
You can always trust me.

The duo continue to battle through the the Giant skeletons, Solaire taking the blows with Havel's shield and Reima casting spells from behind him. While the spells aren't able to permanently kill them, it didn't prevent gravity working properly and dragging the large bones into the abyss below, rendering the enemies essentially dead. They progressed but Solaire found himself staring at a tomb with Reima behind him encouraging him to slide down it to the barely visible floor below...

Solaire hefts his shield, "I refuse! There is surely a better option than risking my hide for this-this deathtrap!"

Reima "There isn't another way... Don't make me push you again." he threatens. "You wouldn't" is heard before a grown mans terrified screams are echoed through out the cave.

Reima follows his companion down the slippery tomb only to get punched in the face by a fuming Solaire. "Cutthroat traitorous imbecile! I warned you not to do that again!" he shouts, the embarrassed blush on his face from his earlier screams extremely visible.

Reima gets up and rubs his face, "I hate to rain on your parade but look behind you." Solaire glances backwards expected to be attacked... Only to see four more tombs on their path forwards. Solaire visibly pales, "Who designed this! I'll flay them alive!" he says loudly, trying to cover up his dread at having to slide down more of them.

Reima lets Solaire freak out a bit longer before intervening, "Youknow, I can probably just teleport us across..." he barely gets the words out as he gets punched again... "Why didn't you do so before pushing me down here!"

Again getting up and rubbing his nose, "I thought it'd be funny... Which it was." he says sending a large grin at Solaire who quickly loses his anger, "I'll get you back for this." he states with finality as he grabs Reima's shoulder, intent on getting teleported across.

After getting across the duo continue battling through skeletons until Reima comes across a familiar area, he looks behind them at a large stone coffins reminiscent of Pinwheels domain, the Large Divine ember should be inside... Reima gets Solaire to go first with Havel's shield and as soon as they drop inside they are assaulted by fifteen Giant skeletons, Solaire goes up front and Reima enchants the shield with the Magic Shield sorcery to assist him in defending against the large numbers of enemies.

While Solaire is tanking the hits he starts wildly shooting Crystal Soul spears at the Giants, not to kill them but to disable them for an easier execution later. Solaire's shield is pounded on relentlessly as each Giant struggles past each other to get in their own strikes, while the shield redirects most of the impacts it still all adds up and he's slowly being pushed back. Fortuntaly the Giants being grouped together allows Reima's spells to pierce multiple at a time, making them burst into a shower of splintered bones. He approaches the reforming skeletons and taps them with his Silver sword to completely kill them. After all enemies are eliminated Reima goes to the end of the room where a huddled petrified blacksmith sits, his hands gripping the ember like the other similar statues. Again he snaps off the arm and stores the brightly glowing ember before they both head out of there and continue forwards.

They find a bonfire which they quickly rest at to ensure their progress isn't forgotten once they die, eventually Reima finds someone who he's been itching to see. A bald man wielding a shield and spear smiles at them while standing near a sheer cliff decorated by shimmering prism stones.

Trusty Patches "Greetings, I am good ole' trusted Patches, I'm what you might call a treasure hunter of sorts but... Well I've found myself in a spot of trouble." he points at the cliff, "See that? I followed these stones and they've led me to treasure many times before... But I'm not brave enough to look myself, I'm afraid of heights you see."

Reima grins and nods, "That's a problem isn't it, I'm willing to help you out so if you could show me where specifically you need to look that'd be fine."

Trusty ole' Patches returns a similar grin and approaches the cliff before pointing at the vague direction that the Prism stones are heading, "I think it's arou-" he only gets that far as Reima kicks him into the pit harshly, Solaire is slightly perturbed by this but doesn't comment for now as the bald man falls into the pit below before landing heavily.

Patches "Ouch! What on earth was that for!" he shouts from below the cliff, audibly hurt from his fall.

Reima "I was just helping you acquire treasure, see? You're able to reach it now!" he says with mirth while looking down at Patches who is barely visible.


Suddenly the bald man bursts out into laughter, "You really got me didn't ya! You're a smart one, not like those damned clerics! But you better watch your back, from one thief, to another."

Reima shakes his head, leaving loose ends like this doesn't appeal to him at all as he jumps over the edge, blade pointing directly at Patches. "Wha-!" he gives out a shout as Reima surprises him with a sword through the heart, if that weren't enough the impact of Reima landing on him had crushed most of the bones in his upper body.

Reima gets up close to his face as blood dribbles out of Patches mouth, "Oh, sorry.. I slipped! Not to worry though, you can always trust me, we're friends after all?" he says, letting the irritation from his past interactions become audible.

Patches can only give out a pained hoarse groan as he fades away.

I think you can tell my previous experience with this bald headed douche is being channelled... I literally didn't see it coming every time I met this dude, it was only on Dark Souls 3 that I killed first and asked questions later.

If you want to support my work or read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts