

Reima groggily wakes up and finds Fleur sleeping on his arm he can still see the small marks where she'd been bitten during the task but just runs his hand over them gently, the previous night had been rather.. Interesting. Without Ciri there Fleur had went on the offensive and the two made love like well, rabbits. He prods her awake and she gives him a warm smile and a couple kisses before they get up and ready for a morning run. They'd stopped it as the Second Task was drawing nearer however they have quite some time to prepare for the Final Task, which was good for Reima as he had to makesure his plans went off without a hitch. Hopefully the future hadn't changed too drastically otherwise he'd have to personally go hunting for Snake Face.

They meet up with Ciri and Luna who's holding Snuffles. Reima levitates Snuffles while running and doesn't mention the stink eye Ciri is giving him for the duration. It isn't long before they find themselves sat in the Great Hall for breakfast, however by the way the Tournament officials are present it isn't going to be a quiet one.

The table seem to be interested in Fleur having additional bruises to her neck but they quickly forget about it as the Owl's swoop in and drop the mail. Reima again snatches one from himself without taking notice of the poor soul who's missing their paper.

Opening it up he sees the front page... It's a picture of him and Ciri standing atop the giant squid's corpse, "Tri-Wizard Tournament tragedy!"


Below it described what had happened during the Second Task, how Harry had made it back first with all the hostages, how Reima and Ciri were accused to be responsible for Krum's death, how they found his pale, half digested corpse inside the belly of the squid they had slain... What Reima found the most disrespectful were the photo's of Krum body on full display for the readers to see... Obviously they had been edited to no be so horrifying but Krum's grieving family surely wouldn't appreciate this...

Reima "Well, even without Skeeter the Daily Prophet are a bunch of scoundrels and scum. They made sure to mention how we were accused of his murder."

Harry's eyes shoot in his direction but he lowers his head when he feels that he was noticed.

Reima can only sigh and shake his head, he uses a concentrated heat on the tip of his finger to cut out the moving picture of him and Ciri atop the squid before pocketing it with the rest. Usually Reima would throw away the paper after reading the first few pages as they were generally the most important, however he notices something through the hole he'd cut for the photo... Turning the page he sees a tiny article, "Azkaban Attacked! Numerous Escape!"


Reading further it says that Azkaban, the ultimate wizarding prison with Sirius Black being it's only escapee, had been attacked. Apparently the guards stationed there were slaughtered in a fashion taht resembled wild beasts, they were torn apart however no flesh was eaten which ruled werewolves out. These "Shadows" as the Prophet had coined them apparently helped known Death Eaters escape their cells, the Dementors didn't even try to stop them as the simply walked out of the devastated prison.


Why would the Daily Prophet put such a big story in such a small article? If it were him writing this he'd plaster it across the front page. However maybe Fudge had a hand in it not being distributed as it made the Ministry look completely incompetent... Especially as they have no idea who broke into Azkaban. Of course Reima knew it was that fucking Vampires again, except this time they'd teamed up with the Death Eaters... A smirk finds it's way onto his face, maybe he'll be able to do one clean sweep if they are all present during the Third Task.

There was a few things he had to think out before that however, would he simply just wait next to the cup while invisible to grab it at the same time as Harry? He needs Voldemort to gain a body so he can make sure to catch him, Reima couldn't imagine how difficult it would be to track and catch a disembodied spirit, especially when it could apparently travel continents... He'd also need to make sure of Nerissa's safety due to the Vampires involvement, no doubt they wish to try and kill or capture her with their alliance with Voldemort.

As he's thinking about this Dumbledore, Madam Maxime, Barty Crouch and Ludo Bagman all stand to adress the Great Hall.

Dumbledore "Students, friends... I'm sure you all know of the unfortunate fate of Victor Krum, the Durmstrang Champion for the Tri-Wizard tournament. He was tragically killed during the Second Task yesterday, stabbed through the heart and then eaten by one of the many creatures residing in the Black Lake... I'd like all of us to give a moment of silence for our lost friend, and wish him well in the next great adventure." he says solemnly, dipping his head after he's finished and remaining silent for a full minute along with the rest of the students.

Not a moment after a minute had passed does Ludo Bagman speak up, "Well, enough of that. While the loss of a Champion is sad, it isn't uncommon for this particular event. I'd also like to mention the fact that scores for the Second Task weren't given. We should deal with this quickly, although the absence of Igor Karkaroff is noted." he quickly says, drawing the ire of some of the students towards himself, however he doesn't seem to care.

Karkaroff is still recovering from being punched by a half-giant.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts