
Earth of the Humans

Maryam_hijab_sono · Sci-fi
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6 Chs

Marcoline Martin

Hy...I can't do this. Please let me go . I will do double shifts and pay you back" Marco

begged the grumpy middle-aged man who was glaring at her with his brown eyes under the

black thin mask. "How pathetic.....you are so lame . I trained you for days for this big night. "

But it is wrong to steel from someone like that, althought I don't wanted to do it because

...." Gary didn't let her complete the sentence and slapped Marco hard on her face.

"Not a word... I can order you to do anything I want and you have no choice but to follow

my orders" Gary shouted at Marco felt going deep into saddness. Tears filled in her

eyes aand she tried to scream and cry. But Gary pushed her inside the hole of the roof even

before she tried to cry a little bit. Marco had no choice but to perform this crime . She was

not doing this for money she was doing this for her freedom. Marco was going down

into room from a hight of 150 feet. Roofs of this lavish mansion was upto 150 feet high.

There was no chance that Marco safely lands on the floor without breaking a bone!

Marco closed before she hits the floor hard. She thought that she is going to die. But of a hard

floor she felt that she falls on a soft surface. Marco opened her eyes and saw that she is

lying in the middle of the huge sofa. Marco stood up and deeply observe her surroundings.

It was a lavish mansion decorated with expansive things. Now it was the time for Marco to

complete her task.

"I am starting it thomas" Marco shouted while looking up into the hole , they made for their

most important mission . Gary gives her a thumbs-up and smilled wickedly . Marco

begin to start her work . She gathered all the childish stuff present into the mansion and start

replacing with fake ones. At first Marco was surprised why Gary hadd been gathering all the

toys and dolls and dresses of a young girl. Why he needed that stuff? Maybe for a cone-game !

Marco ran through all the things and find out that those were from the times of her

own childhood . Those things were popular at the time when she was a kid not now. Later on

she started stealing jewelleries of the house owner s' wife . The couple had been on a

buisness trip for days. It seems that they had been avoiding living into that luxurious mansion

on purpose. "How can a person denies living in such a big and lavish house" Marco whispers to

herself as she was mesmerized by the beauty of the house . On the other hand she felt a

really deep connection towards this house. Suddenly Gary shouted from the hole of the roof

"are you done? Marco shouted back "yes". Then Gary threw a long rope into the house for

Marco tied up bags of the things they stole . Marco tied up bags with the rope one by one

and Gary pulled them up. Then he threw the rope for the very last time for the Marco to

climb up. When Marco was pulled up . They begin to fix the roof of the mansion again so

that no one could suspect them . At the time when they were almost done with the roof a

dog started barking from the garden. As he suspects That something was wrong with the

house . Those dog were kept in the garden to avoid thieves but Gary and Marco still managed

to get inside. They instantly jumped on the back side of the mansion and started running like crazy. It was Marco s' first ever crime but not last!


"Gary why I need to stole from that huge house. I don't think we are doing good" Marco

tried to say but mumbled in a very low voice. Gary instantly grabed her face and shouted

" how dare you to disobey my orders. Don't forget that you are under my control and I

can make you do whatever I want with or without your wish". Marco noded her as she wanted

to say that "yes I know that and I will not speak again" . Gary threw her on the floor and

left the room . Marco knew that he is not coming back until tomorow so started

preparing dinner for herself, She tomato macoroni and egg salad. While eating Marco

started remembering glimpses of her wonderful childhood. Marco spent her childhood days

like a princess but soon a man ruined her happiness. Marco still remembers the day when

she was kidnapped by a man. She was jusyears old when this incident happened, the

incident changed her life for forever as she tortured and beaten by the kidnapper .

Marco still had red marks on her back. Marks were formed when he hits her burning iron rod.

Living with Gary was not easy. Gary was very cruel . Gary used to hit her with bamboo

sticks and manipulated her . But Marco was helpless because her brain was under Gary s'

control. But something inside her told her that someday she will be free and she can do

whatever she want at that day. Gary was sure that Marco wasa name of golden sparrow

for her. And poor Marco was proving it right, But she cannot do anything but mourn at

her bad fate.


''Marco are you ready. Today we are learning about how to break a fire safe locker" Gary

folded the sleeves of his baggy T-shirt and picked up a big fat magnet and put it in a

old woolen sock and start rubbing it on the surface of the locker. After rubbing for a

few seconds Gary asked her to change the locker s' password on her own and don' t

t tell him the new password. As Marco did what Gary had said to her.

Marco didn't know what fate had stored for her. She couldn't find the accurate reason why she was obeying Gary like a robot or slave. Maybe she should go to a doctor or tried to escape from Gary s' prison.