
Cho'ose your punishment.

Reima is currently escorting Luna to her lesson, the young teen holding a lazy looking Snuffles in her arms while she happily hops along through the hallway. When they're almost at her destination a familiar Scottish sounding voice stops Reima, he turns and sees ravenclaw blue robed Cho Chang looking at him eagerly.

Cho "Reima? Good! I've been looking everywhere for you." she quickly says.

Luna hovers behind him, still stroking Snuffles with a happy look on her face.

Reima "You need something?" he asks, wondering if this is about Krum?

Cho "I've... I need your help with something personal!" she quickly says.

Reima just gives her a blank look, as if to encourage her to continue.

Cho "I heard that you are friends with Harry, youknow... Harry Potter? The Tri-wizard champion?" he nods.

Cho "Well, I was wondering if... If, you could ask him to meet up with me? Or maybe you could introduce us?"


Reima "It depends, why would you want me to do that?" he asks confused.

Cho blushes slightly, "I want to ask him to the Yule Ball."


Reima rubs his face in exasperation, "I thought you were dating Diggory?" he says in disbelief.

Cho "Cedric Diggory? He's not really my type..." she says waving it off, "But Harry? He did so well in the first task not to mention he was already fa-Ahem... A great quidditch player, what's not to like?"

Reima "I'm sorry to inform you that he's already got a date for the ball, I'd appreciate if you try someone else and not badger him." he says, not really liking this girls intentions towards his friend.

Cho's brows furrow as she clicks her tongue at a barely audible level, even for Reima. "Really? That's a shame... Who is it may I ask?" she asks him with an eager look on her face.

Reima "It's not really any of your business don't you think?" he says with a frown.

Cho grumbles, "Bet it's that Granger bint, ain't it?"

Reima doesn't comment and chooses to stay silent, "Well, I'm busy... Let's go Luna." he says to the girl who seemed to be hiding behind him for some reason.

Cho looks at her wide eyed, "Looney?"


Luna halts as she's walking and rigidly turns to face Cho, "Oh! It's the head nargle! I haven't seen you since I became a Gryffinclaw..." she says, her grip on Snuffles slowly becoming tighter.

Cho looks at Reima, "Never thought you'd be hanging around with Looney, guess I was wrong about you." she says as she starts to walk away.

Reima "Hold up, you're not just going to talk shit and walk away. Say it upfront instead of being a sneaky cunt." he says, finally losing his temper with the aggravating girl.

Cho has her arms behind her back and turns slightly to face him, "I just never thought anyone sane would hang around with Looney Lovegood, I wonder what she's doing to get you to escort her around like that? You fucking her? It wouldn't surprise me as you seem to have a hard on for white hair." she says with a harmless smile on her face, despite spouting incredibly vile things about the innocent girl.

Luna "Reima lets go, Nargles always try to get under your skin. There's no point in conversing with them." she says with glassy eyes.

Reima shakes his head, "Man, I never knew you were such a bitch. I'm sure Harry would love to hear this."

Cho's expression darkens, "You do that and the whole school will know that you fuck Looney for money."

Reima grits his teeth, "Right, that's it. I may not be able to tear you apart but I can simply just change my target, from your body to your reputation!" he exclaims, performing an Axii charm on her. "Luna, go to class, I'll see you at lunch."

Luna nods rapidly, "Don't do something that would get you in trouble" she says before skipping away with Snuffles.

Once Luna leaves, Reima is left with a bank faced Cho who, if he didn't know any better looked like she had been hit by the imperius curse. He wondered if the effects were similar as he hadn't had the chance to learn the Imperius curse yet, though it would probably be pretty easy as even the original Harry Potter was able to cast it.

Reima "Now, what am I going to do with you?" he asks himself, but she replies regardless.

Cho "I am yours to use master."


It seems he had massively overpowered the Axii in his frustration with her... If she called him master one more time he might get some sinister ideas for her.... He shakes his head quickly, no. He wouldn't stoop to doing something like "That", instead let's just do as he first intended, destroying her reputation.

Reima "At lunch you will strip naked and run around the great hall shouting your deepest darkest secrets that you hoped no one would ever find out. After that you will forget you ever met me or Luna today, additionally you will claim you tried eating glue which resulted in your actions."

Cho's expression doesn't change but she repeats everything he said before nodding, "I will do as you say master. I will return to my dorm until then." she says before leaving, presumably to get ready for Lunch's "event".

Reima "I feel like I might have gone too far?... Nah, she's a bitch anyway."

Yeah, I always thought Cho was an attention seeking bint. First she dates Cedric as soon as he becomes champion, then moves onto Harry after he's dead. Once Harry died she'd probably go for Voldemort next.

If you like my content or want to read ahead, go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Niggrosscreators' thoughts