
Eden of Babylon

pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. In a world where adventures,power,glory,fame and wealth . All come from one place and here we call it eden . Here you can be whatever you want to be or at least try to. In eden there are these dungeons all over the world and these dungeons are connected to other worlds and universes only by conquering these dungeons will you be able to stand among the ranking or even the most strongest of all . In this story you will follow Leonard as he grows through the stages of life hardships,love,betrayal and most of all rage . Follow Leonard as he become a strong individual known as the beast king.

Belair_smooth1116 · ファンタジー
17 Chs


While King Avalon, Benjamin, Leonard and their envoy travel to the kingdoms arena. They began chatting a bit about the exams.

" Now then my boys you must stay focus and do your best this exam will determine what type of future you will have. Like I said before the exam consists of two parts to test your power and intelligence. Now even though there is only two parts of this exam there are 4 different tests. The first one is to literally test your strength you will hit a machine built solely from magi stone it is a very powerful and rare item found in this world it is able to withstand the strength all the up to an SS rank adventurer. The second test will be a written part to show that you have the basic intelligence of an adventurer. There will be a time you will have to think on the spot and have to change your plans. So in a way it is to mentally. The third test will be to show your endurance you will be put up against golems created by magi stone to show your reflex time and how long you can dodge before getting hit. Last but not least the most exciting part of the test the tournament. In this tournament all the examinees that passed the first three test will participate. It will be based on your ratings on what bracket you will be on. So as I said before do your best and one of your win this tournament and show that the strength of the royal family is as strong as ever."

"Yes sir."

"Yes sir"

Both said in unison with their backs straight and heads held high. Anxious to finally become an adventurer.

But little did anyone know Leo was trying not to shake uncontrollably from the excitement to be able to fight other people from all around the continent .


The stadium could be heard all over the kingdom from the excitement the crowd had right now a mock battle was going on before the exam. Mock battles are common any time someone has a feud instead of fighting and it turning out to be worse than what it was here in Fluram all feuds are settled in the arena right now two buff guys were in the arena fighting bare knuckles the sound of each of them getting hit sounded like thunder claps the energy they gave off made the crowd go wild the darker of the two was named Brandon smith his father is a famous blacksmith in the city he was supposed to inherit his fathers smithy shop when his father passed but he had a different plan right now he would be considered an A rank adventurer as a brawler one of the special classes to chose from he specializes in close combat to the extreme and his opponent is no slouch hisself he is currently #4 A ranker his name is Daniel nazroth his family are fishermen for the kingdom so at a young age he was taught to swim for long periods of time and to hold his breath while under water while fighting sea beast he's #4 for a reason his class is a wanderer one of the special classes in the special category. But at the moment both of them are going wild and the crowd even more wild than the ones fighting.

< WE HAVE A WINNER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >


Just as fast as the fight began it ended just as fast with the winner being Daniel. But anyone could have seen that coming Daniel is a monk not only are monks good with hand to hand combat they have a hidden talent for healing so Daniel could heal his self while fighting easily.

"Hmmm that brawler almost had him did you see it Ben." Leo said

"Yes you are right if it wasn't for the monk being able to heal while fighting the most would have wiped the floor with him." Ben replied

With this being the case because even though a monk can heal him/her self a brawler is a special class being they are wild fighters you never know what moves they will do because every movement is different there skills only enhance their body even more than it already is it's like being a walking take but you can give off a ton of dps ( damage per second).

"Even still their are no match for me whatever their class is." Boasted Leo.

"Don't get to over yourself little brother you never know who will be in the exams this year the whole continent is taking their adventurers exam here in the kingdom and all 5 kings of the continent are here to watch and to make sure everything goes as planned."

" Right what could go wrong with the old guys here." Leo replied.

Ben said as a matter of fact " Don't call them that if father heard you, you'd be punished. As you know father is a siren from the special class category. With him having the power of sound he might be old put father was once a SS rank adventurer before he became the king if you will know."

" WHAT!!!!! How come no one ever told me Av used to be an adventurer." Leo said.

Ben then replied with " yes he was and he was strong to per say well when he was powered up no one wanted to be near him. Then you have King Trevor from this kingdom of Frost which so happens to be a snow elf they call it frost because is because their kingdom was built on a mountain so it snows all year around there. And he just so happens to be a Cryomancer at his peak at his prime he was also a SS rank adventurer. Then there is King Arthur yes the legendary paladin knight King Arthur with his holy sword Excalibur when he was an adventurer he was an SSS rank adventurer and his kingdom is called Camelot. King Roma the undead king don't let his name scare you even though he is dead he is still pretty cool. His kingdom is the kingdom of Shar it's where most vampires,werewolves live but other than that it's just like every where else. The only thing is in the old days a cosmic storm came with a lot of destruction and over that kingdom the sun hasn't risen in over 3,000 years. So it's always looks like it's about to rain there even when it's not. And last but not least we have Queen Julia from the kingdom of Jewel and she resides as the Magic empress with the power to rival the kingdom of Shar and the kingdom of Frost and the kingdom of Fulmar at the same time she actually started out as a regular mage and her power just sky rocketed from there. She actually a one in a thousand prodigy of her time and she is the youngest sitting on the throne as of now."

"Hey Ben I'm going to tell you this now because your my brother before someone else tells you. Shut up you talk to much when your excited. The best information is one that doesn't put me to sleep." Laughingly said by Leo.

"Hmmph I'll remember that the next time you don't know something." Ben said pouting with a frown on his face.

" Ha cheer up big bro we have a kingdom to impress". Leo said looking at his older brother.

" you right come on let go register before we are the last ones." Said Ben

While the crowd was still rowdy from the battle that just took place the children were even more energetic than the people in the crowds. It could be seen on all their faces. Excitement and being anxious at the same time. Some was even scared but they couldn't show it because an adventurer is strong and overcomes his/her fears.

As Leo and Ben were trying to register for the exam. Ben wasn't fully paying attention and bumped into a group of boys that was in the crowd in front of them registration stands.

The boy Ben had bumped into turned around with his face scrunched up as if someone had thrown shit on him.

Ben was so embarrassed he looked at the boy and started apologizing. Even though he is a prince his father told him and Leo that because they were taking the exams our status as princes don't matter anymore." I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I was looking at my notes and I wasn't watching where I was going please forgive me.

The boys name was Michael iron he was a commoner living in the kingdom from his clothes he looks like he lives a decent life. He looked at Ben in the eyes not realizing who he was standing in front of said. " I hope you are sorry. You just ran into me the next great x rank adventurer you better show me some gratitude you little shit.

All Michael's friends started laughing and making side comments like.

"Ha he found himself a unlucky one."

" haha yeah he looks weak too. In this world just anyone want to become an adventurer." The sharp nose boy Nathan said."

" What should we do with him boss ?" Said a the only girl in the group named Lisa cunningworth he mother owns a jewel shop and her father is a high ranking Lieutenant in the army.

" right now nothing we'lol wait to see if he makes it to the tournament". Michael said with a sinister grin on his face.

Ben turned around walking away holding in his anger at how a mere commoner spoke to him as if he were nothing him the rightful heir and prince to the kingdom.he couldn't believe it but father did tell him a long time ago. " being a good strategies is to know when and when not to act on a situation." And just like he always calculates that group will get their karma back.

"Hey what happen with you I seen the guys surround you and start talking. You want me to go take care of them?" Leo said while cracking his knuckles.

Ben replied to Leo with " no it's fine they will get what's coming to them in the tournament." Come let's register.

" You are number 347 remember to listen for your number to be called." The registry lady said to Ben.

" Thank you ma'am have a good day." Ben said

" You are number 400." Said the registry man.

He looked about in his mid forties but smelled like he was two hundred years old.

" Hey how come I'm so much fat behind you and we signed up at the same time ." Leo said jealously.

" I don't know maybe because so many others here." Ben replied.

"Ehh what ever I'm still going to get a good rating." Leo said.

As Leo and Ben were talking high in the stadium the kings sat on their seats made of pure gold. They were seen conversations.

"So Avalon how do you think your son and stepson will do in the exam ." Said King Trevor.

" I know they both will do better than your son and daughter Trevor."

"Hmmmph we will just see won't we my Jeremiah is very promising being able to master military tactics and combat at such a young age I'm sure he will get a high rating and my daughter my prodigy of a daughter with her energy levels she might be about to have a Evo Title to evolve her even further." Replied King Trevor.

" Ha my Ben was doing that at the age of five and I don't think you want your daughter around my son with his energy levels also being high as a baby he could already control the levels of heat around him and you have a prodigy in your family don't make me laugh. And my Leo oh well he is a surprise for the whole continent to see hehehe. Said King Avalon

" well let's just see won't see now." Replied King Trevor.

" why don't both of you just can it every time the five of us come together you two start having a possing contest. You both use to be friends your so weird. Now if you start fighting again I'll hit the both of you with my strongest skill heal you and do it all over again till you guys become friends again." Queen Julia said butting in.

At the sound of this the two stopped talking and started hugging while smiling hoping that Julia was just joking.

"Hopeless." Julia said as see watched the two old fools as she looked over at King Arthur trying not to smile and at King Roma sat there with an expressionless emotion.

<—————Let the exams begin !!!!!!!!!! ——->