


GracefullyCutesy · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 3: Claude Montresor

Looking through the big glass window admiring the view in front of him while moving the wine glass to his lip to take a sip of the red liquid.

In an office room a man in his 20s is savoring his success. This man is what girls die for. He's already rich alone and an heir to his family's wealth. He got mesmerizing grey eyes that would make anyone fall in a trance. A face that is like sculpted from very fine materials, you could tell he really is handsome with sharp jawline. His tall and built physique will make anyone intimidated.

This man Is Claude Montresor.

This man may look like a gentleman and kind in the eyes of other people but they don't know who he really is. He's cruel, he never showed any mercy when someone goes against him. When you look deep in his eyes you'll see how cold he is and how darker his mesmerizing eyes really are.

And right now, in his own company, he feels like the King of the world, until he was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Sir may come in? I have some important news to tell."

Frowning, as his peaceful time was interrupted Claude answered in his velvety voice, "Yes, come in."

"Sir there was a report that a human died in Ashville. The people there didn't know what really caused the victim to die they only found 2 holes on the neck. And we have a hunch that it's some rouge vampires. What do you wish to do with them?"

"Hmmmm, some rouge vampires huh? Just find them and let's see what clan they came from." with a smirk on his face.

"Understood Sir"

As the man closes the door closes the door, the man decided to take a sip on his drink again, but as he tasted it he didn't like its taste now. With that in his mind, grabbing his coat, he called his chauffeur to get the car ready.

Getting inside the car the chauffeur asked, "Where would like to go Sir?" "The usual, seems like I need some fun today." He told the chauffeur while loosening his tie.

Arriving at the said place, "No need to wait for me" with this the chauffeur left.

This place is one of the popular clubs in the area and he owns this one. Going inside and directly sitting at the VVIP part of club but not before struggling to go there with dancing people blocking his way. Sitting down he watched the people grinding their bodies as they dance to the beat of the music.

This may seem normal to people but in reality he is finding some good meal tonight.

While still finding he suddenly felt someone looking at him and down on the dancing bodies he saw a girl looking directly at him. This girl seems to seduce him as she swayed her body suggestively with the music not breaking the eye contact with him. The girl seems intoxicated enough to not remember what will happen to her tonight.

"This girl seems like a good meal for tonight. I could even play with her little." as Claude's eyes flashes red for a second.

Crashing bodies as they go to the bathroom while still kissing, going to a bathroom stall they continued their make out session without the girl knowing what will happen to her tonight.


When I went down the VVIP place and sat down on the bar and ordered a drink, the girl I saw came down and ordered her drink. Still drinking my whisky, she started to talk to me.

"Hey, there handsome, I saw you looking at me earlier while I dance." She said obviously drunk. I just continued drinking my alcohol, but she decided to touch me. I feel her hands on my lap while moving closer to me she whispered in my ear "Do you want to have some fun?" this is what I was waiting for.

Placing my hands around her waist I asked her, "Do you know who I am?" her being drunk she said yes. Placing her lips on mine I kissed her back, she moaned. And with that we were on the way to the bathroom still kissing as I held her head. Bumping to some people the way we didn't care, as we were inside the bathroom, I opened one stall and locked it.

Making out with her again, yet this girl is already moaning a lot. Their always like this so easy. Touching her sensitive parts as she moaned against my mouth I prepared myself to bite her. As she was getting more aroused with my touch I bit on her neck. She moaned loudly as I sip blood from her neck. I didn't sip that much blood for her to die.

After sipping good blood, she fell down as she faint. Wiping my head through my mouth I looked at her. Their blood always taste much better when their aroused. The bite that I made on her neck slowly fades. That's just only one of the powers that I have that the other vampires don't. Yes, I am a vampire and a royal at that. My family's the highest in the hierarchy.

As she breathes heavily I looked at her again as my eyes turned red and put her in a trance "You won't remember any of this happening." my eyes turning to their original color and made my way out of the bathroom and out of the club. Feeling the cold breeze of the night I started to make my way home.

Arriving at my house I showered and a thought came to my mind, my mate. I haven't met her and I don't care. Most vampires will only drink their mate's blood as they said it is most delicious blood you'll taste and will only do what I did in the club to their mates, but why would I wait for that someone when I can already have it.

That is bullshit.