
Not dying today!

The group keep on battling through the white marble room, Reima thinks he can hear a pained whimper every time he accidentally damages something inside the room. He guesses it's probably Logan or Grigg's, as they're the only one who care enough about this place to be physically affected when he destroyed something that could contain priceless knowledge, to be honest he wouldn't be surprised to have spells cast at his back due to their over-the-top reactions.

They'd just finished off another Channeller when the room suddenly goes silent, they look around and realise all the enemies on this and the second floor are dead. Not a moment passes before Grigg's and Logan start tearing the bookshelves apart trying to find information on magic or anything related to it. Solaire and Reima don't really know what to do at this, do they just leave them to their research and try to clear out the archives themselves? The only option Reima can think of is trying a very, very overpowered Axii... And even that probably wouldn't work as they're minds are magically protected due to their studies in sorcery and strong souls. They go up the second floor and start looting anything that was dropped, Solaire's about open a chest when Reima stops him and slams his foot on the wooden container, it shudders and opens revealing many large teeth... One dissected Mimic later and they pick up the dropped Crystal Knight shield, Reima hands it to Solaire who gives back the regular Knight shield... With it being enhanced by Crystals it's slightly magically resistant and bound to be very useful in their fight against Seath. They reach the elevator that'd lead to the unbeatable boss fight where you'd have to die and Reima decides he'd rather not lose anymore memories and teleport's himself and Solaire to the next visible floor, leaving the Mentor and his student to on their own in the first floor.

One they appear on the next balcony they are immediately assault by many spells, Solaire blocks them with his shield and Reima casts a couple Crystal Soul spears at the multiple Channellers targeting them. They seem smarter than the previous ones as they teleport away to another balcony, dodging his spells and casting their own. Solaire isn't able to block anymore as a large number of Crystal hollows have started to converge on them, the revolving stairways are rotated to allow access to them. Reima ducks under another spell and teleports to the offending caster, they seem surprised when Arcell pierces their back and revealing itself from their chest... They seem even more surprised when Reima removes his sword, picks the almost dead channeller up like Darth Vader and throws him to the first floor, almost hitting Grigg's as it heavily hits the ground. Seeing this, the other channeller immediately start casting spells at him, ignoring Solaire who's tearing through the large number of Crystal Hollows while laughing uproariously.

Reima remembers Logan's reaction to him damaging the books, he takes a book from a nearby bookcase and throws it at one of the Channellers, it immediately abandons spell casting and tries to carefully catch the book, not realising a Crystal Soul spear is quickly approaching him from behind the book. It destroys the book as it creates a large hole in the Channellers stomach, surprisingly it seems more troubled by the books destruction than it's fatal wound.

The duo continue to fight the seemingly never ending Spell casters and crystal grunt soldiers, about maybe an hour or two later they've finally killed everything that was attacking them. Reima doesn't look anyworse for wear due to most of the damage he had taken being Magical, Solaire however has many scuffs and marks on his silver armour, despite his skill with sword and shield he still managed to take many hits. Reima had spent most of his time killing the Channellers who seem to keep arriving through the various entrances of the room, they don't have any time to rest for fear of more enemies arriving. They continue to explore the room until they come across a bonfire on a balcony that over looks Anor Londo in the distance.

They sit down and Reima decides to spend his souls to upgrade his Dexterity, just in-case he dies and loses the majority of what he's earned. He absorbs the stored souls and allows his nervous system to be upgraded, Reima can feel a prickling feeling in his eyes as well, he assumes this has something to due with his visual perception, or how effectively he can spot something moving quickly. He upgrades his Dexterity to what he thinks is 5-7? Not a lot but he's currently got two level 99 stats which makes it much more difficult to improve his soul level. Reima leaves Solaire at the bonfire and tries looking around the room, he vaguely recalls there being a secret entrance behind the book shelves, he's not about to destroy many priceless documents and magical research just to find a shortcut to their goal. Unfortunately he doesn't seem to be able to locate it, he even tries to see if his medallion would react to any magical presences. As soon as he attempts it though, his medallion goes crazy, it seems the high volume of Crystals present in the archive are making the ambient magic much higher than normal. While his medallion would eventually get used to the higher than normal presence of magic Reima doesn't think it'll actually help at all, after all he's pretty sure the shortcut is moved mechanically....

Yeah, as someone who's able to teleport and effectively skip Seath's unbeatable boss fight Reima would definitely refuse to be killed again... Especially after that mind fucky dream sequence where he forgot his mothers face and whether or not he had a sister.

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As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts