
Eden of Babylon

pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. In a world where adventures,power,glory,fame and wealth . All come from one place and here we call it eden . Here you can be whatever you want to be or at least try to. In eden there are these dungeons all over the world and these dungeons are connected to other worlds and universes only by conquering these dungeons will you be able to stand among the ranking or even the most strongest of all . In this story you will follow Leonard as he grows through the stages of life hardships,love,betrayal and most of all rage . Follow Leonard as he become a strong individual known as the beast king.

Belair_smooth1116 · ファンタジー
17 Chs

14-A new chapter

Later the day the King Avalon and the princes got back to the castle. Leo dashed straight for his room. The King not even able to say a word before Leo disappeared. He looked at Ben and Ben looked back at him only smiling then saying.

'After I'm going to go ahead and go to sleep before I pack and choose a guild I'm quite tired from the exams.'

The King replied with' I understand son. Get enough rest and choose the right one.' As he walked to his room thinking about how Benjamin's eyes and his appearance looked a whole lot different from before the exams. But it isn't heard of adventurers evolving to become superior races. Hopefully he just becomes strong enough to protect this kingdom.

Benjamin wasn't lying when he said was tired but that was only half the truth. He kept on seeing this screen type of image pop up with of ton of words popping up and disappearing. Not only that he had a blistering headache that came out of no where and his body was overheating but he wasn't hot. He didn't know what was wrong he just hope it was the flu. Even tho it's spring.

'Man I hope I make it in time. I'll be able to raise the beast that comes out of it from Lv. 1 to its peak I hope it's a god tier beast.' Leo thought as he dashed to his room. Running and jump off the walls to evade the maids and butlers so he doesn't knock them over. When he got to his room his jaw dropped as he made it just in time.

....Hatching Time..00:00:05

.....Hatching Time..00:00:04

....Hatching Time..00:00:03

.....Hatching Time..00:00:02

.....Hatching Time..00:00:01

....Hatching Time..00:00:00


As the incubator's time stopped. The egg began shaking and cracking a translucent light with stars in them finally....

A low whine can be heard and the egg shell starts breaking off revealing the beast inside.

'My my my I new I was lucky but damn I didn't know I was this damn lucky but a baby Dragon. How much more luck can I get this skill [ Evo Lucky Life ] that I created. I knew it would be strong but not this strong that all the skills that I create have a high chance to becoming an Evo skill. But to get a Chaos Dragon egg a chaos dragons are the strongest dragons because every know creature in this world is weak to chaos based attacks. Being that this is a chaos dragon I'm going to go ahead and make it my subordinate now while it's still young.

*Would you like to invite this beast to your Beastdom.*

* Yes or no ? *


* congratulations on success acquiring a baby Chaos Dragon *

* would you like to name said baby Chaos Dragon *

Yes or no


' Name baby Chaos Dragon: Nova Fulmar.'

* Baby Chaos Dragon name has been successfully changed to Nova Fulmar.*

* Nova Fulmar's has evolved into Royal baby Chaos Dragon*

* Nova Fulmar will now be transformed into human form*

* would you like Nova Fulmar to be transformed into human form *

*Yes or No*


* Transforming Nova Fulmar into human form .......*

* Nova Fulmar's stats will halved while in human form.*

A bright light started to shine as Nova's dragon body started to change form. Changing into that of a 8 year old child's body. Which isn't not ordinary because dragons period even as babies have the power to take out small villages by their selves. When Nova was done talking she sat inside of the incubator eating her egg shells. Because even though Nova is no longer in the egg the shells still hold strong magic energy. Nova had fair sun kissed skin that could seem to be shining in the sun light her hair a deep Royal purple. Her eyes were a red violet color. She is already quite strong as she has full control over her magic and dragon aura.

' Hmmph so are you gonna just sit there eating egg shells or do you want some real food Nova.' Leo said while walking up to Nova.

See Leo had already knew that when the egg hatched whoever the beast that came out of the egg first would be it's mother. They would have full control of the beast without having to do anything at all. It's is just basic beast instincts.

Nova looked at Leo with admiration in her eyes. Unlike other species dragons can always see the energy of any being in the world. And right now she was seeing a being that had tremendous power and potential almost like if looking at a God.

' Ye..Yes father '

'Ok come on I'll let you get on my shoulders.' Leo said picking Nova up and putting her on his shoulders she was still a new born baby technically. Even though dragons have high intelligence and are battle maniacs.while walking to the kitchens Leo could be seen walking with a huge smile on his face and a little girl sitting on his shoulders humming with her eyes closed. Leo was actually smiling because of Nova's stats.

Race: Royal Baby Chaos Dragon/Human Hybrid

Name: Nova Fulmar

Level: 1


Title: True Dragon

HP: 50,000

MP: ???

Stamina: 4,000

[ Stat ]

Strength: 550

Stamina: 400

Agility: 400



[ SP: 0 ]

[ Skills ]

Attack Skill

-Dragon Force: A concentrated blast from the dragons energy. Damage depends on Lv of Dragon.Lv.1,Mixed Martial Arts: A mixer of all Mastered Martial Arts known in the world.Lv.1, Decapitating Blade: Aura forms a blade on users hand. Aura turns extremely sharp.

Passive skill

-Evo King of Chaos Wrath: The ultimate power which increases her power steadily by converting her anger into energy. Her energy wouldn't decrease even if she kept using it, it is certainly the ultimate ability. Additionally, her power grows the longer she fights.Lv.Max, Dragons Eye: Eyes with analytical abilities, with which can measure abilities. Using this eye, the dragon eye, can see the target's magical energy even if they try to hide it so no one can pretend to be weak before.Lv.Max, Drago Buster: Energy attack that contains the essence of the user.Lv.Max, Ultra speed Regeneration.Lv.Max,Perfect Memory.Lv.Max,All-Seeing Eye,Magic Sense.Lv.Max,Multilayer Barrier.Lv.Max,Spatial Travel.Lv.Max, Abnormal Condition Nullification:Lv.MaxPain Nullification:Lv.MaxNatural Effects Resistance:Lv.MaxHoly-Demonic Attack Resistance:Lv.Max,Physical and Spiritual Attack Resistance:Lv.Max.

While Leo and Nova was in the kitchens eating King Avalon walked in for a snack when he seen Leo eating with a little girl.

' Leo whose the Little girl there did you find her running around the castle. Be clear to help her get back to her parents after she's done.' The king said

' Ha no I did find her you gave her to me you sly devil you. Why didn't you tell me that was a dragon egg Av.' Leo said smiling while throwing grapes in Nova's mouth.

'Mmmm vese ar gud papa ' commented Nova with a mouth full of grapes.

' Ahhhhhhh so that explains the energy it gave off I thought it was because of something else. But then why is the baby dragon a human ?' King Avalon said with a questioning look. It wasn't like it wasn't normal for a dragon to become human but a baby dragon was different.

' uh Nova happens to be a Royal Chaos Dragon that's why.' Leo replied with the most logic answer with out saying anything about his system. He knew that it wasn't normal to have one. But if it was helping him get stronger faster then so be it.

'Av ima take Nova with me on my journeys and when she turns 16 I'll let her become an adventurer' Leo said while eating a huge drumstick.