
First day of training

"What a beautiful view! The little light from the stars and the moon that illuminates the place, along with the forest in the background that gives it a unique touch," I said happily until I heard David's voice speaking to me from behind.

"Liam, seriously, why did we come here so early and why did it have to be this place?" David asked me, as he had his hands covering the front of his body and his spear clutched in his arms.

I saw Milya and Milye shiver a bit due to the great cold they were feeling, even though they were already fully bundled up. Although their eyes were a bit closed, you could still see that they quite wanted to sleep.

I just put on a small smile and said, "They said they want to be stronger. So I'll prepare them so they can become stronger." They looked at me with confusion, and my smile grew bigger.

"I'll be honest with you, I don't have much knowledge about training people to hunt monsters and the only person I would be able to train would be Milya in archery."

They made sad looks except for Milya.

"Besides, I haven't fully learned how to use daggers either, so I'm in a similar situation to you in that regard."

"That's why I thought that for now we should focus on our parameters, and then we can focus on learning how to use weapons, especially directed at you, Milye."

"Eh?" She pointed a finger at herself in confusion for a moment, scratching at her eye with her other hand.

"If you"

"Wait, why is that directed at me?"

I could only sigh a little. Sometimes I forget that they are still children, but to my surprise, it was David who cleared Milye's doubts.

"By your ability, you haven't figured out which weapon suits you yet, and we haven't bought other different weapons for you to try because it would be a big expense, and we can't afford to waste Valis. Also, we're still kids, and it would be troublesome to try other types of heavy weapons due to height, so we hope you grow a bit more. When that happens, you will be able to try many types of weapons and use the one you like the most."

"He's right. There are many types of heavy weapons you can use, and you don't have to restrict yourself to large swords," I agreed with David.

"Well, we'd better start training," he said, stretching out his arms a bit.

"What's that?" Milye asked, pointing to the paper sticking out of my pocket.

"It's a list of exercises that will help you improve your development abilities, including your Strength, Agility, and Endurence. If you do them every day, you'll become stronger and better prepared when we start training with weapons," I explained.

"But it's not something we'll do yet. That's just for training states, and for now, we'll focus on other types of training."

"If you have any other questions, ask them now," I said.

All three of them spoke at once, but David's voice stood out. "You still haven't answered my question," he said.

It took me a moment to recall what he was talking about. "Yesterday, at dinner, I told you to go to bed early because we were going to train very early in the morning,"

David pointed to the sky with annoyance. "We thought early meant first thing in the morning, not a few hours before sunrise. We didn't sleep much because we were excited about training," he said, and Milye and Milya nodded in agreement.

I realized that I may have been too strict, similar to my father's style of parenting. "I apologize for bringing you out so early. I wanted us to get used to this kind of situation because what we're going to do to raise our statuses is somewhat risky. We need to be prepared to handle bad conditions like exhaustion, injuries, and being surrounded by monsters with no hope of survival. You must always stand up and fight despite your body's refusal to do so," I explained.

"Are we going to floors 10-12?" David asked, looking a bit afraid.

I stared at them incredulously. "I won't take you to a place where I won't be sure to protect myself, let alone you," I said, which seemed to ease their worries.

"We're going to a place that attracts a lot of monsters. We might end up exhausted and injured, but we won't go there until all of you have a G status on your basic abilities."

"Any other questions?" I asked.

"Why are we outside of Orario?" David asked me another question.

"Because it's the place I feel most comfortable with, and we can go to the forest to hunt some animals, and in case there are monsters, we can kill them." Right now, we are east of Orario.

David just kept quiet and couldn't reject my argument, even though it sounded very strange and illogical.

"Do you have any other questions?"

To my surprise, it was Milya who asked me this time, "You said you could only train me in archery, but we have never seen you use a bow. You used to carry one, but you never used it, and it got to the point where you never took the bow to the dungeon anymore."

I realized I said something I shouldn't have, "We'll leave that topic for much later. Right now, it's better to focus on training," I said, trying to avoid that topic. She just looked at me doubtfully, but she shook her head a little.

"I'll be right back," I said before opening a portal next to me and walking through it.

I entered my room and started to pick up the wooden weapons that were next to the wall and threw them through the portal. Then I picked up a backpack that had some pieces of bread along with some bottles of water and other things that we will need like potions.

When I was sure that I had already brought everything we needed, I crossed the portal.

When I crossed it I closed the portal I just created.

"Well, let's start with something simple, so I won't be too demanding with you"

"Repeat what I do"

"Okay" they said at the same time

I did some basic stretching. While they copied what he did.

"Okay, now we'll start jogging and then we'll start running"


"Yes it is similar to running only a little slower"

I started to show them how to do it and I also showed them how they should breathe when jogging and running. Then we started jogging evenly in a circle around where I put the things we'll be using.

When they got used to it I said "Let's run"

"Good" They said at the same time and we started running.

"When…will we stop…?" Milye asked me with an agitated voice. As we kept running. We've been running for about a quarter of an hour now.

"If you still have energy…to talk…then…keep running" I noticed that both David and Milya couldn't continue anymore because they were fainting, they already tripped a few times and scraped their knees.

"Milya…David…you can stop…" When they heard my voice they stopped and got on their knees.

"Wait… Why… they… can… stop… and… we… can't?"

"Because we have…more stamina than them…" I replied to Milye and we continued for quite a while.

"We can stop now"

She stopped and lay down on the ground.

"You must not lie down or sit down" I told all of them who seemed to have relaxed.

"Don't we train…to be stronger…?" I wonder Milye that she was breathing so harshly.

I could only show a small smile and replied, "Of course, the most essential thing to becoming stronger is to learn the most basic and necessary skill." They were too tired to even think about what I said, so I continued talking to clarify my point.

"And that is learning to run away. When facing a monster that you can't defeat, the most basic option is to run away. If you can't do that, then you have to fight using your teeth or nails." When I finished explaining to them, I picked up the wooden weapons and threw them away.

I put on a bigger smile before my next words stunned them. "Now, let's fight."

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