

unknown_20281 · アニメ·コミックス
126 Chs

Chapter 69

So now, the most important thing is to silence.

At this time, Sazex and Michael were both on guard that the other party would take action to get rid of Kirkball, and they directly killed him without any evidence.

However, the one who really wanted to silence it was actually Su Mu.

After all, he didn't want the three clans to know that behind the attack in hell, someone other than the three clans was planning, and the purpose was to provoke a war between the three clans.

Although Kirkball, a war madman, would probably try his best to keep secrets even in the face of severe torture, Su Mu would not pin his hopes on outsiders.

The dead are always more reassuring than the living in keeping secrets.

"Su Mujun, your current strength—"

Rias and Zhi Kuangna looked at each other, and the shock on their faces could not be concealed.

The face of Himejima Akino next to him also had a surprised look.

Different from others, these three people had a high vision after all, and could faintly see the strength level of Su Mu at this time.

Demon King!

Even the most advanced demons that he has seen before can't compare to the momentum Su Mu showed at this time.

Moreover, Kirkball, who is the highest-ranking fallen angel, was cautious and even faintly fearful at this time, which can also explain this point.

"Really, the wind (bjcg) turns the water, Su Mujun." Rias lightly held her red hair with a bitter expression on her face.

Although Su Mu was on her side at this time, she still couldn't help feeling uncomfortable.

In her eyes, Su Mu was basically a weakling who was not worth the cost of demon chess pieces.

But now, she could only look up.

If she had been able to take Su Mu as a dependent in advance when she was weak, then there would be no need to worry about the marriage contract at this time, right?

After all, the power of the phoenix on Leza Phoenix, her betrothed, was difficult to deal with, but with the strength of the most advanced demons, she had the opportunity to crush it with absolute power.

If it was the Demon King class, it would be even more powerless to resist.

This feeling of missing something... It really made her feel quite uncomfortable.

However, my current mood is like this, so what about Cang Na?

Thinking like this, Rias turned her eyes subconsciously, and looked at Shitou Sona beside her.

The girl who had always had a cold expression in the middle, after a brief period of astonishment, the expression on her face quickly changed to a relieved smile.

"I was a little worried at first, but now that I look at it, there should be no problem."

Zhi Quocang raised his hand and gently pushed down his glasses, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Then, I'll just stand a little further away and leave the situation here directly to you?"

Although it is not clear what happened to Su Mu's power at this time, the aura of the same level as the Demon King would not be deceiving.

In other words, according to Su Mu's previous strength, it was surprising to reach the Demon King directly, but it was not unacceptable.

Therefore, Zhi Quang Na accepted the reality after being surprised for a short time.

Then, decisively left the battlefield to Su Mu.

She believed that Su Mu could solve the matter perfectly, so she didn't need to make trouble here.

When necessary, having self-knowledge and learning to watch from the sidelines is also to draw on Cangna's wisdom.

"Okay, then leave the matter to me."

Su Mu nodded lightly.

"Hey, you guy, don't underestimate me!"

Kirkball glared at Su Mu below and shouted unhappily.

Although Su Mu's aura shocked him, it would be too embarrassing to retreat without a fight.

Even if it can be clearly seen, this is a guy whose hard power is above himself.

However, Kirkball has confidence in his credentials.

Ancient, representing a wealth of combat experience.

Maybe the strength is not as good as the opponent, but he will not lose to a young guy easily!

Thinking like this, Kirkball spread his ten wings behind him, and his wings spread out slightly, and the roar of thunder and lightning suddenly sounded.

Then, the electric light poured down.

The reason why he was unhappy with Baiqiu was largely because the two were also fallen angels who were good at using lightning-like powers.

Therefore, on the battlefield, his limelight will always be taken away by Baiqiu, who is more powerful.

Now, it shouldn't be difficult to pretend to fight back and forth with one's own strength, and then withdraw directly - Kirkball thought so.

As for the future, this guy will naturally have Lord Rachel to deal with.

Thinking of this, the smile on Kirkball's face suddenly became more sinister.

At this time, Kirkball, thinking about the mysterious and powerful Lord Rachel, suddenly became more confident.

He didn't know much about the adult, but he firmly believed that he was not the kind of pawn that could be easily discarded.

But it turns out - he thinks too much!

This piece of chess that was used and thrown, would never have imagined that the enemy in front of him was the Lord Rachel who made him admire.

Su Mu held the holy spear in his hand, and waved the weapon that was more than three meters long, blocking the thunder and lightning falling from the sky, and then rushed towards the sky against the thunderous torrent.

Then, in Kirkball's panicked and unable to dodge expression, the holy spear in his hand suddenly stabbed and passed through his heart.

The turbulent power directly caused his body to explode into two pieces.

"You—" Kirkball looked horrified.

Su Mu was speechless, calmly withdrew the holy spear, and threw off the blood stained on it. .

Chapter 117 Don't give face! This is embarrassing!

"This time—" Looking at the pothole in Kirkball's chest that directly penetrated his body, Michaelton showed an unpredictable expression, "It's too bad!"

Unexpectedly, he concentrated on preventing Sazex, the strongest demon king, from taking the opportunity to silence Kirkboar, which would be the end.

It seems that Sazex did not have any changes, but Su Mu, the master who appeared in Mo Ming, directly silenced this guy Kokboer with lightning speed.

However, it is not a well-known powerhouse for a long time, and it is not a problem to have such power.

Just like a seasoned powerhouse trained in that kind of war, killing his opponent with a single blow made him feel a little abnormal.

The expression on Sazex's face was similar to that of Michael at this time.

His attention was always on Michael, so he didn't have time to stop Su Mu's actions.

More importantly, I didn't expect that this guy, Kirkball, shouted a slogan quite loudly. In fact, he couldn't even hold a single move!

Then, the two helmsmen of their respective races had similar thoughts in their hearts almost simultaneously.

Shouldn't it be Michael (Sazex), this guy's behind-the-scenes?

The two leaders happened to notice that the other seemed to be paying attention to their positions, and suddenly smiled awkwardly at each other.

Then, the inner words can suddenly become more serious.

In a word, they really could not have imagined that Kirkball, a guy who lived from ancient times to the present, would be so good at being picked off by Su Mu, an unknown young junior, with a single shot!

This suddenly made them feel so upset.

As usual, Kirkball is dead, and the two promise to applaud.

After all, this guy is the mainstay of his enemy during the war, or the top combat power.

In peacetime, it's the kind of restless guy who always jumps around trying to provoke war.

However, this guy Kirkball cannot die at this time!

"Sazex, did you already know that this guy has such a powerful power?"

Michael's pale golden pupils glanced around unintentionally, as if he asked casually.

"No, if I know that this guy has such strength, then—"

Sazex said, his words suddenly got stuck, and he didn't know how to go on.

He could naturally sense the unavoidable suspicion in Michael's tone.

It seems that this guy Michael is hard-heartedly suspicious of me.

A wry smile appeared on Sazex's face.

However, why is he not suspecting this guy Michael?

"However, Michael, do you really know nothing about the holy spear in this guy's hand that has a lot to do with your side?"

Feeling unable to defend himself, Sazex gave up explaining something and asked directly.

The underworld side did have a connection with Su Mu before.

Zhi Quang Na and Rias had a lot of contacts and interactions with Su Mu in Kuwang College, which was impossible to hide.

From this point of view, if others suspected that the underworld had contacted Su Mu before and asked him to silence Kirkball, then he really had no way to justify it.

However, if you say so——

Heaven seems to also be unable to escape the relationship.

The holy spear in Su Mu's hand.

It doesn't look like a god-killer.

This kind of weapon seems to have an inseparable relationship with the Son of God. If it has to say that it has nothing to do with the heavens, then no one will believe it, right?

Therefore, Sazeks also has a reason. In fact, Su Mu and Tianjie have had this hidden connection for a long time, and this "killing and silence" was originally led by Tianjie.

Michael suddenly felt unable to argue.

However, he really had no clue about the sacred gun in Su Mu's hand!

However, no one would believe this kind of thing even if it was said.

Even at this moment, he was doubting himself, is there someone in the heaven who is behind his back?

However, this idea was smothered by him as soon as it appeared.

"I really didn't know anything about this holy gun before—"

Michael defended with some weak words.

Even he himself felt that his words were really unconvincing.

"Similarly, I didn't know that Su Mu had possessed such a powerful power unknowingly." Sazeks also had a serious expression.

No matter who they are on both sides, they are unwilling to take the blame of "killing and silence" on themselves.

Because taking over this black pot means taking over the terrorist attack against hell at the same time.

As the representative of the Fallen Angel Fang staying here, Baiqiu remained silent, and he could not help but feel the pressure.

He had already received a communication from Asazel from hell at this time.

Hell is almost completely destroyed, and it is unknown whether it can be repaired.

At this time, he was the only one who belonged to the Fallen Angel force.

That is to say, if one of the fallen angels or the demons really wants to beat the fallen angels...then he seems to be quite dangerous as he is alone.

··0 Flowers

So he is kind.

"Baiqiu, I swear in the name of the Lord, this kind of thing has absolutely nothing to do with me."

Michael seemed to have noticed the panic of Baiqiu, a lonely fallen angel, so he quickly comforted him.

After all, he still hoped that the Three Realms would be at peace, and Michael couldn't take the blame.

Therefore, he has to show that he has no ill will towards the fallen angel at this time.

So he did not hesitate to swear in the name of the Lord.

Considering his status as the most loyal angel, since he has said such things, it is naturally impossible to lie.