
Never believe it's not so!

Reima "Well, I wasn't expecting that..." he mutters, feeling that nothing's really changed despite essentially learning the mysteries of the universe.

Ciri frowns, "Wait, if the void is the origin of all magic, and she manages to link it with this "Being", would they basically be a god... Not like you and Solaire, but a TRUE god."

Reima slowly nods, "If the being was able to take it then yes, but think about this... Aren't we basically already linked with the Void via the Elder Blood? If what she's saying is true then we draw in magic directly from the void, even if we don't realise it..."

Ciri sighs and rubs her temples, "All these revelations are giving me a headache..."

Reima massages her temples for her, "Read on Ciri... This journal might contain more secrets about things I'd rather not know about... Like the colour of Asgore's underwear or why a Tomato isn't a vegetable."


Ciri shakes her head at his jokes and continues.

"From what I can experiment with by myself, it seems that the Elder Blood is a genetic trait that allows you to freely take from the void. This is probably the reason why it was so unstable when I was young, I was unable to restrict the amount I took. Another thing is that the magic taken from the void is attributed... Not like the typical elements like fire, water, earth, or wind... But a higher one involving what I suspect is Space and Time.

This is a curse and a boon, it makes it almost impossible to use with regular spells, giving explosive results whenever such a thing is attempted. But, it also allows the creation of spells never seen before, an example of this would be my ability to teleport between worlds at will.

Alas, my research on this line of thought wasn't useful to the being, so they forced me to focus on linking it and the void... Through our attempts a number of things were discovered, one was the fact the being was somehow allergic to the void and its magic... Once contact between the two had been made the being almost destroyed myself and the tower as it tried to escape.

Thoughts of using this to destroy it crossed my mind, but in practice trying to have the void touch a being that wasn't stationary and willing was another matter entirely. With this the void was not useful for the beings use, and I was punished for my "Failure".

After what I think was a couple months of physical and psychological torture I was set to work again... This time, to spite me for the pain that I'd accidentally caused it the being had created something to "Motivate" me. A mirror, containing a live feed over an orphaned child... Blonde hair, blue eyes. It was my son.

"For every failure I will not punish you, but your son" he stated, and I had no reason to doubt him... My son was dirty and seemed to be starving on the streets, something which caused me greater pain than the torture the being had subjected to me.

The "Motivation" worked, I continued to research the void... Spending another few years within my tower, occasionally glancing at the mirror to see my son's progress. Aslong as he wasn't dead I was content, the thought of finding him when I completed the beings task filled my mind as I worked.

Eventually, I made a discovery... Through a method I will not reveal, I managed to reverse the magic taken from the void... Creating something entirely new.

Magic, is nothing made something. But this substance was the opposite, something made nothing. Unlike magic it had many restrictions and wasn't easily changed, but, controlling it was easier than magic due to its predictability.

It was still powered by the void but was filtered through an intricately designed magical circle I spent a number of years creating... Only I could activate it as it is only operable by someone with the Elder Blood, this is the only countermeasure I could add without rousing the beings suspicion.

It worked. Once activated the circle pulled magic from the void, filtered it into anti-magic before bestowing it to the being... Somehow they were able to utilise this "Anti-magic" with ease, I suspect it's due to how the being is remarkably similar to it... Restricted, but powerful when allowed.

With that, I had my freedom... Or so I thought. The beings request was for me to serve it, it didn't specify a time limit which meant that my servitude was eternal. I suspect even my soul would be put to work had I stayed. Due to our deal being partially completed, the being wasn't able to touch, influence or even indirectly affect my son, freeing me from that shackle.

With nothing holding me back any longer I fled, the being was able to slowly follow me through worlds as I was marked by it, and the Anti-magic allowed it some ability to manipulate time and space. It wasn't able to leave on its own, but following me was within its capabilities, forcing me to travel through many worlds just to evade him.

This leads to the present time as I write this journal... I'm getting older, and I've been running all my life. I've decided to try and destroy the being and undo the damage I've done by giving it power. I have devised a plan to lure it here and open a path to the void itself, this should destroy it... However, should I fail I have no idea what might happen due to my actions. This is the reason I leave this journal here, protected within this shield... You, my descendant, will right my wrongs.

I leave you with this final message, do not strike deals with demons, just as Casino's rig the games in their favour, the deals are never fair, nor simple. May the gods bless you - Nalenthi" Ciri finishes, giving a heavy breath and setting the journal down.

Aye, Siwmae! Oooouhheeeiie! What a revelation, oh boy! Well that's it folks, next season will be in around 10... Minutes! Oooohhuieee!

If I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts