
dying light. (full redo)

a soldier forced to live in the world of dying light.... why do the night hunters seem more interested in him? but of course, how is he suppose to help the tower when rias men keep making trouble? by slaughtering them all.

Scathach_ · ゲーム
12 Chs

chapter 4 (what the fuck is that)

Jack was still on his daily stroll mainly looking for rais men, but also for loot. His stroll took him into the night, and that's when he heard it.

A loud piercing screech, and since he was at the tower delivering supplies he heard what they called it.

"Night hunter," one of the guards shouted, as they rushed to close one of the doors.

Jack soon caught on and slid the supplies inside before he closed the doors.

A woman caught sight of his face just as Jack closed the door. Jack's eyes scanned the darkness and ran. He leaped across rooftops like he was jumping across rivers.

He could hear whatever that thing was chasing him, and when he snuck a glance he saw that it was using a grapple of sorts.

Jack felt it before he realized what happened, but his finger was already on the UV flashlight, and that stopped the prounce of the night hunter.

Jack rolled up and drop-kicked the night hunter before running away. Close combat was definitely a no-go since it was stronger, and more agile than he was.

So what that left was outplaying this hunter's intelligence, and there was only one place to reasonably do that.

Jack jumped and scaled a roof before jumping onto a nearby one, and behind him, he could hear the night hunter gaining on him.

'there,' Jack thought.

Jack ran to a particular pillar, and just at the perfect time because the hunter tried to tackle our dear protagonist. That was a mistake.

The night hunter was impaled on the spikes on the poll, and even then it tried to move. To which Jack stomped on its head instantly killing him.

"Piece of sh-" another night hunter screech.

"Some of a bitch," I said. I ran fast, but I knew it was after me.

It was like it had night vision, and could see where I was-... That's why. Jack thought as he ran.

He knew the same trick wasn't going to work twice, so that meant he was going to need to be creative.

[Cue "Sweet Dreams" by Eurythmics]

Jack was on a dash, this one seemed to be able to be immune from UV light for what appeared to be five seconds. But five seconds was all it would take for it to kill him.

Jack led the monster back to the towers and when it grappled onto him he waited and then put his feet against the night hunter and kicked him straight into the UV.

How many of these fucks were th- another damn fucking howl.

Jack could see it in the distance, even as it made its way to where he was. Jack prepared himself for another damn fight, but instead, he felt himself get pulled into the tower.

However, at that moment he felt the night hunter's grapple wrap around his leg pulling him back into the dark.

"Cut that off" the woman yelled desperately as she tried pulling me back into the UV.

One of the guards aimed at the "defenseless" night hunter. But it yanked one last time and this time successfully yanked Jack into the night.

It yelled in Jack's face, but Jack had stolen a little something from the woman. A UV was lit, and Jack shoved it down the night hunter's disgusting mouth.

Then Jack proceeded to stab the night hunter directly under his chin and it pierced its brain.

"Get in," the woman yelled as another night hunter roar was heard.

This time our dear protagonist got in and collapsed while breathing heavily.

"How many of those fuckers are there," he yelled before he groaned.

"A fuck ton. Especially on Fridays. But they seem to especially hate you, how many was that? 4. Sheesh you just love to piss people off huh?" the woman said as she helped Jack up.

"Jack. Jack Cooper," Jack said as he stood up. Jack noticed immediately his leg was most definitely sprained, definitely when the night hunter pulled on his leg.

Clear note, avoid the night hunter at all costs. They are intelligent and stronger than volatiles.

"Jade. Now come on, brecken wants to speak with you," she said


"what is this bullshit," a random man yelled as he broke his keyboard. The player he just went against had to be hacking.

"Your such a pussy, hiding in a safe zone you piece of shit. Man, I almost had him too. Man, he didn't even get my nest," the man said exhausted.

"Well, at least it wasn't someone with the infinite ammo shotgun and modded flares. Fuck those guys,"

(A/N ^fuck those guys FR)

(Chapter end)