
Silver Crown

Ciri look around in confusion as her target practise begin to flee, she cuts down a few trying to escape but can only do so much to those running away. She taps Seath on her shoulder while walking towards Nerissa, she can see a blonde haired woman holding her arms out as if to hug the girl but Nerissa just walks away, leaving the tear stricken woman sobbing quietly on her knees.

Nerissa walks up to Ciri and just stands in-front of her without moving, Ciri smiles and hugs the young girl, her small arms wrapping around her waist as she tries to comfort her.

Ciri "Once this is all over I'll introduce you to our family." she says quietly in a soothing voice.

Nerissa nods her head in agreement while in Ciri's embrace. She looks over to see what Reima's doing and can see him talking to the other group of vampires, she recognises the weapons they're carrying as the ones used to kill Talicia. Looking down she decides that comfort can come later, revenge is best served as soon as possible after all.

Ciri pats Nerissa on the back, "We still have a job to do, you don't want Reima to have all the fun do you?" she asks.

Nerissa pulls away and rubs her eyes with her forearm, smeared blood replacing her tears as she walks over to pick up Iaito. "Belmont, suffer." she states as she walks over to Reima, the one armed Abyssal creature following dutifully after her. They have to step over a few charred corpses as they go, they try to walk over to where Reima is but find the temperature surrounding him too unbearable to approach.

Reima notices them standing a few meters away and nods his head with a smile, "I've been keeping them warm for you Snuffles... You want the big one or the small ones?" he asks.

Nerissa points to Leon Belmont and Reima nods, "You two handle that douche bag, I'll stop his retard kids from giving him a... Hand." he says, emphasising "hand".


Ciri glances from the hand currently resting on the floor that used to belong to Leon, "Your jokes still suck."

Reima "No, you suck." he says with his arms crossed, still holding the Staff of Manus and his Silver Sword.

Before they're about to get into another argument Nerissa tugs Ciri's torn clothes with an un-amused look.

Ciri huffs, "Fine, but this isn't over." she adds at the end.

Reima walks towards the group of around twenty five vampires that has three standing ahead of the rest as if they're leaders of the pack. "You wanna introduce yourselves before I crush you?" he asks.

The one who had previously tried to persuade his father to leave nods and bows to him, "I am Trevor Belmont, may I have the pleasure of learning your name?"

Reima shrugs ,"Reima Ludvig... You know, if you wanna run I won't stop you." he says after deciding that this one guy isn't so bad.

Trevor shakes his head as the two others step forwards, both have short black hair, red eyes and a silver whip at their sides. "I am Christopher Belmont, son of Trevor Belmont." "I am Simon Belmont, son of Christopher Belmont."


Reima "Some fucked up family you guys have got there." he says as he begins to prepare for the battle.

Reima clicks his neck and stabs the Staff of Manus into the floor, deciding to go back to the basics. He points the Silver Sword at Trevor, "You'll die last." he says as he dashes over to them. Trevor retrieves what looks like a segmented sword and drops into a martial stance that Reima doesn't recognise. Simon and Christopher unclip their whips and begin spinning them to gain momentum on the first attack.

A vampire sprints in-front of them while shouting something about "Loyalty", they wield a silver sword and try to bring it down on the charging Reima. However Reima just catches the sword and twists his hand, causing the weapon to break in half. The vampire looks as if he's just shit himself as Reima rears back for a headbutt. They try and back away but are hit in the face, their skull imploding from the force and sending blood and grey matter everywhere before turning to ash...


Any of the other lower ranked vampires who had idea's of running ahead and confronting him immediately thank whatever god they worship that they hadn't gone first. The crazy look on Reima's bloody face as he licks the now boiling blood from his face makes them back away in fear.

Reima "Come on, FIGHT!" he shouts, with the three Belmont generations jumping into action.

Immediately the fight changes into something he hadn't fought before, Trevor's segmented sword extends into some kind of whip. This combines with the other two and dexterously moves with them, not tangling or affecting another's trajectory. This gives Reima no where to move and they begin to close in on him... This would be the end for any normal person, but Reima is simply a being on a higher level than they are. As the silver whips come down on him he pushes his aura at them, causing them to melt into molten slag that hits him but doesn't affect him at all.

Reima brushes off some lava from his shoulder and looks over to them, un-amused... He had thought their weapons would be like his own and survive a little longer... But turns out he had forgotten that they didn't have access to "God Metal" or Titanite like he did.

He uses Telekinesis and gathers the molten silver into a clump before shooting it at high speeds towards the youngest Belmont, Simon.

He tries to dodge but the shock of losing his weapon so quickly has him unable to dodge.

Simon's getting the Game of Thrones treatment...

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts