

Ironia "I do!"


Reima rubs his face, "I don't think you know what you're talking about..."

Ironia "What! How dare you say that! I'll have you know I've studied Monsters since we arrived in this world, and I'm probably more versed on them than you are!" they shout over the phone.


Reima "Miss I-"

Ironia "I'm not a miss! I identify as non-binary!" they cut him off.

Reima "Okay, person. Do you know what my occupation was before I created this city?"


Ironia "A misogynistic piece of sh-"

Reima "-Of course you wouldn't. I'm a Witcher, and incase you don't know what that is, It's a monster hunter specifically created for that job, we've been genetically altered and trained since we are children to combat supernatural threats."

Ironia "And? it doesn't mean you aren't committing genocide!"


Mettaton "We can change caller if you wish Reima-"

Reima shakes his head, "No, I need to clear this up before other people get the same dumb ideas. Look, Monsters from this world, specifically the unintelligent ones are a threat to everyone, even now powerful creatures travel through the Dragon Mountains to try and claim the magically potent territory. It is factually inaccurate that those Monsters are capable of anything but mindless violence, breeding, and eating."

Ironia "How would you know that! Have you ever spoken to them!?!

Reima "No, but I've experienced getting attacked by them enough to understand them well, and I reckon my years of experience would trump whatever you've accumulated up until now." he says, putting down the phone just as Ironia was about to start unleashing a verbal tirade against him.

Mettaton "I have to say, I'd not expected one of my fans to be so rude, let me apologise on their behalf."

Reima "It's fine, can't say I didn't expect something to be mad at me as we took calls, though, I think it's crazy that they think the things they do, even when evidence disputes their claims entirely.

Mettaton nods, "Let's take one last call to end the interview on a positive note." they say, the phone beginning to ring.

"Hello?" a childish voice comes through the phone as Reima listens.

Reima "Hello, how're you?"

"I'm good... I just wanted to say thank you for saving us, those angry men wanted to burn us because we look different. But you stopped them and helped us, gave us a home, food, clothes. I don't want to close my eyes because I think I'll wake up and it'll all have been a dream"

Reima smiles, "No problem, I think the real people you need to thank are the Absolvers managing the wall. They're probably the ones directly responsible."

"We did, I just want to thank you personally. We'd all be dead if it wasn't for you... That's all I wanted to say, thank you!"

*Beep, Beep, Beep*

Mettaton stands and pulls Reima up, shaking his hand vigorously, "Thank you for coming Reima, and for all that you do for the city and we civilians, and thank you especially for agreeing to this interview."

Reima "It was fun." he says, having enjoyed it somewhat despite the small issues he had.

Mettaton "Ah? Then you wouldn't mind becoming a frequent guest?"

Reima immediately shakes his head, "Er, unfortunately I am very bus-"


The sound of sirens starts blaring incredibly loud, notifying that danger is rapidly approaching...

Reima inwardly thanks god as he'd literally been "Saved by the bell", even if the "Bell" is the alarm system for the city. "Ah, I gotta go, duty calls." he says, nodding at Mettaton and disappearing in a flash of Turquoise light.

Mettaton looks at the cameras and spreads his arms out, "Round of applause for our guest, King Reima Ludvig!... Oh, and please immediately head to the underground bunker for your own safety!" he says, all the channels on the T.V screens switching to information on how to get to the bunker.

Atop the Chaos Temple Reima appears in a flash of light, just as a lightning bolt strikes the ground next to him.

Reima "Yo Solaire, what's up?" he asks, the knight in literal shining armor.

Solaire "I am here for the same reason as you, my friend, do you see anything amiss?" he says, looking at the horizon towards the valley wall.

Reima shakes his head, "No... I wonder if it's a false alarm?" he mutters aloud.


After a moment a large shadow appears on the horizon, flying towards them. It's a large green dragon with Iorveth sitting atop its head.

They land on the spot the Everlasting Dragon used to rest in, the dragon turning into Saskia and they both quickly make their way up to where Reima and Solaire are.

Iorveth "An army! A huge army of monsters are approaching!"

Solaire "Monsters? What kind?"

Iorveth "I don't know, but it isn't limited to a single species, I know that much for certain. There are so many flying that I thought an eclipse was occurring!"

Saskia "We spotted them while we were... Patrolling the outskirts of the wall, they must number tens of thousands!" she says gravely.


Reima "Hang on, aren't both of you supposed to be on break? Right now should be Kuretz turn to patrol."

Saskia blushes slightly as Iorveth glances away, "Now is not the time for this." the latter states.

Reima nods, "Iorveth, lead the Scoia'tael and situate them around the city, the wall is functionally useless against a flying threat, and your archers will be vital in defending multiple fronts."

Saskia "And me?" she asks with a look of determination.

Reima "Makesure all the civilians are safely in the bunker, once that's done you can assist Iorveth." he states, both of them nodding and Iorveth flying off on Saskia's back.

Solaire smirks, "I suppose they were doing the "Reverse Dragon Ride" beyond the walls..." he says with a chuckle.

I'm just memeing, no offense intended towards anyone, though, if you find yourself offended then maybe have some introspection.

If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts