
World Intervention.

This world hop feels weird to Reima, as he was charging up the power to jump into the world a sudden pain on his chest assault him. It felt like someone was branding him and as he jumped he blacked out, not from magical exhaustion but the world itself.

A 15 yearold appears in a flash of Turquoise light inside of a jail cell, a suspicious flame also quickly flashes into and out of existence as it directs the teenagers destination. Reima is still wearing the outfit he came to like in Absolver, Shabu guard vest with flexible shorts and sandals, His Gleam cloak still sits on his shoulders as it drifts and ripples in response to his movement.

A few hours later a groan is heard as Reima slowly opens his eyes. "Shit, am I getting rusty or something?" looking around he realises hes in the chosen undead's cell. "I swear I tried to teleport to firelink shrine..." He looks around until a body comes crashing through the roof, a man, Oscar of Astora in his trademark knight armour looks through the hole at him before being blasted away by a huge hammer.

Reima looks at the corpse which has a familiar white orb floating above it, grabbing it reveals a key that materialises in his hand. "Huh, Absolver and DarkSouls aren't that different when I think about it..."

He uses they key on his cell door before storing it away in his Folded space, the long corridor is covered by many grey skinned emaciated people... They have glowing red circles above their hearts like they had just been branded, remembering the pain in his chest Reima lifts his shirt and sees a similar glowing red circle above his heart. "Dark Sign..." The hallway rumbles and vibrates which draws him out of his thoughts, looking to his right he sees a dark room behind window bars, looking through them Reima sees two huge hulking behemoths that look like they're made of stone. They carry huge hammers that probably weight a few tons... Asylum demons, Reima didn't really stay long in the games Asylum which is why he's surprised by the presence of these two giants. Quickly and quietly he runs through and past the Hollow undeads, up the stairs and through various rooms until he gets to a ladder.

Once atop the ladder Reima walks into a courtyard with big doors made of some sort of metal, in the middle of the grass is a sword that points out of the earth surrounded by ash... Reima walks towards it and holds his hand over the bonfire, it sizzles as embers come to life as he gets closer until it bursts into flames which causes his medallion to shudder. Sitting next to it Reima feels complete relaxation and calm wash over him, it feels... Right? to sit next to this warmth, he mentally prepares himself for the giant demon on the other side of the doors before getting up and pushing against them. With his Witcher enhanced strength he pushes against the heavy doors which elicits a large metal screeching before they give way and allow him access. As soon as the doors are open Reima sprints to the left side of the large square courtyard to try and run through a slowly rising metal door, he just about gets through before a huge two or three story high stone demon jumps into the middle of the field, its hammer clutched its hands tightly.

Reima gets past and the door shuts behind him, he continues down a staircase until he finds another bonfire... Deciding to see what would happen Reima grips the sword pierced into the ground and pulls it out, it's rusty blade releases it's grip on the ground as it blazes hotly in his hand. Reima steps away from the pile of ashes and tries to start another bonfire in a different place, he pierces the sword into the floor and tries to ignite it... Nothing happens, maybe it needs something else?

He puts the sword back into it's rightful place and lights the bonfire before continuing onwards.

He dodges the arrows shot by the annoying hollow while pulling Arcell's blade from his Fold Space and slashing it in half, the blade is superbly shard and will never get dull... Reima decides to use it instead of his two other blades that remain on his back for now. Reima comes to the balcony that overlooks the bonfire courtyard and walks up the stairs slightly before rolling out of the way, a large stone boulder comes rolling through and destroys a wall behind him.

Reima walks inside the newly created hole and look at the man who gave him the key to his cell, Oscar of Astora.

Oscar "...Oh, you... You're no Hollow, eh? Thank goodness... I'm done for, I'm afraid... I'll die soon, then lose my sanity... I wish to ask something of you... You and I, we're both Undead... Hear me out, will you?"

Reima "Just drink your Estus and survive... I'll hear your story afterwards." He was always confused at why Oscar didn't just drink one of his five filled Estus flasks to survive...

Oscar "I failed my first test... I'm not worthy of ringing the bells, I leave my dream to you... Please, don't deny me this..." He holds out a large flask full of glowing yellow liquid and a key.

Reima "You don't need to die here, you will become hollow and stalk these halls until the world ends."

Oscar "Thou who art Undead, art chosen... In thine exodus from the Undead Asylum, maketh pilgrimage to the land of Ancient Lords... When thou ringeth the Bell of Awakening, the fate of the Undead thou shalt know..." he slowly mutters to himself a few times before fading away, presumably due to his wounds.

Reima "Man, it's like the world itself scripted this event" He quietly says as he stores the key and Estus.

Oscar is a strange guy...

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts