
New management

Ciri "Do you two understand?" she asks the duo kneeling on the floor in-front of her.

Rickert nods "We do! So... Please, keep that woman away from us!" he pleads.

Ciri smirks, "Yennefer? That depends if you truly understood my words..."

Alphys speaks up, "We understood you perfectly! No more testing Prototypes during battles! No more experimenting on rats! No more unnotified utilisation of Ambient Magic! No more hiding failed products in the sewer system!"

Ciri nods, "You better remember that last one! I'd thought a bomb had gone off!"

Rickert "We're truly sorry and seek to make reparations through our creations!"

Ciri sighs, "I have half a mind to shut down your lab, you guys are honestly more trouble than you're worth right now... You're lucky Reima wants you to keep working." she mutters, leaving to start on the massive pile she'd been left with...

Reima had only been gone a day, but the paperwork was already getting to Ciri... At first she'd been determined to do her best, but... After the 6th hour straight of working she'd found herself just randomly signing papers without paying much attention.

Ciri rubs her temples, "Damn, I need a break, or I might break something..." she mutters, feeling slightly guilty that she wasn't able to keep going.


She blinks towards the training grounds to find someone to spar with, hoping to expel her stress on a "Punching bag", however, when she gets there it seems someone had the same idea.

Sieglinde roars and smashes her blade down at the Flame Guard who's frantically trying to defend against it, he's knocked away though, even with his Iron Skin applied the impact was too much for him to handle.

Ciri "Ah, Sieglinde? Didn't think I'd see you here..." she says.

Sieglinde turns, stabs her sword into the ground and takes her helmet off, revealing her red hair and freckled face. "Lady Ciri, do you need something from me?" she asks in a low tone.

Ciri shrugs, "I was just looking to get some exercise in, up for a round or two?"

Sieglinde slowly nods, putting her helmet back on and readying her weapon. Unlike how she usually acts, she doesn't say anything, simply advancing towards Ciri with determined steps.

The two clash, Sieglinde managing to push Ciri back with her strength, but is unable to do anything against her counter-attack as Ciri is much faster.

They spar for an hour or two, neither speaking a word and just simply fighting with all they have. Eventually though one has to give, Sieglinde lies on her back with ragged breaths, exhausted from trying to keep up with Ciri's speed, even though she hadn't even used the Elder Blood.

*Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap*

Solaire applauds the from the side with a bright smile, "Good work you two, a remarkable performance other warriors should aspire towards."

Ciri nods but Sieglinde shakes her head from the ground, "You're wrong, I am unfit to serve..." she mutters.

Ciri "Unfit? Why would you think that? You're stronger than most people I've met." she says.

Sieglinde "I attacked my own comrade and failed to protect Lady Ciaran... I am a failure of a knight!"

Ciri "Ah, you mean in Kaedwen? I heard from Reima, there was nothing you could do-"

Sieglinde "Of course there was! I could have not been bespelled, I could have been stronger, I COULD have not tried to strike down Sif!" she exclaims.


Ciri "You mustn't blame yourself... It was an Elder Vampire, I doubt anyone could have done anything, even if you'd resisted its spell."

Solaire nods, "She's correct! Nonetheless, you still failed Lady Ciaran!" he says, causing both Sieglinde and Ciri to look at him, the former feeling more miserable than even the time her father had gone hollow.

Solaire "BUT! All your failure means is that you still have room to improve! Get stronger! Faster! Train harder and devote yourself to make sure you never fail again. THAT, is what Jolly Cooperation truly is!" he exclaims, pointing at Sieglinde with the same bright smile plastered across his face as usual.

Sieglinde slowly gets to her feet, despite the exhaustion causing her legs to tremble, "But..."

Solaire shows her his palm, "No excuses! Show that you are truly worthy of serving under Reima, and beside everyone else!"

Sieglinde nods, her eyes watering behind her helmet, "Yes!"

A week later :

Margarita was just about to go and visit Ciaran to give her daily mail, however, half way there she felt an uncomfortable buzzing in her ears, making her slightly dizzy and almost causing her to trip... She rubs her temples and frowns, "Have I been cursed? This incessant buzzing has been happening for days now." she mutters.




"H-hello!? Can you*Bwzz*Hear me?" a voice suddenly asks out of nowhere, causing Margarita to jump.

Margarita "Ah! Yes?" she tries to send across, having finally realised the buzzing had been a mages attempts at forming a mental connection.

"Aha! Finally*Bzzz*it you Margarita? I am Zudite, I used to attend *Bzzz* Magical Acadamy"

Margarita's eyes widen, this... Was bad... This meant that her Golem had been found by this person, someone who hadn't even graduated yet!?! "Ah, are you affiliated with anyone Zudite? Or is it just you?" she asks, hoping she wasn't stuck with this person.

Zudite "I am*Bzz"only magic user in my group, but *Bzz* for certain we'll be able to help you."


Margarita "You'll be able to help me for certain?" she repeats, thinking that she'd misheard him.

Zudite "Yes!... Probaby..." he adds, souring the hope that'd opened within Margarita.

I want to ask you readers... To form a mental connection with me. *Blushes*

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts