

After everyone had made fun of Reima's reaction to the statue he calls for the leaders to gather to the war room so he can get briefed on recent developments, as well as introducing Asgore, his Royal Guard Captain Undyne, Royal Scientist Alphys and regular comedian Sans.

The monsters were given to Kalini so she could sort out where their housing would be constructed, and the House Elves were told to assist in the building of it. Of course they'd be in the same architecture as the rest of the settlement, though some special requirements would be added depending on the kind of monster it is meant for.

It takes around an hour to gather everyone, but eventually, Vesemir, Iorveth, Eskel, Geralt, Ciri, Risryn, Kuretz, Talem, Quelaag, Quelana, Solaire, Priscilla, and Ciaran are all gathered. Reima sits in his usual chair while everyone finds their own chair, Asgore standing next to Reima as he intended to act as his position demanded.

Reima "So. Before we start I'd like to start by introducing Asgore, the new Prime Minister of the settlement." he says, causing many to appraise the monster king, his posture, expression, and demeanor all being taken int account.


Kuretz "Doesn't that make you King, Reima?"


Reima scratches his chin, "Er, no... Why would it?"

Risryn smirks under her mask, "Well, the Prime Minister must serve under the highest authority in the land, that makes you king."


Reima shakes his head and changes the subject, "Anyway, he will be in charge of most administrative duties, low-level permissions, conflicts, and decisions will all be handled by him. I will be briefed at the end of every week so nothing is ignored... Is that alright with all of you?"

Vesemir "It is, though I'd like to learn more about this person before giving them power over us." he objects politely.

Asgore nods and bows at the hip slightly, "Indeed, I would ask for nothing less. What do you wish to ask of me?" he says with a gentle expression.

Vesemir "Well, first I'd like to clarify what you actually are... I've never seen a being quite like you before."

Eskel nods, "And that's saying something." he adds.

Asgore "I am what is known as a "Boss Monster", I cannot age and am rather powerful if you'll allow me to boast."

Vesemir "I'm not arguing with that point, but what are "Monsters", here, in this world the term "Monster" encompasses many races, most of which are incredibly dangerous and violent."

Reima chips in, "From what I've learned in my time with them, their race come in a huge variety of creatures, from monsters that are attuned with ice to those attuned with fire. They are not dangerous, and are pretty harmless unless massively provoked. If you wish to learn more than Alphys is the one to speak to, she's a scientist and probably knows the most about the subject." he says, pointing to the incredibly shy dinosaur standing in the corner with Sans and Undyne.

Vesemir nods, "Very well, I will continue looking int out after this meeting." he says.

Quelaag "I'd like to know how you acquired their loyalty in such a short time Reima?"

Ciri sighs, "How else do you think? He saved them and requested them to join him. Like he did with everyone else." she says with everyone nodding in agreement to her.

Reima "Ah, come on. The threat I had to face this time was really something." he complains at being seen through so easily.

Priscilla nods, "They could reset time and weren't able to die from normal means."

Geralt "Hmm, while it sounds like an interesting story, one I'd like to hear another time, the specifics don't really matter. What matters most right now is how to integrate the two thousand additional people." he states.

Reima "I think you'll find that the Monsters don't hold any traditions that'd be problematic to the settlement. To be honest, they function more like humans from the last world Ciri and I had gone to more than anything else." he says, drawing out bitter expressions from some of the present monsters at being compared to humans.

Asgore "That may not be exactly true Reima, some Monsters hold grudges against humans for imprisoning us for centuries and killing a large amount of us."

Iorveth chuckles from the side, revealing an outfit that looks as if it were crafted by an expert tailor. Black leather with small golden engravings comprises most of it while dark chainmail is visible under it while also forming a small skirt to protect his groan and hips. His unique bow is propped on the table next to him as he grins, "I think the Monsters and Elves will get on handsomely."

Geralt shakes his head in exasperation, "You know the Prospects technically count as human right?"

Iorveth shrugs, "Regardless, humans outside of this settlement all fall under the same category for me Gwynbleidd. Target Practise."

Ciaran ignores the coversing duo and looks at Asgore, "Will it be a problem?" she asks, already preparing herself mentally to quell riots and kill perpetrators that go against the law of this land.

Undyne interjects, "There will be no incidents, I promise you. I will personally make sure everyone understands their position and that this world's Humans are not responsible for the ones we've fought against.

Ciaran looks into Undyne's single eye suspiciously before eventually nodding, "Very well, but you will be responsible for anything that does happen."

Undyne stands and salutes, "Aye, Aye!" she exclaims with a relieved expression.

Reima "So, is that everything you wished to ask concerning our new residence?" he asks everyone and they nod back at him.

Reima "Right, so, let's move onto what happened during my absence shall we? I'd especially like to know who was involved with that... Statue sitting in the town square." he says, making a few present grimace.

Ight, hopefully I got everyone's reaction down properly, note that Lambert wasn't present for reasons...

If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts