
ELENA (The Tale Untold)

This tale is dedicated to a female psychopath named Elena. More precisely 'E'. Who tortures people to feed her insanity and use the excuse of reasoning, that they deserve to die. It's also about the boy who is infatuated with her. And sees more to her than insanity. A computer hacker? A genius programmer? Or just the guy with an unsettled past? As the time goes, her routined crime killing attracts the unwanted attention around. Attention of someone who was never in the picture, handsome- but mysterious- officer. Who is just more than obsessed than her case of brutal killing. The world she had planned started to crumble apart. And her way of tackling her inner demon get lost too... Her sanity? Was that even there? And if it was always there, then why did she hide it? A pragmatic and sensational novel whose theme revolved around the campaigns and series of dark taboos of life. As she tackles with several emotions like hate, love, betrayals and more, she changes. For the better? Or for the worst? Join the thrilling life of Elena as she tackles with her inner devil. But if the cost is priceless, can she take it? ----------------------------------------- "What about love?"He abruptly queried me while I was quoting the last sentence and surprisingly I didn't know the answer. I got quiet what is love? How it even work? I control everything for myself including all emotions but emotions can't be controlled, so I was never made to love, right... Yes the demon was once an angel But there was a reason he became a demon. Or maybe he was always a demon just deluded to be an angel...

thplatonicwitch · 若者
18 Chs


If someday I say

Just get me out of here

I don't mind

If you get me into the middle of the ocean. Or the dense green forest. Even if it's just endless mist. Even if you're going to leave me alone in there,

Just listen to me that time and get me Somewhere far away.



Somewhere in the thoughts of Elena Ravendale, where even she doesn't know.


The weather is still fine as ever and your name is still perfectly carved here. Just like the day when I etched it with the metal syringe. While being hidden in the bushes and not letting anyone see me. Because everyone thought I was the murderer but indirectly I was.

Of course, I was. Who am I kidding?

I murmured to myself.

"How are you doing here? Is it well there," I said. I was looking right deep into the grave of Aunt Kathy. The name was still carved like it all happened yesterday.

The cemetery was as calm as a haunted house just waiting to be divulged by a loud noise. The wind was dancing aimlessly around the graveyard. While all graves were having their best time or worst inside. The clouds were gathering, telling that even the sky is here to grieve for the loss. All graves were made from grey milestones and this was the most beautiful yet simple graveyard of Ottawa.

"It's been 8 years. I know you're not having champagne in heaven. Cause, of course, you raise me. But I do pay my regards. Right, I give you new servants each day and I'm sure you will enjoy it. Isn't it good now that you know the reality? You got me into expecting a world of love, a future of hope and dreams. And guess what? Even you couldn't escape from it." I parted my lips to have a thin smile plastered to my lips but my lips didn't seem to give in.

"If you wanted me to run away, you should have given me enough things to run with. WHY? WHY? WHY? You made me witness the soul truth. The truth of so-called love, why did you die for me? I killed them for you but in the end I'm still alone. The future of hope and dream, all was shattered." I stopped as my throat couldn't get more words out. Even though it's embarrassing, I couldn't stop these tears as they escaped from the prison of my eyes. The sinful tears are still mulling over the fact that I still am caged by my past. This is the only place where they're able to escape without thinking.

"Goodbye, Katherine. I shall come again after I get you one more servant or maybe more..."

I sighed and as soon as I was going to sit, something blew me. I saw a figure standing in the shadow. It ran after seeing me catching its glimpse. Since I didn't have the energy to rationalise it,I just kept staring. Maybe it's just a visitor.

I got out of the cemetery. I was already 15 minutes late for my little job in Colborne family medical centre. Sure though I just work as an assistant, it's great they haven't found it yet. My skills as the most renowned surgeon in all of Ontario but I do look forward to it when they can find me.

Also that I'm the renowned serial killer 'E'.

I made my way there after changing my look from the most pretty serial killer to the most innocent baby face assistant. And now I'm almost 25 minutes late. But beauty is at the top of everything. I'm late many times but my scolding always gets less and less. No one can resist my fake, real tears.

I got in and I was running for the lift. I met Hannah along the way.

"Later again, the professor will still do nothing to you. You cheapskate! Tell me do you have a rich family?" Hannah questioned, sarcastically.

"If I had, I wouldn't be working here. Baby face is all it takes. Do you want to know about some facials?" I replied, with a mischievous smile.

"Nah, I'm good-looking old, it makes me look mature." She raised her brow while explaining the fake fact which even she doesn't believe.

"Okay ," I sighed, while doing my shoulder 'who cares' part.

Hannah was the first person I met when I started working here. Though this place is quite Lower than my standards, it's the perfect place to gather information. And at the same time perfect plan B to say I'm just a baby kitten who works if I get arrested one day.

Which I'm never going to get.

I got into my usual office. Hannah was working like she was going to get extra wages. Portioning papers and writing some drafts while Sophie, as usual, was gossiping with her new boyfriend. She was sitting with her feet on the table and my seat was neat like it should be.

I sat in my chair and started working . I was going through the videos of the surgeries of the past two days. Prof Guan is a good surgeon but all the thesis mistakes have to be corrected by me. This is the only work I do here.

Likewise, I started the usual mistakes as they are always. Same mistakes again! I should just blow up this medical centre I was thinking.

"Heyyyyyy!" Prof Guan barged in.

"Have you all heard of the woman whose daughter was raped? She killed the rapist and turned herself in! YESTERDAY!" He said without losing a single syllable. His hand is still on the doorknob while his hair- sorry he became bald long ago.

"Your pronunciation is getting better," I said.

"Hey, are you not surprised? Let's go, it's airing on TV."

"Let's just go professor. She will probably be scared after seeing those things. Her tears will start flowing," Hannah scowled.

She always has a thing against me. And it just becomes more exciting as she doesn't seem to sort it and always fails it against me. Like I have stolen her money but she doesn't even have them so let's just leave it on that.

Like I have

Of course bitch I'm rich.

"Count me in, let's go." Sophie finally got off her phone after screaming her lungs out in a fight which I'm betting has ended up in a breakup.

"Yes, you're right Hannah. She is such a delicate flower. You should take care of her more. She's just 19. Elena, you work here. We are going." All three left the room, finally making me witness the quiet environment.

I need to thank Hilmen, for his thinking of making me a new ID two years younger.

I stretched my arms and then swung my hair into a bun which was never successful. As my hair can't sit in one position for more than one minute.

Just like me.


I don't understand why the hell she doesn't tell me anything.

Because she doesn't trust you.

I was growling as I turned on the TV while sitting. More like plopping on the sofa with my eyes half-opened.

The most shocking news for today is: the woman named Mia Williams who was the mother of Serena Williams killed the rapist who had raped and murdered her daughter. She did this brutal murder yesterday and turned herself in today. In the morning she confessed in the east Ontario police station and is now being interrogated, .....

Hello, I'm the chief assigned for this case, I'm Anem Scotts from.....

I turned off the TV. And the remote got loose from my hands, as I was shaking. Without a second wasting, I started calling Elena. I hastily got out from my bungalow still in my casual clothes. I left the place in a mess.

Well, it's always a mess.

"What the hell!" I screamed.

she is still not picking up.

I got in my BMW. Turning the car on and swiftly turning the wheel to avoid any mishap. I don't care if she is going to rant that I drove into her workplace with a BMW. I failed to realise that I was still wearing my sweatpants but I needed to meet her. I'm sure she hasn't even watched this all yet.

I drove as fast as I could but in the evening there were a lot of traffic jams. I was listening to Justin Bieber and maybe singing on top of my lungs until I got there and without following the parking rules I parked my car like a damn gangster.

Who is scared of weapons?

"Where is Elena Ravendale?" I asked the receptionist. I stopped to catch some breath as she was going through something on her computer.

"She is in her office, the floor is....."

Before I listened I ra cause 2nd floor it is. I know all things about her workplace. I muttered while plastering a smirk on my face.

After getting out of the elevator, I opened her room door. She was sitting there like she owns everything around.

"You're here, missed me?" she smirked.

"I have better things to do. Did you watch the news? She turned herself in. She will blow the whistle. We are not even sure if Vincent is dead. You haven't even gotten the money. What the hell ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?

"Stop eating your stupid Doritos!," I said, all without losing a single rhythm. Because I was losing my shit here and she was placing a burrito in her mouth and savouring its taste as she closed her eyes.

"Can you relax? Stop being a pessimist hypocrite. Did you watch the whole news?"

"I didn't. I rushed over here," I replied confusingly.

"Then relax first, eat some Doritos." She marched a little forward from her chair. And placed her hand forward for me to take the Doritos which I fully refused.

Because it's not the salty flavour.

No, because this is not the time for this.

"You, you-

"You're so calm. WHY? Y!"

"Okay. Stop babbling. Let me tell you. I'm waiting."

"What are you waiting for? For us to be arrested?"

For your death.

That's not coming soon.

"RELAX! If you said it one more time, Imma drop you from this floor."

I have a degree in acrobatics.

Unknowingly I got quiet. Even though I was confused, something from my subconscious was telling me to be calm. This is not the first time, every time it's like this. And in the end, I get to be that person who was worried about nothing.

You're always the person who worries about nothing.

After two hours of uttered silence, the news came breaking the silence which shocked me from top to bottom. It was suicide of Mia. She hung herself in the prison. I'm not upset or anything. But as she was our client I'm utterly confused.

Aren't you always like this ?

Not now.

"Okay, I will stop playing behind the bush. She gave us money before she turned herself in. And isn't it great that she did suicide. No one is coming for us or anything. Because the dead don't speak."

"But 'E' represents you. You did carve it," I asked, as I was still confused.

"So that doesn't mean they can find Elena."

"So her suicide... Did you do it?" I didn't want to say it but I was breaking. Like the answer I was hoping for was the innocent one. Even if she's a killer or murderer I knew she had some good inside. Even if she's used to the dark she must have some part who longed for the sun.

"You have a very little amount of grey matter in you," she said, while rolling her eyes which made me want to stifle her.

But you can't do it.

"Translate in human language please," I flatly replied.

"You're stupid." She flatly replied which earned her a 'what' from my side.

"Are you an idiot? Aunt Mia couldn't live without her daughter. That's why she wanted to suicide,"she abruptly replied.

"So you knew she will suicide and you didn't stop her?"

Why would she?

Because it's a human instinct.

She's a human?

We all are...

I was still looking for the part, who longs for the sun and cries in the dark.

"Isn't it great? We can't change some people's opinions. That's the least I could do for her, to encourage her that what she was doing was right. God doesn't come on earth to punish people. He makes people like us who even defy God itself?" She said in a serious tone. Her gaze evaluated over me.

"She had to die because of what she did. Her guilt wouldn't have made her live longer. Don't you get that? Also, we got all the money that belonged to her and the best part is she gave it willingly. Isn't it awesome?

"Don't you agree?" I faintly accepted and bowed my head.

And this was the moment I realised , that part has been imprisoned in her so deep that even she has forgotten about it.