
Eden of Babylon

pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. In a world where adventures,power,glory,fame and wealth . All come from one place and here we call it eden . Here you can be whatever you want to be or at least try to. In eden there are these dungeons all over the world and these dungeons are connected to other worlds and universes only by conquering these dungeons will you be able to stand among the ranking or even the most strongest of all . In this story you will follow Leonard as he grows through the stages of life hardships,love,betrayal and most of all rage . Follow Leonard as he become a strong individual known as the beast king.

Belair_smooth1116 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

4-Adventurers exam


Tap tap tap tap


" Hmmph Leo!! My boy just because the training grounds is fortified by several hundred magic ruins you don't have to go full strength all the time."said the king.

" Ha Avalon if you think that's my full strength your are dreaming this is nothing much than me getting warmed up. I think you might what to get the archbishop in here to heal these guy I think a few of them are hanging on a mere thread."

Leo said while smiling holding a platinum stick used for training. Standing in front of about a hundred of the top soldiers in the kings army for training.

"Ahhh Leo I'm glad you are a very bringt and strong young man because you injure a ton of my soldiers a day how can they protect this country and you beat them up like rag dolls."

" I'm a growing young man the only way I can get stronger is by fighting it's been a year since we went to go fight any strong beast all you have had me doing in studying. It's a same I have passed all my classes plus some. I've learned about the mysteries of the world and adventurers. I have learned warfare and politics what else is there to learn Av." Said Leo

" My dear dear child there is never an end to learning this world is a very big place you could live for ever and still not have all the knowledge of the world so you must always pay attention to everything you do and around you." The king said

Leo replied back by saying " Yeah yeah your right but not only am I strong I'm smart too but what so important that I had to stop training."

" Well you have been working hard training and learning that I think now it is time to let you go and admit your self to become an official adventurer. But it's not easy you still have to go to through the adventurer exam which will be held later today. It consists of 2 test the first is a simple it's a strength test showing how much power you have and the second is of your intelligence. It's good to have a good rating in the adventurer exam because with a good rating it will give you the chance to be accepted into a strong guild."

Guilds is a association of adventurers that aid each other on missions. Depending on the guild depends on what your missions will be. For example... A mercenary guild only take any mission as long as the pay is good no matter the mission. Then there is the thieves guild which specializes in treasure hunting. Then there are others that are more how should I say extreme like the mages guild no class other than a mage can join due to the secrets they hold but they still support out with their surrounding towns. Then and lastly you have guilds that are like a jack of all trades they specialize in nothing and everything at the same time and there are a ton of them big and little right now in the Fluram kingdom there are currently 5 major guilds 30 medium guild and around 100 minor guilds. It's not that each guild doesn't have the same members it's just that every year there is a guild tournament and all guilds come and participate in the arena to see who is the strongest guild and right now they are The Celestial Temple full of mostly holy type hunters but they accept anyone willing to follow their religion , The Golden Circle , The dark guild Reckless Genocide they kind of do their own thing. No one really know what they do. You have the Dragon dynasty they are more like a dojo but most their guild has martial artist adventurers. And then you have the warrior guild called Hercules heel with their guild master actually being the descendent of Hercules himself.

" hmm so what are we waiting for I can't keep staying around here if I want to get stronger right ha." Leo said

The king replied with " well first you have to shower and get ready meet me in the royal lobby in 45 minutes son."

Before he could even finish Leo had already disappeared. All he could do was smile within the time that he met Leo he amazes him every chance he can get. Upon coming to the castle Leo meet my son Benjamin and with just a touch he nullified all the effects from the disease. Which I could never repay him fully for that but atleast he could provide him with everything he needs. Current Ben is also getting ready for the adventurers exam.

"Hmmph today is the day I show this kingdom that just because I'm of royal blood I don't need to be protected." Ben thought as he looked at his self in the mirror.

Ben was about 5'11 with a strong build and handsome features his has semi short red hair that seems as if it is on fire at times. Eyes like the burning sun. Ben was also a fire users but his affinity has not one but two elements he also has a dark type element but his fire element over his dark type unless it's nighttime then his dark affinity over powers his fire. Due to Leo helping heal him Ben is no longer in danger due to having more than one affinity.

"Well if your reflection won't be able to talk to you even if you stare at it all day haha" a voice could be heard behind Ben.

" shouldn't you be getting ready little brother we can always be there to save you, you know. " Ben said.

Leo jumped from the window sill saying " well if I have you know you have only saved me one time from the maids while I tried sneaking food to my room. Which if I may recall if my memories correct didn't you also eat those sweets."

" And they were quite good to if I say so myself but if you don't hurry we will be late the royal princes shouldn't be late on the day of the exam." Ben said

"Alright alright but I'm wearing what ever I want I'm not going dressed like some royal princess." Leo said while pointing at Ben.

" I am not dressed like a princess I have dressed rightfully as a prince because one day I will have an important job and looks is everything and I'd rather dress nice then dress like I have just came from a mud bath."

"Hmmph don't be jealous I'm going to be king one day it's alright I will definitely give your an important job. You can clean my toilets haha. " Said Leo.

Ben replied with " I will do no such thing I may not want to become the king but I will most definitely not be your personal toilet cleaner."

Leo smiled and thought " suit yourself ". Then replied with "But I'm going to get ready I wanna see Av's face when I get a top rating."

.....43 minutes later....

The king and his most loyal guards Jacob Wingclaw his family are nobles that have been loyal to the kingdom for over three hundred years his family is known for their strength and tactics his father Jeremiah Wingclaw is one of the generals in the army he is in control of the East part of the kingdom. On his side is Samantha silverton her family has also been with the royal family for the past three hundred years and they are known for their intelligence and weapons smith but there are some in the family who are born natural warriors her mother is the kings advisor in charge of all matter concerning the kingdoms affairs.

The king thought in his mind. " These boy will make this kingdom proud I have a strategic genius for a son and an amazing beast for a stepson this years exams should be a sight to see."

As the king was waiting thinking this the two boys could be seen walking down the royal staircase . Built with the strongest material known to man also embedded in the engravings there are magic gem all throughout the staircase making it not only look majestic but also as strong as anything. Ben could be seen in his usual training attire black loose pants and a regular black shirt with a thick red star insignia representing the Fluram kingdom. While Leo can be seen with white loose training pants with a gold insignia of a fiery golden lion with a star on the forehead representing his mother and the kingdom. But of course he is not wearing a shirt which he never does while wearing the necklace his mother gave him before she passed which he never takes it off. With his hair pulled out of his face his long dark as night wild curly hair in a ponytail so he doesn't miss anything. They stand in front of the king ready to prove themself's both boy might look young the age of 16 but just by one glance you can tell these aren't regular kids both of their physique is at its peak their speed and strength is not like normal children their age nor does there energy levels match their bodies while Leo is by far 4 times stronger and faster than Benjamin everything that Ben lacks in strength and speed he makes up in intelligence his stats are not regular either by far

Race: Royal Human

Name: Benjamin Fluram

Level: 0

Class: None

Title: Prince

Hp: 1500

MP: 1,000


[ Stat ]

Strength: 55


Agility: 50


Mentality: 100

[ SP:25 ]

[ Skills ]

Passive skills:

( Royal flush: user HP is expanded.)

( Royal Authority: gives off the presence of a noble mentality is expanded.)

( Locked skill -Royal bloodline: because of the royal bloodline user intelligence is expanded.)

(Kingly aura: users is matched to a king.)

Action skills???

While looking at the boys in amazement thing king half jump in shock as he had almost forgotten one of the most important things of the day. Immediately he yelled for his royal Chancellor he then whispered something in his ear "@&******&&@@&&". At the words from the king the chancellor disappeared.

"My kind boy I almost forgot today is your 16th birthday Leo Happy birthday I actually have a wonderful gift for you." Said the king.

As the king said this the chancellor suddenly appeared with a box the size of a small sized child it was the color of red velvet but hit had a hint of sparkles in it as if it were glowing and the rims of the box were golden.

Leo couldn't help but get excited while staring at the box he immediately dashed forward and opened the box only to see a translucent egg sitting inside of the box. Leo's smiled instantly disappeared as he looked up at the king saying. " Av what is this you want me to cook this for my birthday?"


The kings laughter could be heard throughout the hallways of the castle. He was laughing so hard. After a few moments the king regained his self to say. " No my boy I do not want you to cook it. But I want you to hatch it when this egg hatches a mighty beast will come out and you will be it's master. I mean I thought because you are going to become an adventurer you might want a powerful partner just like you."

"You are definitely right I didn't think about that." Leo said

"It seems like you don't think a lot. If it's not fighting it doesn't really to be your thing." Ben commented.

"See now ever so more is that toilet job looking ever so brightly for you." Leo said

" Calm down Leo it's only jokes. Father shall we be on our way to the exams." Said Ben

The king instantly replied with " Yes yes my boys let's go I almost lost track of time. If you guys want to be early we need to leave now."

Leo looked up again from the translucent egg saying. " I guess you guys are right."

Leo then began calling one of his personal maids Lafayette she is a relatively young maid but her parents were killed in a beast invasion on a nearby village and some of the knights bought her back here and the king gave her a job and some place to stay she actually helped Leo learn some education. She had long golden hair , fair skin and yellow like cat eyes.

" Lafayette could you be so kind to put this egg inside the incubator in my room please. Leo said

"Of course my lord." Lafayette said as she hurriedly grabbed the egg and took it to Leo's room putting it inside of his incubator. While putting the egg inside of the incubator Lafayette checked all the systems making sure everything was right and left. Only if she would have still been standing there she would have seen the the hatching time. It currently read 92 hours.


Here are Leo's status so far from the last 6 years to current.

Race: Awakened Beastmen

Name: Leonard Fluram

Level: 0

Class: None

Title: None



Stamina: 600

[ Stat ]

Strength: 90

Stamina: 60

Agility: 70

Intelligence: 60

Mentality 60

[ SP: 25 ]

[ Skills ]

Passive skills:

( Beast sense:Lv.Max,Evo Beastly appetite:Lv.Max,Temperature Immunity:Lv.Max,Beast aura:Lv.Max,Holy touch:Lv.Max,Royal flush:Lv.Max,Royal authority:Lv.Max,Locked skill Royal Beast Bloodline: because of the Royal beast bloodline all stats are expanded.Lv.1