
Dragon dogs?

The path that leads to the bonfire looks extremely treacherous to Reima, from his current location you'd have to climb down a couple ladders, walk across bridges that Reima swears are swaying and moving and make some tight jumps across almost certain death. All of this while large amounts of weird alien faced creatures and dart shooters try and poison you constantly...

Reima "I'm starting to think it's not worth bothering at this point..." He looks over the ledge again and sees two creatures pulling another apart and start eating it's entrails.

Solaire "Adventuring isn't fun all of the time, but it's the bad parts that build character!" A dart clinks off of his helmet as he finishes, Reima snorts at this skit-like situation.

Solaire "...Character traits such as not being an adventurer..." he corrects himself as another few darts attempt to breach his shoulder plate. He throws a lightning bolt in the vague direction they're being shot from but doesn't seem to hit anything.

Solaire "Shall we quickly continue?" his voice makes it sound more like a command than a question.

Reima nods and then climb down another ladder and kicking another wayward creature from the wood structure.

They make a short jump to reach another platform that doesn't have a bridge connecting to it, they jump again and successfully land without dying...

They reach the bonfire and sit down to rest, while it wasn't very physically taxing constantly watching your step while listening out for ambushes is mentally exhausting. The two sit and Reima decides to upgrade some stats before he dies and loses all his stored souls.

He decides to upgrade his intelligence in preparation for learning sorcery, the process is not much different from upgrading his strength, he absorbs the souls and feels a prickling sensation in his head. The effect seems to be immediate as things he had difficulty with before seem rather mundane now. Not only that, the spells he had learned in his home world seem easier to cast, projecting the formulae into reality is slightly faster than before and elvish incantations seem simpler. He leans off of his knees from his meditation stance and looks to Solaire, speaking on souls, his companions inability to absorb souls troubles him...

Reima "Solaire, I noticed you don't absorb any souls from our fallen enemies?"

Solaire "Yes, well the answer to that is that I do take souls from them... I noticed that you didn't and assumed you didn't need them."

Weird, where do the duplicate souls come from? Do the paradoxical cycles the world is repeating cause errors like this?

Reima "Well, I do as well... Do you have any idea how the souls are duplicating? I haven't noticed a decrease in their quantity since we teamed up."

Solaire "I don't have an answer that would satisfy either of us, perhaps in Seath the Scaleless library would contain some information on this topic?"

Reima "We're pretty far off from there, I'll have a look around to see if I can find anything when we eventually journey there." Solaire nods and they get up to continue through BlightTown.

The maze-like structure makes even progressing in the correct direction difficult, Reima manages to pick up the Shadow outfit, it's similar to typical ninja outfits back on earth. It doesn't seem to provide much protection but allows for maximum flexibility, range of movement and includes shoes that help sneaking. He stores them away as he's not the most stealth oriented person, especially down in the depths of BlightTown where most creatures rely on sight, rather than smell or hearing.


The sound of something shattering makes both undead tense up, they realise that Solaire had stepped on a plate with some kind of meat prepared on it... The creatures that live here use all the trash they find, plates, pots, cutlery and basic furniture. If they weren't such savages that seem to indulge in cannibalism and mindless violence Reima might be tempted to try communicate with them.

A red dog bum-rushes them but gets kicked in the snout by Solaire, they begin to think it's not much of a threat but that's before it starts shooting fire from it's mouth like a dragon. The flames don't do any damage to them but the same cannot be said for the wooden bridge they're standing on. It starts to crack and crumble so they start sprinting to apart of the structure that's not on fire, ignoring the dog as it tries to chew their ankles.

They safely reach the other side but Reima gets grabbed by one of the alien looking creatures, it bites into his shoulder with it's four mandibles and shakes its head like a dog to try cause as much damage as possible, Reima feeling his Gleam cloak get bitten grabs the creature by the neck and throws it towards the flaming bridge. It hits the bridge which collapses under it's weight and falls into the abyss.

He looks down and sees the dragon dog still trying to breach his plated leather boots with it's teeth, he stomps on it's head causing blood and brain matter to cover his boot. He looks to the side and sees Solaire with his foot on one of the monsters that drop rare titantite, Solaire stabs it and the bug-like creature drops two twinkling titanite. He passes them to Reima due to him not having any use for that specific ore.

I'm tempted to just make the BlightTown part as annoying and difficult to read as possible just to give a proper BlightTown experience...

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts