

Solaire had no idea where he was going, the sound of fighting in the hall was now a distant memory as he'd been wandering around the Churches underbelly for who knows how long. It was like a maze, and Solaire hated mazes.

The area wasn't like the welcoming he received above ground, the candles and incense were no-longer present. Only torches occasionally providing light were around, making this dungeon feel, well... More like a dungeon.

Eventually, he reached some stairs leading down into darkness, no light was present down there but this wasn't a problem for Solaire. He unsheathed his sword slightly to allow the blade's light to illuminate the area. Now, instead of the marble floor and walls, he was familiar with, were stone brick. Another few minutes of walking allow him to spot a distant light, he quickly sheathes his blade to prevent being spotted and starts quietly moving towards it, as he does so voices start becoming audible.

"How long is it going to take for fuck sake." someone growls in irritation.

"Don't know, but that freak will give up eventually. I'm thinking that removing its other arm will get it talking." they say wit ha chuckle.

"Hah! Maybe we should tear out those eyes, they don't belong to human's so why should it have them?"

Solaire has had enough of listening to them and decides to interrupt, he walks out from the shadows and into the room. The only thing inside is a table with Gwent cards atop it, the two men sitting opposite each other dressed in Witch Hunter gear.

They immediately stand as they see him and draw their weapons, "Who're you? Identify yourself!"

Solaire "My apologies to you both, but you seem to have my friend imprisoned. Would you please retrieve them? I would hate to have to force you."

The two look at each other and laugh, "Hahaha! Look at this fuckin' tough guy, thinkin' he can take us two on one."

"Ow' about this sunshine? You discard your weapon and I'll only remove one 'and. Good deal right?"

Solaire shakes his head in disappointment, why do people wish to die so much? "Well, forgive me if I don't appear as Jolly as I usually am. But, I have a duty to do." he states as lightning begins to form in his hand.

The two Witch Hunters freeze at the display, and can only watch as the lightning elongates and slumps to the floor like some kind of limp rope.

Solaire flicks his wrist and causes the lightning whip to cut at the two men, this is more powerful than he had expected as it completely slices them in half, their torso's severed cleanly from their lower bodies. The duo screams painfully for a few seconds but Solaire flicks his wrist again, causing the whip to decapitate them both, finally ending their miserable existences.

Solaire "Now, let's see where our lost Witcher is." he mutters as he opens the next door and walks on through.

Inside he encounters the thick smell of burnt flesh along with the sound of some sort of live flame. The hallway before him is extremely long and the walls are covered in iron bars. Inside those are the cells of people captured by the Eternal Fire, most presumably to be publically burned later on.

When they see someone not wearing the Witch Hunter gear they all immediately leap at the bars and begin begging for him to let them go. Men and women of a variety of races plead for him to free them, peculiarly there doesn't seem to be any children present?

Solaire "Pardon, please quieten down for a moment." he asks them in a commanding voice, "Do any of you know the location of the Witcher known as Arie?"


A middle-aged elven woman nods, "I do! He was brought to the torture room and has been screaming every morning and night for days. Tonight is the only night he's been silent!"

Her words cause Solaire to frown, "I must check to see if he's still alive then, where is this torture room?"

"It's at the end of the hall... Will you let us out now?" she pleads.

Solaire briskly begins walking to where Arie is purported to be, not really knowing how to deal with all these people. He crashes through the metal door at the end of the hallway and scowls when he sees Arie with his single hand and feet nailed to a cross, covering his body are brands that'd been burnt into it, they resemble crosses similar to the ones the Eternal Fire displays on their uniform and the one he's currently nailed to.

Solaire "My friend! Are you awake?" he asks quickly.

Arie stirs and his cat-like eyes flicker open, they're bloodshot as he peers down at Solaire hatefully, only to realise he isn't his torturer. "You, you're Solaire right?" he asks with a harsh voice.

Solaire "I am, I will try to get you down. Please don't struggle." he says as he lays the large cross on the floor and pries the nails out of his friends limbs."

Arie "Hurrgh, fuck. Shit stings." he groans in pain as the rusty looking nails are pulled.

Solaire "Are you able to stand?" he asks while kneeling down.

Arie slowly tries to get up with Solaire's assistance, brushing the Sun God's hands once he's standing. "Yeah... You see my damn silver arm blade?"

Solaire shakes his head, "I have not, but we can simply get another made. Right now we need to leave, there are many prisoners that also need help but I am unsure of how to deal with them."

Arie shrugs, "Isn't it obvious? Take them with us, these fucking cunts treat people like shit and kindling." he growls.

Solaire nods, "Indeed, but how are we going to escape with around forty people?" he questions, a frown on his face.

Arie is back, and has some cool new tattoo/brandings to show for it... Minus the arm of course...

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts