
Elder Blood Witcher

Most people who die and are confronted with a godlike being like to take the easy route... Not this guy. I have been sitting on this concept for a while and want to see if I can write it, starting with the Witcher then the game Absolver and then onto Darksouls 1. Don't rely on there being consistent updates because its unlikely... If you want to support my work or tip me enough to buy a drink please go here >https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross Also, if you wanna join my Discord, here's the link : https://discord.gg/mG4vG5SUbF My next work, a Fallout Newvegas Fanfic : https://www.webnovel.com/book/steel-waste_18419577106748205 I don't own the cover art and have no idea who does, so don't sue me I guess? I also don't own, the Witcher, Absolver, DarkSouls or any other games, anime, books or movies written about.

Niggross · ゲーム
906 Chs

Death Approaching

It isn't long before the game starts, Reima watches with rapt attention as they fly in every which direction, some colliding in air and others barely avoiding disastrous impacts. The people in the top box flinch backwards as a Bludger is knocked towards them, luckily some kind of barrier protects people from having their skulls crushed by the rather ridiculously dangerous looking ball. Reima idly wonders how no one has been killed by that thing yet, he remembers that it's able to easily break bone, so what'd happen if it hit you in the back of the head? Instant death? He can see Ciri on his side unconsciously mimicking the players, flinching left and right as if she's the one dodging instead of them. Truth be told it looks as if she's playing mario cart or something similar.

Throughout the whole game Krum kept making small glancing towards Ciri, Reima wasn't sure if she notices this but for him it's rather obvious. The one most notable was after he'd performed that famous feint, causing his opponent to rocket into the floor, probably disabling them for life with the speed they were travelling at. After this he'd blew a kiss at his companion, she definitely saw this one as she gave him the finger immediately after.

After Bulgaria was penalised for "Excessive use of elbows" the Veela mascots leapt to their feet and start throwing fireballs at the Leprechauns who were taunting them, needless to say, Veela beat Leprechauns. The game is drawn to a momentary break when the Veela start pressuring the referee with their aura, while they are being given stern words by the match officials Ciri looks at him with a smile.

Ciri "This is exciting isn't it?"

Reima "Sure is, we'll be able to play Quidditch in Hogwarts you know?"

Her eyes almost seem to shine as she imagines flying around at crazy high speeds.

Eventually the game is brought to an end when Krum catches the snitch, apparently his pride wouldn't allow the match to go on any longer as the Irish barely squeeze out a win, much to the consternation of the Veela below the stands.

With the game over a ceremony is held by Fudge who gives a golden cup over to the Irish with a stupid grin on his face. The fat blonde announcer has everyone cheer for both teams that had participated for a "Great game", Reima wasn't really sure about the quality of it, but since it was close it would have been interesting to watch... Had he not already knew of the outcome.

After people start filing out of the stadium Fudge approaches Ciri and grabs her hand before rapidly shaking it, "I think you for accepting my invitation today Miss Rivia, I hope you have enjoyed the festivities, surely nothing back in Greenland could ever match up to Britain." he says while brightly smiling.

Ciri gives a lacklustre smile in return and he parts ways with them, Reima leads her out of the stadium, all the while trying to keep a good distance away from the Weasley's and Harry especially.

Once back at the camp Reima immediately starts the fire again, leaning back into his lawn chair and opening a beer. Ciri plops next to his and grabs a beer, "That was fun, but tiring." she says as she takes a sip.

Reima "Yeah, I knew we were going to meet Harry Potter but I didn't expect the Minister to literally push you towards him... That should've been avoided."

Ciri nods, "Do you think he'll ever forgive me?" she asks, unsure whether or not she wants to be forgiven in the first place.

Reima takes a swig, "Maybe? I know for a fact he'll be ostracised by the people in Hogwarts, it might be a extremely manipulative but if we try to help him out he might lighten up... Maybe after hearing your side of the story he won't be as hostile towards you, he's quite similar to you in that he's almost always in constant danger for things he has no control over." Reima says as he places his feet near the fire, the only thing stopping his sandals from bursting into the flames being their unique material and regenerative qualities.

Ciri doesn't comment on the fact that her friends feet should be rapidly burning and thinks over what he had said, she didn't wish to manipulate a fourteen yearold but if that what it took for him to actually listen to what she has to say, maybe it's justified? She's still unsure, either way, she'll try her best to help him through what will apparently be an extremely dangerous year for the boy.

Reima "Oh, by the way, don't drink too much tonight... We will be expecting unwelcome "Visitors" if you catch my drift?" he says in a quiet tone.

She nods in understanding and habitually checks the status of her sword, still sheathed on her back.

Reima keeps an eye on the fair grounds, not knowing the exact time the Death Eaters will be attacking, one thing he needs to makesure of is that Barty Crouch Jr gets away, if not then his plans could all go down the drain, other than that, it's party that only he, Ciri, the Auror's and Death Eaters are invited to.

One thing I found quite strange is the fact that the Death Eaters didn't actually kill anyone, instead choosing to float people around? Seems like a crappy plan if you want to inspire fear...

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts