
Fields of fire

Jerma "Father! Don't be rude around guests!" she says with a glare, however her words don't seem to reach the elderly man.

Bennet "Tha-fuck ya talking about! He destroyed our barn and you let 'em stay here!? Shoulda just burned the bastard when we had teh chance!" he complains as he gets to his feet, "And why the fuck was I sleepin' on the floor!?"

Jerma crosses her arms, "We felt Mathias here could make better use of it." she states.

Bennet sends a deathly glare at Lennon, "Boy, you'd make your father-in-law sleep on the floor. While some evil bastard uses my bed!?"

Mathias holds up his hands, "Now, Calm down. I'm not sure what you have against me, but I promise to help repair your barn if what you say is true."

Bennet "Shut your mouth! How dare you speak to me without permission in my own home! I bet you've used your demonic abilities to trick my daughter... Haven't you!"

Mathias sighs and sends a glance towards Jerma, if his presence was really not wanted here he could repair their barn and be on his way, perhaps Piana would have some information about where his companions were.

Jerma clenched her fists, feeling like her father was being more unresponsable than usual... Yes, she'd made him sleep on the floor in spite due to the way he'd been treating Lennon, but he was really started to get on her nerves. "Father-"

Bennet "Be quiet! Can't you see your elders are speaking!?" he exclaims.

Jerma scowls and slams her palm onto the table, making the objects atop it shudder, "That's it! I can't take anymore of this dad! You treat everyone like shit and don't stop complaining, ma's probably rolling in her grave wit you acting like this!"

Bennet tries to get a word in, but is interrupted again by Jerma, "Lennon and I have just agreed to assist Mathias, we will be gone for a while and you will have to manage without us... Maybe even hire someone from the village to help tend the fields." she states, grabbing the confused Lennon and Mathias's hands and leaving the house.

Lennon "Ah, Jerma? When'd we agree to that?" he asks.

Jerma "If you wish to stay with father, you're more than welcome to!" she quickly replies.

Lennon keeps his mouth shut, if the choice was between going off with Mathais or staying with his father-in-law then his answer is obvious.

Mathias steps in-front of the two and turns, halting their progress, "I'd stayed silent as I had thought it was a family matter, but I'll have to put my foot down now... My goals are far too dangerous to involve you both. I have no doubt that legions of demon will attempt to impede me-"

Jerma gives him a strange look, Demons? The Holy Empire destroyed all hostile monsters years ago, the only place you'd find them now are those reserves they have, or maybe past the Dragon Mountains... Are you sure you didn't hit your head?"


Mathias "There's no monsters? No demons prowling roads, setting ambushes, destroying villages, and burning kingdoms to the ground?" he asks in disbelief, feeling the foundations of everything he knew get shaken by this new knowledge.

Jerma nods, "I don't know where you're from, but right now is an age of prosperity under the Holy Empire... It's never been as good as we have it now."

Lennon "Er, you might need our help findin' your friends..." he says, receiving a small smile from Jerma.


Mathias thinks for a moment, yes, he probably would find himself lost without assistance... He didn't even know the currency they used in this land, let alone where to go, the modes of travel, or if magic was forbidden. "Hmm... I suppose, I could use your knowledge... I'll pay you a salary, but you have to follow everything I say, for my safety and your own... Do you understand?"

They nod, Jerma speaking up, "I'll go prepare our clothes dear, could you saddle the horses?"

Lenno nods and begins to walk towards the stable, luckily it hadn't been destroyed by the barn collpasing, even if the horses were spooked by it...

The doors to the house open and Bennet walks out, an axe in his hands, "You magic bastard! You got lucky last time, but now I've got a weapon, stay still so I can chop yur' ead off!"


Mathias "Is this about the barn?" he mutters, looking at the debris and beginning to cast a spell. He taps the floor with his staff and causes all the wood to disappear, tapping again to have large earth spikes to shoot out of the floor. They shoot up and connect at the top, creating a trangle that'll block the rain from coming through... With that done he waves his hand and manipulates the earth to create departments for hay, animals, storage, and everything else a barn could possibly need. Once he's sure it's all watertight he looks back at Bennet who's standing next to Jerma, both gaping at him.

Mathias "I think that's good enough?" he asks, knocking them out of their shock...

Bennet picks his jaw off of hte floor and continues walking towards him, "Ye' bastard! You think you can trick me with that? You've probably cursed me' property!"


Mathias sighs and raises his hand the nearby field, the wind starts increasing in speed out of nowhere and somehow a tornado appears atop the field... He snaps his fingers and causes it to burst into flames, scorching the land and causing everyone to sweat from the heat.

Mathias waves his hand which allows the tornado to disappear, turning back to Bennet while leaning on his staff, "Are you sure you wish to figh-"



Yes, Mathias might have gone overboard this time... The old man did deserve it though.

You ever get that moment when you're trying to show off but accidentally destroy someone's livelihood? Yeah, me neither.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts