
Eden of Babylon

pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. In a world where adventures,power,glory,fame and wealth . All come from one place and here we call it eden . Here you can be whatever you want to be or at least try to. In eden there are these dungeons all over the world and these dungeons are connected to other worlds and universes only by conquering these dungeons will you be able to stand among the ranking or even the most strongest of all . In this story you will follow Leonard as he grows through the stages of life hardships,love,betrayal and most of all rage . Follow Leonard as he become a strong individual known as the beast king.

Belair_smooth1116 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

13- Final Battle Burnett Vs. Leo



Leo and Burnett did not waste a second getting into their battle it's something they have both been waiting for since they seen each others battles. Burnett could only admire how strong Leo was that in all his fights he used mostly brute force which a lot of adventurers don't use now a days. The same went for Leo. Right now they were going blow for blow at full power both of them like if they was having some kind of contest to see who could take the most damage and still be standing.

BOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




"Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu. Your quite strong you know. Not half bad for a royal." Burnett said to Leo while panting vigorously she was taking a lot of damage from Leo. Even will using her skills [ Demi-gods Aura.],[ Herculean Defense.] and [ herculean strength.] and still Leo was doing so much damage and it didn't seem like he even had a scratch on him let alone he isn't even breaking a sweat.

" Ha you exceed my expectations I didn't know fighting a reincarnated Demi-god would be this fun." Leo said with a smile on his face winking at Burnett.

'ehh? 'How did you know I was the reincarnation of Hercules?' Burnett said to Leo.

' Well I can feel your energy and input my finger on it when I was fighting my brother hit it me like a train that's why your so strong at Lv.1.' Leo replied

'Damn it this battle needs to end I don't have much stamina left I'll end it here.' Burnett thought.

'[ Olympian smash ]!!!!!!!!!!!'


Dust clouds full everywhere due to Burnett hitting Leo with everything she head square in the face.

'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' As the crowd went wild. From seeing Burnett's attacks.

The dust finally cleard up and everything got deadly quite.

'Hmmm Avalon I see his durability is immaculate. To be able to stop that fierce blow.' Vajra told King Avalon.

The king then replied with "Yes indeed he has always been very, hmmmmmmm what's the word I'm looking for?'

'Astronomical?' Queen Julia commented.

' Exactly thank you Julia.' King Avalon thanked Julia.

Leo was looking Burnett deep in her eyes. With Burnett's face resting on his cheek. With a huge crater like strike behind Leo.

'Hmmph that was your strongest attack? Now let me show you what real strength looks like.' Leo said to Burnett as she could see is eyes turn completely black.

[ 'Demon Lord Haki' ]

An unfamiliar feeling swept throughout her body. As is a demon was trying to possess her. She instantly dropped to her knees shaking in fear as it seem like Leo was a the Devil himself.




'YOU HARMED MY DAUGHTER NOW ILL HARM YOU' Guild master Tora said to Leo as he was walking towards him releasing his energy in the arena.


'I don't think so he's under my protection.' Vajra said matter of factly as he jumped in front of Leo.

Tora stopped in his tracks his mind going into over drive as the once famous Rank X adventurer was standing in front of him. Tora didn't want to make an enemy out of Vajra. Tempting Vajra he might destroy everyone in his guild. Tora quickly grabbed Burnett. But before he disappeared he looked at Leo and said.

' This isn't over you will rematch my daughter'

Vajra turned around to look Leo in the face. Leo was just sitting there smiling.

'So I guess we will be working together then?' Leo said while smiling he had actually read Vajras mind and found that Vajra wanted to take Leo under his wing to become stronger for a future war to come.

'Hmmm you seem to not only be strong but a little bright too. Yes I want you to train with me as too I can help you understand the..... power you have.'

(Leo I am getting a strong feeling from this man I think you should go with him.) sekhet told Leo.

'Train me well then.' Leo replied

Upon completion of the tournament the 5 kings held a celebration for the new 30 E Rank adventurers.

[ Mission complete. ]

[ Rewards acquired. ]

Lv up

Lv up

Lv up

Lv up

Lv up

Lv up

Lv up

Lv up

Lv up

[ You have leveled up. ]

[ Current level : 10 ]


Race: Awakened Beastmen

Name: Leonard Fluram

Level: 1

Class: Wanderer

Title: Demon Beast King

HP: 16,000

MP: 2,200

Stamina: 2,200

[ Stat ]

Strength: 280

Stamina: 220

Agility: 240

Intelligence: 220

Mentality: 220

[ SP: 155 ]

Action Skill

[ No cool down time.]

[ Evo Skill: Heavenly roar:Lv.Max,Melt Slash:Lv.1,God's Wrath:Lv.1, Evo Onyx Flame:Lv.1,Evo Flame Bullet:Lv.1,Frey's sphere:Lv.1,Evo Onyx Lighting,Evo Hell Flare:Lv.1,Create Summon Gate:Lv.1,Insulated Prison:Lv.Max,Evo Disintegeration:Lv.Max,Evo Beast Cannon:Lv1,Aura Manipulation:Lv.1,Mind power:Lv.Max,Clone:Lv.1,Summoners Contract:Lv.1, Evo Summon Superior Elemental Spirit:LvMax ]

Passive Skill

[ No cool down time. ]

(Beast sense:Lv.Max,Evo beastly appetite:Lv.max,Self-Regen:Lv.Max,Control Magic:Lv.max,Darkflame Lighting:Lv1,Thought Acceleration:Lv.1,Evo universal creation:Lv.Max,Fusion:Lv.Max,Separate:Lv.Max,Evo Holy Beastform:Lv.1,Predator:LvMax,Beastdom:Lv.1,Magic Perception:Lv.Max,Thought Transmission:Lv.Max,beastly intimidation:Lv.50,Great Demon Lords Haki:Lv15,Future Attack Prediction:Lv40,Soul Corridor:Lv.1,Arcane Soul Recall:Lv.Max,Shadow Step:Lv.Max,Primitive Magic:Lv.1,Power of words:Lv.1,pain nullification:Lv.Max,Weapons Mastery:Lv.Max,Elemental manipulation:Lv.Max, Evo skill: Giver of gifts:Lv.30, Take Over:Lv.65, Demon BeastKing Time Domain:Lv.30 ]

'Hmmm so I have, 155 status points. Well I guess I'll have to start balancing out my his Stats.' Thought Leo.

Leo was doing the smartest thing he could by distributing is stat points evenly. Because with the Wanderer class his Strength, Agility and intelligence gets an automatic +5 points every level up.

'Might as go ahead and give Ben his reward for putting up with me these past years. Even though I know he really enjoys being my brother and I know just the race to give him so he can become stronger. HeHeHe..'

As Leo thought as he used his skill [ Giver Of Gifts ] giving a few Evo skills he made for Ben specifically to enhance his power. So when he becomes a Samurai class his power with be at its peak and can continue growing. While also using his skill [ Beastdom.] So he could fully keep up with the beat he made before the Exams. Leo ended up choosing to evolve Benjamin from a Human into a demon race. Letting his power raise by ten fold everytime he evolves letting him accomplish his one true goal being the Kings sword.

[ Follower added successful.]

[ Future Fire Demon lord System given to Benjamin Fulmar successful.]

[ Authorization to bypass Benjamin Fulmar's firewall. ]

Yes or No

'Yes.' Leo pressed mentally.

[ Future Fire Demon Lord System activation successful.]

[ Future Fire Demon Lord System received skills successful. ]

[ skills received.]

-Double step : User moves at a certain speed giving a illusion of multiple clones .

- Fusion: allows the user to mix elements.

- Spatial Manipulation (By manipulating the space he can do instant teleportation, can distort the surrounding space to nullify attacks and much more.

-Forcefield (Can create a multi-layered defense that distorts space in order to create absolute defense.

-Resistance : to Soul Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Clairvoyance, Fear Manipulation, Power Nullification etc.

-Regeneration: Low-Godly; Can regenerate as long as his soul is alive.

-Non-Corporeal: Exists as a spiritual entity.

-Hyper Genius: Every fiber in the user acts if they have a mind of their on making the users reflexes almost godly.

-Universal Detect: Multi-purpose Sense-Skill that contains the effects of other Sense-Skills like Magic Sense, Sense Heat Source, Sense Soundwave, and Keen Smell.

-Demon Lord's Haki: A Skill that enhances a magic-based creature's Monster Aura. Needs to be at least on the level of a Demon Lord Breed to acquire. This Skill is a composite of several other Skills like Coercion and Magic Aura, among others. It causes Fear and can even cause instant death to those who can't resist it.

-Evo Flame Lightning: Enhanced version of combined Extra Skills Flame and Thunder.

-Flare Circle: An attack that seals the target in a boundary that prevents thermal energy from leaking out, and then burns the opponent alongside all the oxygen within the barrier. Any living thing that breathes air without having Resist Flame Attack (or better), or some other means of defense, will perish within it.

-Hell Flare: An attack move that creates a Ranged Barrier dome five meters in diameter which burns the target to nothingness with temperatures of several hundred million degrees if compressed enough. Capable of breaking through even extraordinary resistance against Flames or Heat.

-Apollos Wrath : A skill which uses Elemental Magic to form multiple very large magnifying-ember like embers constructs in the air. This focuses the energy of the sun into devastating heat capable of reaching temperatures thousands of degrees at an extreme speed.

-infinite mana: The user never runs out of mama due to this fact the user can use elements at will.

-Absolute Rose: now all flame embers are evolved into flame petals.

[ Race evolution has begun.]

[ Race evolution successful.]

Race: Royal Lesser Demon

Name: Benjamin Fluram

Level: 5

Class: Warrior

Title: Flame Desmond prince

Hp: 10,000

MP: ???


[ Stat ]

Strength: 210


Agility: 200


Mentality: 250

[ SP: 75 ]

As while all of this was going on Benjamin's eyes started changing colors. Eyes turned bitch black with his right eye showing a red sun and his left eye with a red crescent moon.

Race: Awakened Beastmen

Name: Leonard Fluram

Level: 10

Class: Wanderer

Title: Demon Beast King

HP: 30,000

MP: ???

Stamina: 3,010

[ Stat ]

Strength: 361

Stamina: 301

Agility: 321

Intelligence: ???

Mentality: 301

[ SP: 0 ]

[ Skills ]

Attack Skills :

[ Evo Skill: Heavenly roar:Lv.Max,Melt Slash:Lv.1,God's Wrath:Lv.1, Evo Onyx Flame:Lv.1,Evo Flame Bullet:Lv.1,Frey's sphere:Lv.1,Evo Onyx Lighting,Evo Hell Flare:Lv.1,Create Summon Gate:Lv.1,Insulated Prison:Lv.Max,Evo Disintegeration:Lv.Max,Evo Beast Cannon:Lv1,Aura Manipulation:Lv.1,Mind power:Lv.Max,Clone:Lv.1,Summoners Contract:Lv.1, Evo Summon Superior Elemental Spirit:LvMax

Passive Skills

(Beast sense:Lv.Max,Evo beastly appetite:Lv.max,Self-Regen:Lv.Max,Control Magic:Lv.max,Darkflame Lighting:Lv1,Thought Acceleration:Lv.1,Evo universal creation:Lv.Max,Fusion:Lv.Max,Separate:Lv.Max,Evo Holy Beastform:Lv.50,Predator:LvMax,Beastdom:Lv.10,Magic Perception:Lv.Max,Thought Transmission:Lv.Max,beastly intimidation:Lv.50,Great Demon Lords Haki:LvMax,Future Attack Prediction:LvMax,Soul Corridor:Lv.1,Arcane Soul Recall:Lv.Max,Shadow Step:Lv.Max,Primitive Magic:Lv.Max,Power of words:Lv.Max,pain nullification:Lv.Max,Weapons Mastery:Lv.Max,Elemental manipulation:Lv.Max,Evo skill: Giver of gifts:Lv.30, Take Over:Lv.65, Demon BeastKing Time Domain:Lv.Max,Infinite mana:Lv.Max