

Reima stands with crossed arms as he watches Alphys and Rickert slowly set up their new creation... It looked like a black metal box that had glowing blue veins covering it... Rickert pulls out a compartment and stuffs something into it, as Alphys takes a step back. "You guys going to activate this thing anytime soon?" he asks, tapping his foot.

Rickert "J-just hold on, we're almost done... I'm sure you'll be impressed!" he says, anxiety and excitement both present in his voice.

Alphys nods and readjusts her glasses, "I'd like to say it was all our own effort... But San's chipped in on some aspects..." she says, as she and Rickert walk to Reima's sides. She presents him with a remote control that has a single large red button on it. "Will you do the hono-Wait, you've already presse-"


The box suddenly opens in response to Reima pushing the button, the top slides to the side as a long tube raises and becomes visible... The tube drops horizontally and reveals itself as the barrel of some kind of weapon...

Reima "Huh, cool... How's it work?" he asks, not seeing any way to control it.

Rickert grins widely, "Well you see, Alphys had managed to make it react to your vocal commands... I never thought something like this was possible!"

Alphys blushes slightly and readjusts her glasses yet again due to habit, "It, it was nothing! I already had the technology... All that was needed was to make it compatible with magical energy. P-Please, try it!"

Reima nods and glances at all the targets already set up, "Destroy the leftmost target." he states, a whirring sound becoming audible as the gun turns left, aims down slightly, and begins charging its attack.


Reima "What does it shoot anywa-"


A blue torrent of magic leaves the gun like a blaster from StarWars, the shot heads straight for the target and collides with its chest, not stopping and digging a huge seared hole in its place.

Reima "Impressive... I have to ask, is this the "Gun" I asked you to build Rickert?"

Rickert slowly nods, "It is... I decided that something like this would please you more than one of those regular ballistic ones that shoot lead." he says while scratching the back of his head.

Reima shrugs, "Don't mock the ballisics, yeah your laser could kill humans and probably some monsters, but bullets can mow down armies within seconds..."

Rickert sighs, "Then... After this project I'll work on it, for now I believe this is an achievement worth celebrating."

Reima nods, "Destroy the rest of the targets." he calls to the turret, causing it to charge up and start firing at the rest, annihilating them and causing the barrel of the turret to glow red hot.


The gun starts smoking from the barrel, causing the science duo to start sweating...

Reima "Erm, I'm guessing this isn't supposed to happen?" he asks as they start trying to drag him away.

Alphys "It's overheated! It's gonna blow!" she shouts, leaping out of the way after failing to move Reima. Rickert follows her and they both dive to the floor as the turret explodes.


A shockwave of magic explodes outwards, Reima casts a Quen shield to protect the scientists... Thanking that they'd attempted to test this outside of Ichor, while it might not have killed anyone, the light powered by ambient magic would have definitely all been overloaded and destroyed...

Once it's all over Reima looks down at the duo, "That was great... Make one that doesn't explode and we might be getting somewhere." he says sarcastically.

Alphys and Rickert nod from the floor, both looking at the ruined remnants of their creation with embarrassed and anxious expressions.

Elsewhere :

Nineteen figures were waiting within a pitch-black cave, most look irritated, some fearful, while others didn't show any emotion whatsoever...

Everyone present had incredibly pale skin, glowing yellow irises with black sclera, and ears that end in a point, like an elf's but slightly shorter.

A male wearing nothing but a cloth that covers his lower body and ritualistic scars covering his upper body speaks up, breaking the silence. "Where, is that fool?" he growls out, as if speaking causes him physical pain.

A female wearing robes that cover everything but her face retorts, "You speak of fools but I see none here but you! Kiah! I'd wager that your irresponsibility has caused the trouble we're now in!"

Kiah growls at her and presents his hand, long dangerous looking claws extending from the finger tips, "You dare? Hold your tongue or I'll be forced to break one of our sacred rules Phaidra."

Phaidra reveals her fangs and presents her own claws, facing off against Kiah as the others watch unamused. "I'll tear your throat out with my teeth if you try!"

"Enough, both of you. We are on the precipice of destruction and you still squabble? I am ashamed to call you kin." another enters the fray, a male wearing old fashioned noble robes, thin blonde hair covers his head in patches.

Phaidra "Yes, we'll all take advice from you, Roisin. Let you lead us and deplete the mortals so much that we couldn't drink any longer. Pah!"

Roisin "That was but a failure on my part, but do not act like you had nothing to do with it, rampaging around and gorging yourself on blood like a bloated leech!" he says with a scowl.

A woman with long black hair and wearing a long black dress chuckle from the side, drawing attention to herself...

Roisin "And what's so amusing Morwenna?" he asks angrily.

Morwenna "Ara? I was just struck by how pathetic the Gharasham have become, fighting one another like mortal children." she says, causing many yellow eyes to glare at her

Ya, many new characters... All of this tough bois.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts