
Angry spider, Scary spider.

Quelaag "hahaha! Reima! That is Eingyi!"

... "What!" Reima shouts confused at the sudden turn of events...

He wiggles out of Quelaag's grip and helps Eingyi up, looking closer he has a thick black beard that is also singed, he has brown eyes that weren't visible before due to his previously hollow condition.

Reima "What happened? Did you finally use that massive stock of egg vermifuge you had?"

Eingyi rubs his beard, "Well... After our Fair lady regained her voice, she gave us a rather... Stern talking to. It seems she doesn't think suffering alongside her is admirable at all"

Reima "I can see why... It's stupid." He grimaces at Reima's words.

Eingyi "Yes, well... After talking amoungst the rest of the egg bearers we came to the conclusion that not being crippled made it easier to protect the Fair lady..."

The mentioned person scuttles into the room, she looks much healthier than before, despite the crablike appearance of her lower body and the scales covering small parts of her skin.

She gives Eingyi a glare, "I hope you understand my feelings on the matter." She says in a gentle voice before looking at Reima. "Brother"

She slowly walks closer to him before enveloping him in a hug, "You're so warm, I can feel sisters flame inside you." Quelaag blushes at this but manages to calm herself before anyone sees.

Reima "I'm glad you're feeling better... Seeing you suffering like that was heart breaking." He says as he wraps his arms around her thin frame.

Queliina "Yes, but at the cost of all the eggs..." She looks a little downtrodden as she says this.

Reima "They were already too far-gone, dying alongside them would have devastated Quelaag, You're her world you know" He whispers the last part so Quelaag can't hear it.

Queliina gives the brightest smile Reima has ever seen since reincarnating, the only other people he'd seen such a smile from were mothers who'd just held their children in their arms for the first time...

Reima "Ah, I almost forgot... I have a new recruit I'd like to introduce to you all." He ruffles Queliina's long silver her before letting her go.

Quelaag "Ah, have we heard of them before?"

Reima "Probably not, he was the one to first share his flame with me though." He winks at Quelaag who blushes in response. "I'll be right back" He vanishes in a flash of light before almost immediately reappearing with another person.

Laurentius "Reima! Would you tell me before whisking me off to some god fors-...." He stops suddenly and looks around at the two towers figures behind him.

Reima interrupts his thoughts before he starts throwing fire at the sisters. "Laurentius, these are my Sisters, and the people who taught me Pyromancy."

Laurentius shakes his head to regain his sense before bowing his head low, "My apologise, I'd never thought Reima's mentors were such beautiful... Unique women." He glances at there lower bodies for a moment.

Quelaag nods her head "It's nice to meet, Laurentius was your name correct? I am known as the Chaos Witch Quelaag, this is my adorable sister Queliina and our servant Eingyi." she gestures to them both.

Laurentius eyes open wide when he hears Eingyi's name, "Eingyi? of the great swamp? The famous pyromancer who taught my ancestor?" He looks at Eingyi with worship in his eyes.

Eingyi "Ah, you know of me? I have taught many in the past, now I am a humble servant of the sisters." He gestures towards his masters.

Laurentius looks at the spider women and immediately drops to his knees, "Please, allow me to enter your service." he places his head on the floor in a submissive gesture.

Quelaag looks at Queliina before speaking, "Very well... I'll put you under Eingyi to learn what you need to, the only current role of servants are to protect my sister here, do you think you can do such a task?"

Laurentius looks up with tears streaming down his face, "With my life Milady!"

Quelaag looks satisfied and looks at Reima, "I want to hear about your travels while you were gone." She grabs his arm which causes him to wince, confused she looks closer and sees a black hand, pulling up his sleeve she sees that his entire arm is black. "What on earth happened! I've not seen such injuries since mother... You will tell me what happened right now!" It seems that remembering her mother had hit a sore spot...

Reima "I had used a unique kind of magic to power my flames... It was a life or death moment..."

Quelaag "You're undead you idiot! Just die, why cause an injury that would persist through death?!?" She's almost screeching as she holds him in place by his shoulders.

Queliina gently caresses his injured arm with a sorrowful look.

Reima has goosebumps at the raging Witch, "Well I, eerrmm.. Wanted to try it?"... It seems that this was not the right answer as he gets slapped across the face by the irate woman.

After what seems like an hour of being berated Quelaag slowly calms down and tears start forming in her eyes, "Never do such a thing again. This kind of experimenting resembles what Mother was doing, I don't think I could take it if such a fate were to befall you as well." She hugs Reima closely, disregarding his puffed up face with hand marks still present.

Reima "I can't promise that... But I'll promise not to do it without you present." This seems to satisfy her as she doesn't retort, all the while this was happening Eingyi and Laurentius watch on as demon spider slapped Reima while an Angelic one tried to comfort his injury.

Laurentius looks at Eingyi who's got a massive grin on his face, "Is this common?"

Eingyi "No, but I hope it would be." He says cheerfully, "Now, lets see what you currently know about pyromancy."

FlashBack END!

Hope you guys enjoyed the Spider Waifu interactions, I personally think Queliina is too pure for DarkSouls, we need to petition From Software to create a stand alone game where Queliina becomes a goddess :P

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As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts