
Earth of the Humans

Maryam_hijab_sono · SF
6 Chs

Fall of Earth

In a world not too different from our own, all species of animals and plants, except for humans, had gone extinct. No one knows exactly what caused this mass extinction, but it was clear that humans were the only ones left to bear the

consequences of their doings. At first, people were in shock and disbelief. They tried to continue on with their lives as usual, but it was impossible to ignore the emptiness of the world around them. The lack of wildlife and greenery made the planet feel sterile and lifeless. But slowly with the help of technology they seemed to replace the task of every single creature in the Planet Earth.

As the years went by, the impact of the extinction began to take its tol. The food chain had been severely disrupted, and many crops and livestock were dying out at this point again thanks to Artificial soil cleaner nano robots they were able to have fertile ground again.

In poor countries people were struggling to find enough to eat, and some even turned to cannibalism. Those countries slowly disappeared from the map of Earth. Governments and organizations tried to address the crisis, but their efforts were in vain. The world was plunged into chaos and violence as people fought over the remaining resources. Cities became fortresses, guarded by armed forces, and the streets were patrolled by gangs who would stop at nothing to get what they needed. In the midst of this chaos, a small group of people banded together to try and find a solution. They were a diverse group, brought together by their shared desire to find a way to restore the balance of the planet. They traveled the world, gathering information and resources, and eventually came up with a plan. The plan was ambitious and dangerous, but they believed it was their only hope. They would venture into space, traveling to other planets in search of new life that they could bring back to Earth. It was a long shot, but they felt it was worth the risk.

Years went by they failed to find a new planet and leave the Earth. In the year 2050, the world was facing a major crisis. The ozone layer, which protects the Earth from harmful UV rays, was rapidly thinning, and the ocean's oxygen levels were rapidly declining. Scientists were sounding the alarm, warning that unless something was done soon, the planet would become uninhabitable. Dr.Levi, a brilliant scientist who was determined to find a solution to this crisis. She devoted herself to finding a way to regenerate the ozone layer and oxygen.