
Royal Weeb Scientist

It takes a couple minutes for Undyne to collect herself after their fight, still, she wouldn't admit that she lost fairly but Reima didn't really care about that.

Reima "Let's get moving, I have no idea how long it'll take that kid to get through the blockade."

Undyne nods "The royal scientist's lab is nearby, she should have all the answers your looking for."

Reima nods and gestures for his group to follow. They walk for a while and the purple grass eventually disappears, leaving bare orange stone while the temperature continues to rise. Undyne got so hot that she had to take off and carry her armour, leaving herself dressed in a tank top and trousers.

Undyne "Whaddya looking at punk?" she asks the group who're all watching her undress.

Priscilla "Isn't it considered impolite to undress in front of the opposite gender?" she asks innocently.

Undyne "No... Why?" she replies, oblivious to what the half-breed is referring to.

Reima shakes his head, "This is another world, they probably don't have the same standards as us Cilla." he says with the half-breed nodding in agreement. Undyne herself doesn't care enough to pursue the topic.

They all continue until they come across yet another rickety wooden bridge, though this time it's suspended over a lake of lava...

Reima "Okay, now this is pretty fucked... Who puts a wooden bridge over lava!" he exclaims when he catches a glimpse of it.

Undyne punches him on the arm, "What? You scared now?" she asks with a laugh.

Reima shakes his head, "No, but you should be... What do you think would happen if you fell in that." he says pointing to the lake of lava.


The monster looks down and gulps when she thinks about it seriously, "Now that I think about it... It is pretty dumb... I'll have to ask Alphys about it..."

Reima "Yeah, you do that." he says as he grabs Priscilla and Nerissa before teleporting them all across. He wasn't about to make them walk across what could potentially be instant death.

Undyne "Hey! Wait for me!" she shouts as she hesitantly makes her way across the bridge, wishing that Reima hadn't made her aware of its perils. Once across she leads the group to a large metal building with "LAB" written on it in bold letters.


The group enter while Reima tries his hardest not to comment on the "sign" outside, the doors open automatically like the ones you'd find in a supermarket or a sci-fi novel.

Undyne "Alphys? You here?" she shouts into the pristine-looking lab.

Reima walks inside and examines the place, spotting some kind of giant monitor watching the same child that'd caused him so much trouble previously. Next to it was a computer atop a desk completely covered in sticky notes denoting passwords, reminders, and times on it. Next to that was a fridge, which when opened revealed... A lot of Soda and Raman...

"Undyne!?! Is that you?" someone shouts from a room only accessible from what looks like conveyor belts.

Undyne "Yeah! Get in here, you've got guests."


The sound of heavy, clumsy feet alert the group to the new arrival... They're carried into the room by the conveyor belt and the group eyes her curiously... She looks like a nerdy dinosaur in Reima's estimation, the glasses, hunched back, buck teeth, and lab coat give the impression of the ultimate introvert.

Alphys "Undyne... I thought you were confronting the... Human..." her words trail off as she sees her guests. "A-are they humans!?!" she exclaims fearfully.

Undyne shakes her head, "Nah, they told me they weren't and that's good enough for me!"


Alphys looks at the group, "Well... I am Alphys the Royal scientist... Nice to meet you?" she says anxiously.

Reima nods, "I'm Reima, this is Priscilla and Nerissa" he points to them each respectively.

Alphys nods, "W-what are you doing here? All civilian monsters should have been evacuated by now." she asks

Undyne snorts, "These guys say they are from "Another world"... I think they're just pranking me!"

Priscilla shakes her head, "No, we don't belong in this world. We were supposed to be on a vacation but when we encountered that burning village we started to investigate."

Alphys "I-Investigate? And... What did you find?" she asks curiously.

Reima frowns, "A psychopathic kid that tried to murder us, they possess some kind of ability to change memories and teleport people... That or reversing time." he quickly explains.

Alphys look at the large monitor with the kid currently displayed on it, "Hmm, I haven't observed any abilities like that... But if they do indeed reverse time then that would explain their peculiar actions and reactions to unexpected things."

Reima "What do you mean?"

Alphys picks up a control and walks over to the monitor, changing it to some recordings she'd taken of the child fighting monsters. The group watch as they deftly avoid all the magical attacks and strike at the vulnerable points on each monster, turning them to dust when they're killed.

Reima is slightly confused at one thing, "Why do the monsters turn to dust when killed? Are they vampires or something?"

Undyne gives him a weird look, "All monsters turn to dust when killed..."


Reima "Huh, I'm starting to feel bad for mistaking it as snow..." he mutters.

Alphys shakes her head and turns back to the monitor, "If the human is able to reverse time then it would explain how they almost always know what's coming... Even attacks from behind don't seem to be effective against them."

Reima "Well, every time I killed them time was reset... I must've killed them a few hundred times to be honest..."


Undyne "Then, there isn't a way to beat them?" she asks with a hard look.

Alphys shakes her head, "No... There is always a weakness, but I think we should talk with King Asgore about our actions moving forwards. This new information is worrying..." she looks at Reima and the group, "Will you come with us and explain the situation to our king?"

Reima nods, "Yeah, I was hoping to talk with them anyway... Once this is all over I may have a job for them."

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts