
From the skin of your teeth...

The two continue on walking, Phillipa not daring to question what Reima had done to the Vampires, nor if they were permanently dead... She didn't know of any known way to kill one of them, but she wouldn't be surprised if this man had one...

They make a turn on the right when Phillipa almost falls over after losing the support of the wall, a few more Vampires try to attack them but they're cut down like the rest...

The duo reach the end of the hallway they're currently treading and are greeted by a heavy-looking metal door, many locks keeping it closed.

Reima "You aren't holding Cuthulu in there are you? That's the only thing I can see needing that many locks." he says semi-sarcastically.

Phillipa "I don't know what this "Cuthulu" is you're referring to, but these locks aren't meant t-to keep things in... They're meant to keep the V-Vampires out..."

Reima observes what's in the room with Haki and frowns, that's fucking disgusting... With the things within, he could see why the Vampires would need this kind of door to keep their more savage and beast-like kin out, the many deep scratches and blood spatters covering this area is a testament to that. "Is Radovid in here?" he asks, having not been able to spot him within the room .

Phillipa nods, "He is." she states as she steps forwards and starts slowly and clumsily unlocking the door. After a minute the last *click* can be heard, Phillipa tries to push the door open but doesn't achieve anything, stepping back and looking towards Reima before gesturing at the door.

Reima shrugs, giving the door a light kick with slams it open with a monumental sound, almost tearing the thing off of it's heavily reinforced hinges.

Phillipa would comment on his brutish actions but the smell from within the room punches the both of them in the face...

Reima shakes his head, his great sense of smell acting as a weakness at this moment, it truly smelt worse than the depths ever had, and that's saying something... Odd disgusting smellss he'd never thought possible waft in his face as the warm air from the room escapes.

Doing his best to ignore the smell he steps inside, glancing at the sights that disturbed his eyes... There were many people chained to the walls, they were all naked but that wasn't what bothered Reima the most... It was the fact that all of them were missing all of their skin, they resembled the anatomical sculptures you'd see in a science class...

Bleed slowly seeped from their wounds and collected beneath them, being sucked into a small drain and taken somewhere... It seemed they were still being fed due to the amount of faces and urine also present beneath them, the Vampires didn't seem to care about the waste being sucked into the drain with the blood.

Phillipa slowly steps inside and cautiously makes her way over to a man chained against the far wall, he was separated from the others for some reason, and Reima looked at the man curiously, already guessing their identity...

This is probably the reason he couldn't identify him, Radovid's face was completely skinned, leaving nothing but raw flesh beneath... His eyes were completely crusted over with dried blood, but he twitches as Phillipa approaches.

Radovid "K-kill me" he mutters in a low tone, no strength left in his body to produce much sound at all.

Phillipa can't help the sadistic grin that forms on her face as she walks up and smears the potion she'd made on his body... "No, you denied me death, so I'll do the same for you..." she says.

Radovid slumps, despair taking hold as the incessant pain continues to wrack his body... He just wished for this torment to end, ruling the world with a grand empire had completely escaped his mind.


Reima walks up to the other skinned people and waves his blade, decapitating them with a swift mercy not many others could provide. There wasn't much he could do for them, he didn't even think that Anastacia and Reah could heal such injuries, their Miracles copied similar cells structures and recreated it... With their skin completely gone, there was no hope for recovery in his educated opinion.

He then walks over to Radovid, Phillipa standing and attempting to push him away, her lack of sight making her actions awkward... "Don't kill him! HE NEEDS TO SUFFER!" she exclaims, her hoarse throat put to task yet again.

Reima steps forwards and backhands her, sending the blind woman to the ground in a heap. "Yo, Radovid." he greets in a tone not suitable for the situation.

Radovid lifts his head to face the voice, not recognising it but feeling hopeful that this person might end him. "Mmmm?"

Reima "Youknow, a lot of people despise you right? You took the role of the North's leader to combat Nilfgaard, but invaded Kaedwen to absorb their territory and people... The strategy might have been required, but many innocent people were killed due to your actions. I'd not care if that was the end of it, but you used that disgusting religion to keep the populace in check. Liberally burning people at the stake to make sure no upstarts would even think of challenging your rule." he says to the skinned man hanging from chains, "I am Reima Ludvig, King of Ichor... do you remember your actions against me?" he says ominously.

Radovid tries to shake his head, but finds no strength to do so... "N-no."

Reima nods, "You attempted to kidnap my woman in-order to threaten her father who happened to be the Emperor of Nilfgaard at the time... For this attempt, your life was already mine. To be honest, I was slightly scared you'd die before I could reach you... But it seems today is my lucky day." he says, Humanity starting to form under his feet and crawl towards Radovid...

The skinned man doesn't even have the strength to squirm as the tentacles of humanity pierces his flesh and invade his body, causing him to rapidly mutant and corrupting his soul.

Reima "From now one, you're mine." he states.

That's Radovid dealt with bois, hopefully you guys liked how he ended up in the end, someone like that shouldn't get a happy ending in my opinion :P

If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts