


GracefullyCutesy · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: The Vampires

Finishing all of my works, I stretched my body as I have been sitting for a long time in the library. While stretching I saw that the sun was setting already, meaning I have been here for so long now. "I should start packing and give this video to Jake," I said. Packing my things up I made my way out of the library and started looking for our club president.

"Where is this guy?" I asked myself as it is getting dark. After walking for God knows how long I finally saw him playing with his friends in the school field. Seeing they are only boys I became nervous, so I took a deep breath and decided to go for it.

"Jake! Jake!" I called him the second time and that's when he noticed me. He's covered in sweat and dirt, yet he somehow still looks good, I bet the girls will be dying to see this but not me. "I finished the video and I've already done the speech. Here's the drive I added some reminders there for the event in case some of the members forget something." I saw his friends looking at us and this made me more nervous, my anxiety is taking over, so I quickly told him "If you don't have anything to tell, then I'll be off." Not looking back I walked straight quickly to the bleachers and exhaled.

Waiting for a few seconds to calm down I started to make my way outside the university. This is what I hate about going home late, the walk to the bus station feels so long, and the fact that I'm going to walk to some alley scares me.

Preparing myself I walked fast towards the bus station. At least I could see some people walking with me, so I'm good. "FINALLY!" I whispered yell to myself, sitting down I waited for my bus to arrive after a few minutes it appeared and a lot of people hopped on.

Sitting down, I heard these two high school students talking about the news.

"Have you heard?" "What?" "I saw it on the internet that a person saw a dead body on an alleyway near the food store. The police didn't believe at first as the victim doesn't seem to have any wounds or injuries, but after inspecting it again they saw a bat-like bite mark on the victim's neck." "*gasps* What if it's a vampire, and they're real?!" "Well that's what other people think but the police don't seem to believe it." "It's trending now!" the other one exclaimed while looking through her phone and that's when I noticed that almost every person inside the bus talks about it.

With this I became curious, so I opened my phone to search for it but when I opened my phone I saw a lot of missed calls from my mom. That's when I remembered I'm on silent and when I was about to call her back my phone died.


As I wait for my bus to arrive home I thought about the possible reasons my mom would call me up so many times. "What if it's an emergency and I didn't answer…" I thought and started to overthink again.

While the people are busy thinking about the news somewhere inside the house two creatures are having a conversation of what they just did.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" said the first one, "I can't control especially when I haven't drunk for some days." exclaimed the other one. "Do you know what you put us through?! It's on the news now, someone's already on our trail. You know that our clan is enemies with them!" "It's okay we can just get some help-"the other one didn't let him finish his sentence as he was held by the neck of the other one. "You know how it works in our world, and we became rogues how do you think we're going to survive?!" growled of the other.

Arriving at the station, I speed walked to my house and when I opened the door my mom bursts out and gave me a tight hug, this startled me. "Oh my gosh, Thank God your safe!" as she strokes my hair, pulling out of the hug I asked her, "Why Mama? Did something happen?! I'm sorry I can't answer the calls my phone is on silent and when I tried to call you it died." "Nothing happened I was just worried about you as it is already dark and you're still not home." I didn't question her that much but I know she's hiding something.

"Get cleaned up, I'm going to make some dinner." "Okay" as I arrived at my room jump at my bed. "I miss you my love." laughing at what I said I decided to shower quickly. I saw the time on my clock it's already 7 p.m. that's why my mom is worried.


As my daughter goes to her room I made my way to the kitchen still thinking about the news I heard.

I just arrive from work and decide to sit on the sofa and relax, turning on the television; it's news. Somehow I was drifting off because of tiredness but this one news woke me up like lighting. It said there that a victim was found dead yet no wounds or anything just a bat-like bite mark. And people think this might be done by the vampire, they thought they're making themselves known to the world.

But what the world doesn't know is they've been living with us for centuries and now they're wanting to rule the world again. With this thought in mind, I called my daughter, I called her again but it just goes straight to her voicemail. Getting nervous, what if they already find my daughter?! I can't let that happen, so I decided to wait for thinking maybe she's just stuck in traffic. After some hours I heard the front door open and I saw my daughter all in one piece.

But I can't be so sure, they might be planning on her to get her now.