
ELENA (The Tale Untold)

This tale is dedicated to a female psychopath named Elena. More precisely 'E'. Who tortures people to feed her insanity and use the excuse of reasoning, that they deserve to die. It's also about the boy who is infatuated with her. And sees more to her than insanity. A computer hacker? A genius programmer? Or just the guy with an unsettled past? As the time goes, her routined crime killing attracts the unwanted attention around. Attention of someone who was never in the picture, handsome- but mysterious- officer. Who is just more than obsessed than her case of brutal killing. The world she had planned started to crumble apart. And her way of tackling her inner demon get lost too... Her sanity? Was that even there? And if it was always there, then why did she hide it? A pragmatic and sensational novel whose theme revolved around the campaigns and series of dark taboos of life. As she tackles with several emotions like hate, love, betrayals and more, she changes. For the better? Or for the worst? Join the thrilling life of Elena as she tackles with her inner devil. But if the cost is priceless, can she take it? ----------------------------------------- "What about love?"He abruptly queried me while I was quoting the last sentence and surprisingly I didn't know the answer. I got quiet what is love? How it even work? I control everything for myself including all emotions but emotions can't be controlled, so I was never made to love, right... Yes the demon was once an angel But there was a reason he became a demon. Or maybe he was always a demon just deluded to be an angel...

thplatonicwitch · Teen
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


She always adored black roses more than any other flower

As it brings here perfect persona of her,

the charm, the beauty, and a hint of madness so far...

Found in the diary of HILMEN TIBET.



"Whereabouts are confirmed. Everything is ready. When are we going?" I asked, calmly.

I was going through my laptop and was tracking the location. Because apparently for Elena everything should be planned, carefully. I tilted my head as it was blurry from that corner. Since I was sitting just beside the window and the sunlight and smoke were blocking my view. So to get a better view of my pretty witch I had to. I'm used to this black chair and messy desk but I know I need to clean up now. As Elena is a total neat freak. I looked at her; I knew my green eyes were glowing. Many fell for it. But Elena? She seems to be immune to it. What can make this pretty witch move? I was wondering as I looked at her.

"I'm ready, just let me darken my lipstick. Red is always good when torturing," she smirked while applying something, probably some makeup. She kept staring at her reflection, probably admiring herself.

"Why do you always do makeup and dress up here? Your apartment is way more luxurious. Even if this is a bungalow, this is my base," I said, louder than before. I was stressed about my words because she looked too fascinated by her world.

"That's Elena's house. You work with E," she replied, calmly. She still hadn't diverted her gaze from the mirror in front.

"Yeah. And what represents 'E' Eris, or Enyo?" I chuckled, sarcastically, still loud.

"E is for me, no one cares about the mythological goddess. It's me and me." She plastered a mischievous smile on her slick face while making her point clear. Her dominance always makes me fall right.... where...

She was wearing black long boots which were hiding her long legs. With a collared coat that was covering her red top beneath. Her hair was not straight nor curled. Just transitory between both states. They were sitting beautifully on her shoulders. She wore her mask which she calls a veil and shrugged. Then she smiled, probably admiring herself.

She looked too hot to be not noticed. And when her personality is this seductive then there is no way out. Yep, I'm talking about myself.

"I don't get why you always spend hours when you have to change this look just after one hour. Those mfs are lucky."

"You never do that for mm," I sighed, with a hint of disappointment. Just attempting to flirt which was failing every time.

"You can try. Then I will doll myself even more as I will devour your fears. And the things which make you forget yourself. It will be a great experience," she said, as she looked right into my eyes. Her deep voice pierced through my ears. And I could see her golden-brown orbs shining like stars. With her hair down and hanging in the air like dancing. She was truly a pretty devil with an angled face. At this moment I wanted to kiss her and felt her right in my arms. Well, I wanted to do this for the last 2 years but we will get back to that later.

"What? Moved by my beauty," she said, and I snapped right back into reality.

"No, thanks, I'm good as dead already. So no need for you to do so much," I stammered, as I was trying my best to avoid eye contact. I'm not scared to meet her gaze. I'm scared of losing control. Because if I did it will be messy as fuck. In our two years of working that's what I'm sure. Being calm and logical is the key to getting her.

And you lose both when you see her.

Shut up.

We got out of my old story bungalow walking steadily but slowly. And now we're on Alfred street which was buzzing as usual but the traffic was smooth. I was trying to pace the car fast but also making sure that it remained unnoticed.

Are you kidding me? Does BMW remain unnoticed?


Honestly, even if the whole world's weather changes, in London Ontario it remains the same. I wondered as I looked at the clouds that looked like brewing coffee only the style, not colour while the cold air struck me. Getting my hair to leave its place.

I looked at Elena from the corner of my eye. She had closed her eyes and was lying comfortably on the seat. She was looking like the calmest person just like the morning ocean but that's the biggest mistake one can make. She's not even a tornado; she's a fucking tsunami. Calm and her are two parallel lines. Even though people will know Elena as a naive and clumsy little physician working in Colborne family medical centre, as this is her cover. Little do they know.

And it's good that they don't know.

"Hey, don't you get tired of always going through secret tunnels and places to get beneath MCMahen? I have said many times, ``Let's change the place to Suho," I muttered, trying to light up the atmosphere while looking ahead. But she was not even listening. We have been working together for 3 years and all I can say about her is: that she is like a demon in angel clothing. Who loves to play with emotions. I should never get carried away with her physical proximity, that was the thing I was warned about.

And you did it.


I wished mom was here. She would tell me a little more as she met her before me with god know-how. But still, It won't change the feelings I have. I guess it will just strengthen it.

"We are here, shall we go?" I tilted my head towards her and asked in a professional tone. Simultaneously as I stopped the car. My BMW didn't utter a sound as I parked smoothly around the crowded parking lot. Okay, it did.

We got out. And she snapped the car door loudly making me hiss in annoyance.

"Hey, I know you're richer but that's my baby BMW. Please be gentle." I cried out as I gobbled the key in my jeans.

"Where is Aunt Mia?" Elena asked like I should be the one knowing.

Bitch you should be the one knowing.

Yeah, let me look.

"There she is, just like you, wearing witchcraft." I giggled while giving directions towards the late end of the parking place. It was also the entrance of Mc Mahen; the greenest park in Ottawa.

I don't get why she collects the worst enemy of the person she's going to kill. Why?

So that the torture becomes a whole lot of fun.

Or maybe we can get money to become richer.

I giggled particularly to myself to which she just twirled her eyes. We hastily made our way toward Aunt Mia who was still grieving for her dead daughter. Which could be seen by her pale eyes and wrinkled face.

Her face lightened up as soon as she saw us.

"E, I want to wi-witness this with my own eyes." She exclaimed with sheer determination but her little stuttering showed she was scared. She had hooded eyes like they haven't slept but her stern posture looked more like a warrior going in for war.

It's so amazing to think I'm the only one who is alive after seeing Elena's face and knowing her name. Everyone in this field knows her as E or the psycho witch and her red mask always hides who she is. It mostly covers the part around her eyes and cheeks. Batman boom boom.

Don't push it or maybe the next face carved from her knife will be yours.

Yeah, I know.

I thought and this feeling was both pretty and scary as I never know when I will be lying beneath the Earth.

"Of course, you will. I have a camera in place with the perfect angle. Now let's go I'm dying of boredom." Elena chuckled. She was glaring into the front way. We walked towards the dark street which was cam just side by side with MC Mahen park and then leading into underground place reserved especially for murders and for all the killers to do anything in Ottawa. We just rented it. Like fr, we need it for one night. Yep, the killing will last one night, weird! We can have our place but Elena doesn't seem to like the idea and she always shrugs at saying the police will be able to find it.

Like she's scared of them.

To hell.

"Finally, we are here," Elena exclaimed, with excitement while darting her eyes at the front door. which was sophistically crafted as the door to hell. This business needs trust more than money and the only thing good about this is that trust is valid. Like, I can be sure with my eyes closed that there are no cameras here by the authorities. Today it belongs to us, so we can do anything here, just not destroy it.

"Aunt now you should wait here for us. You can look at this laptop as we are in the room and you can look away if things get dirty. you can see the torture and death of this man and can finally smile at your daughter."

Who is dead?

Don't make it sadistic.

Who was raped?


I calmed Aunt MIA, who looked like she was a wild animal, out of the wild, but it's understandable. If it's a racist in front, who has killed your lovely daughter, you're bound to be chaotic. I was trying to lighten the atmosphere which was getting darker every second.

"Chatterbox, shall we go in." Elena glared at me while raising her brow.

We opened the door, and it was a pretty dark room with light in the centre. I couldn't possibly recognize that the guy with tied ropes and messy hair is Vincent. A middle-aged guy or the leader of the renowned gang in East London Ontario, but guess what, now he's the prey of my pretty Elena.

No, the scary Elena

And first of all, there is no 'my' yet.

So easy to say and so hard to convey, I haven't witnessed a single person in my life, who after becoming the prey of Elena was able to run away.

Pretty luck to you.

Shut up, will you?

I jerked my head to not get lost in the heated conversation going in my head and to pay attention to the murder in front. I was especially happy because this guy is a scum shit. And he will die today.

"I will say it once, and won't repeat it. As you can already feel that your feet are full of blades deep in. So you possibly can't run. So don't try to anger me."

Like he will.

"I will ask you a question, and only the right answer is allowed. You know as a famous 'E' I don't like liars."

Heads up for what? He has already given in. Damn, he has pissed, that's how scared he is.

Elena said while lifting his chin and her deep voice was piercing right in my throat. When she was not even talking to me. And the echo could be heard all around the whole room

"So did you rape Sarena?" she asked, while raising her brow.

"Y.....e...s," Vincent stuttered, as his voice cracked from the pain of the blades.

"Very good you had a good start," she exclaimed with a mischievous smile.

"What is your fear, Vincent?" Elena was looking so deep into his eyes like when a lion observes his prey closely.

"You already know it, what's the use of asking?" Vincent said again with a nagging voice.

I felt like an outsider as Elena was again in her world. While Vincent was probably having the worst time of his life and I was like an observer taking it all in.

"WHAT'S YOUR FEAR, VINCENT HAROLD?" Elena said, with a loud voice. Which shivered the fear of Vincent.

Even when she knew his fear, she was asking. She can be a great actor for all I know.

he cackled while he said with broken words, "It's W. A.S... P! I fear them like hell."

"What a good person you are. It's great you said the truth. I will give you a quick death with only 15 wasps," she flatly replied.

"How many were you going to lurk in, if he lied?" I finally broke the silence which was lurking me. I asked with a confusing expression.

"Maybe 100," she giggled. Was she born like this or became along the way, I contemplated.

"Now let me do something to please some people." Elena smirked as she took a knife. Which she had crafted by herself. She started creating an E on Vincent's bruised face. In a fir, she cut the chin and tempered her hand while moving low and making the cut and deep bruises until the sex organ of Vincent...

Holy shit, but he deserves it.

She stopped for a while and then was surprised ! She kicked him there and he screamed. She always surprises me. As a guy I felt a sharp pain through my all body, especially my treasure and I fucking feel bad for Vincent. I can't even stand properly now.

"F..... U... C...KKK!" Vincent screamed as loud as he could. While still stuttering like he has something in his mouth stopping him to scream further.

"Oh my, you shouldn't scream this hard. Remember Sarena? The recent girl you raped wasn't loud. Be quiet like her even though it's a soundproof place. I don't like loud voices. Don't make me angry Vincent." Elena said in a serious tone. For a moment it looked like she did this all for Sarena not for her eccentric fantasies. She chuckled and I took back that thought. I'm rethinking my decision when I joined her.

Bitch you're loving it.

"Now let your fear devour you. As I'm a good person, I will let you know what's going to happen. I don't like surprises too, so how can I do this to you? So let me tell you, 15 wasps are going to enter this room after we leave. As you're wounded, your dirty blood will attract them, also this incense which I'm spraying has a little poison in it which will combine with your blood and every second you will feel the urge to just die. Nevertheless the wasp will eat you slowly and slowly until 20 minutes later you can leave for hell." She explained like parents do when their toddlers break something.

Scary yet sophisticated.

Sweet yet poisonous.

Like I had tasted her.

Don't you want to?

"Hey, what are you doing now?" I asked, pushing my stupid thoughts back in and seeing Elena who was doing something with her knife on Vincent's cheek.

"Why are you being a busybody" I am just making sure everyone knows he was a prey of E." She said as she was carving an E on his face. Yeah her recognition mark...

I sighed.

"Let's go," Elena said, as she was walking towards the door.

"Okayyyyy," I said, as my voice was cracking, all this is not new to me. But I still tremble that she does it like she's been butchering since childhood.

The same goes for your genius.

We got out and Elena was explaining some things to Mrs Mia as she couldn't hear through the laptop all the wasp thing. I noticed a mirror in front of me and recognized my appearance. My hair was damp because of the humidity and my casual pants and shirt were making a messy but pretty appearance. Even though I don't have a perfect face shape, my nose is perfectly made. From the face shape I meant, I don't have a mafia man cutting jawline but my face is still better than those abusers on Wattpad.

I proudly smirked.

"Let's go." Elena flatly said and I snapped back to reality.

"But what about him? Who's going to clean up? What about her? how can you trust her with all this, and what will happen if he is still alive?" I asked because she is sometimes confusing as hell. Fuck the mysteriousness!

But she continued to walk, being indifferent like she couldn't hear me.

"Hey, where the fuck are you going now?" I asked loudly.

"Cemetery. Don't follow me," She said, slowly but with a beautiful rhythm. She trailed slowly and started fading into the limelight of the sunset.

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