time, I gritted my teeth and used all my strength in my right hand before launching a horizontal slash in his direction, and Milye did the same. When our weapons collided.


There was a great sound before Milye's saber flew out of her hands, and she fell backwards a meter away. Instead of stopping there, I tightened my grip on my sword and took a full turn, launching another slash at David's spear, which was pointed at me. The result was the same as with Milye, only he didn't come out pushed. I went up to him and kicked his feet.

When I kicked him, he fell to the ground, but an arrow pierced my left arm. I gritted my teeth before closing all the portals and creating a portal next to me and Milya's side. When I crossed it, I released a cut before stopping it near Milya's neck.

"I win"

I said before returning to my calm state, and Milya released the bow.

I saw that both Milye and David stood up, dropped their weapons, and came our way. However, David was limping, and Milye's hands were shaking.

Milye pouted. "Liam, you are so cruel."

"Says the girl who almost broke my arm with a gun much bigger than mine."

"That was because of the kick you gave Milya!" I looked at Milya and noticed that she looked quite pained.

"I told them to take the training seriously, and Milya didn't."

"Well anyway, we'd better have breakfast and take the opportunity to rest a bit before running and fighting again."

David looked at me and replied, "You said we were going to start easy."

"This is easy, plus I think it's time for us to try harder if we want to go to the lower floors of the dungeons." I think the big Evilus attack will start in a year and a half or more, but we need to at least reach level 2 and be well prepared so that none of the goddesses die and neither do we.

Milya suddenly interrupted our conversation and what she said puzzled me "Hey Liam, I think you should be more careful, yesterday you went to the most populated part of Orario" I don't know why he suddenly came up with this topic.

"What do you mean?"

"I say this because you are usually very clueless and it is possible that you have not noticed the bad atmosphere that exists throughout Orario"

"But I don't see anything weird"

David came up to me and hit me on the head with his knuckles.


I started to rub my head a bit "Why did you do that?"

"From what you just said, you're the only one who hasn't noticed how bad the situation is even though you've already been in Orario for many months"

"There is crime almost everywhere in Orario, and many families prefer to hunt monsters on the surface and level up rather than enter the dungeon"

"Is the situation really that bad?"

"What kind of place did you grow up in to not understand how bad the current situation is?"

I began to think about his question and realized he was right. Where I lived in my previous world was not much different. There was always news about boys killing each other with machetes, running in gangs and fighting over absurd things like being from different neighborhoods, even though they were in the same city.

The most common crime was slaying a simple smartphone or anything of value, and people even killed each other over small disagreements.

I mostly stayed locked up in my house and rarely went out, except for going to the university or buying things I needed from the supermarket. So, none of those things happened to me.

The only thing that bothered me was that my bike was stolen twice, even though I had locked it. So, this kind of thing is very common for me, and I don't worry much about it because it's easy to defeat adventurers of my level using magic.

"Anyway, as long as it doesn't affect us directly, it's not a problem. Let's eat breakfast quickly. We better take advantage of all the time we can"

"I wish I was as optimistic as you," Milye commented as she already had a dungeon sandwich in her mouth.

"Liam, are you okay?" Milya asked, looking worriedly at my left arm.

"This is nothing," I lied. It's evident because I hate pain, although I can tolerate it, but I don't want her to be sad.


Author's note: I have already created auxiliary chapter with the important characters that have appeared so far. Feel free to check it out if you're interested