

unknown_20281 · アニメ·コミックス
126 Chs

Chapter 53

Thinking of this, her tone suddenly became weaker.

"I feel that my mouth is fine, not so cold..."

"Really?" Su Mu said dubiously, and nodded lightly, "Alright then, let me try it."

Hearing this, the Tacheng Kitten subconsciously handed over the cone in his hand, wanting to let Su Mu try it again and feel it.

However, Su Mu grabbed her hand holding the cone, leaned down without hesitation, and placed her mouth on the petals of her cherry blossom petals.


Tacheng Kitten's eyes widened in surprise.

It turned out that when Su Mu said try it, she didn't mean to try it, but to experience the temperature of her mouth...

She thought dizzily.

a long time.

Tacheng Kitten's hand holding the cone has long since been weakly released. If it wasn't for Su Mu, this unfinished cone would have been wasted.

Of course, even if it was held by Su Mu, the cone would have almost melted.

Well, the case is solved.

Su Mu recalled the feeling just now, and nodded with satisfaction.

Barbs or something, nothing.

However, it would be hard to say if the kitten turned into a cat mandrill, with cat ears and cat tail exposed.

It seems that we will have to try again until then.

This is for nothing else but for academic inquiry.

In a sense, it is the pursuit of knowledge and truth.

Dispose of the remaining cones, Su Mu thought with satisfaction.


After a long time, the Tacheng kitten still felt dizzy.

She stared at Su Mu blankly, unable to believe what she had just experienced.

He clearly only wanted to kiss indirectly at first, why did he fast-forward to this point?

For her, it was so exciting.

Although Tacheng Kitten is its own game house, it is also cold to galgame.

But in reality, it is quite pure for these performances.

Such close communication... She just felt like her brain was about to be overloaded.

"Let's go."

Su Mu said, and glanced around casually.

The kitten looks petite and cute, and Su Mu is also first-class in appearance.

The two of them showed their intimate relationship on the street like no one else, and it was hard not to attract the attention of others.


However, no one noticed these two people on the street where people came and went.

Even Su Mu, like Kitten, is worried about being misunderstood by the police.

Being pulled by Su Mu's hand, the kitten felt a little soft under her feet, but she had to follow.

Indistinctly, Su Mu could still hear uninterrupted whispers of scolding coming out of her mouth.

"My head is full of h!"



Aaaaah, what the hell is going on in me to feel that I still need to take the initiative to get closer to this guy.

Tacheng Kitten raised his hand and wiped the corner of his mouth lightly, feeling that his mood was a little complicated.

"What's matter?"

Su Mu looked at her with a faint smile on her face.

The Tacheng kitten raised his hand subconsciously and covered his slightly swollen mouth.


So, Tacheng Kitten decided, no matter what entanglements and troubles, they should all be poured into the game hall.


Then, because she accidentally broke the joystick with too much force, she had to grab Su Mu's hand and escape.

Of course, for this poor game hall, the Gremory family will pay more than the original price afterwards.

In this regard, Su Mu can only say that he earned it.

That's right, long before Su Mu went to study at Kuwang Academy, he had already taken down all the game halls in Kuwang Town.

As for today's words, I can only say that it's okay. Although they left early due to an accident, the two of them had a good time in the game hall for the time being.

"So, do I send you back to my own home, or to mine?"

Su Mu looked at the Tacheng kitten with a slight smile in his eyes and asked.

Hearing this question suddenly, Tacheng Kitten was slightly nervous, and subconsciously grabbed the corner of his clothes.

"Take me back to your house..." Tacheng Kitten had a look of contempt on his face, "What are you trying to do?"

"Do what you love to do."

Su Mu said casually.

Kitten was silent for a while, probably not expecting Su Mu to be so vulgar all of a sudden.

She turned silently, thinking about the direction of her house.

It wouldn't be easy to do that.

And... as a cat mandrill, if you enter that stage too early when your body is immature, it may be life-threatening.


When she thought so, she thought of the sister who abandoned her after a long absence.

The cat mandrill named Tacheng Heige is her older sister.

Whether it is body or appearance, it is actually the existence that the kitten once dreamed of.

If you can be about the same size as your sister, then there should be no problem, right?

The kitten thought hesitantly.

"Anyway, at least..." She pursed her thin lips, her face with a dazzling color like a red glow, "At least until my body size can be a little bigger, right?" Zero.

Chapter 93 Outsiders? Where are the outsiders? (4/6) Ask for full order

[I can go back, I can go back! Ahhh! Su Mujun, I can finally come back to see you! that is really good! ]

The slender fingers nimbly pointed on the screen of the mobile phone, and the text filled with the excitement of the girl appeared quickly.

The girl was lying on the bed, her long chestnut hair was not tied up as usual, but draped around her body casually, and the ends of her hair were scattered on the sheets.

Those agate-like purple eyes flashed with excitement.

The two delicate little feet that were raised were dangling happily at this time, revealing the excitement of their owner without concealment.

How long has it been since you came to this place that you haven't been able to go back?

The chestnut-haired girl couldn't help showing a silly girl's smile, and then she flipped over on the bed and buried her face in the pillow.

Even so, she could still see her slightly trembling shoulders and hear that silly laughter.

It was completely impossible to see that such a girl who smirked with no temperament would actually be a famous soldier in the church.

Obtained the sword of the king divided into seven pieces, and the holder of the holy sword with the right to use the "Sacred Sword of Mimicry" is named Wisteria Irina.

"It's been a long time since I went back. Su Mujun probably already misses me terribly."

The girl named Zi "Nine Two Three" Teng Irina tumbled on the bed without any bearing, and turned her back to the sky, staring blankly at the ceiling.

"Looks like I'll go back sooner."

"Su Mujun, it seems that he has also become very remarkable."

With that in mind, she clicked on a news page saved on her phone.

In this page, Su Mu's photo occupies the largest space.

Below, there are dazzling touts.

Similar to "a rare financial genius in three thousand years", "a man who can carry a neon future", "give me a lever, and I can move the entire stock market".

She basically knew all the words in this report. But putting it together, she didn't know what she was talking about.

But, being able to understand a little is enough.

Su Mujun is really amazing.

Wisteria Irina sighed in her heart.

In other words, Su Mujun is still so good.

"Guhehe" with a smirk, Wisteria Irina opened the previous text message editing page and was about to send out the message she had already written.

No, no!

The moment her finger was about to click on the "send" button, she suddenly stopped moving as if she had been hit by Gorgon's petrified magic eye.

Although it is true that they are very good childhood sweethearts, and they keep in touch even after separation.

However, it is undeniable that all relationships may become distant with the division of time and distance.

Space has made their relationship tragically estranged, and time has blurred their memories.

In the case of being separated for so long, if he still speaks in such a tone, will Su Mujun feel that he is a girl who does not have enough self-respect?

Thinking of this, Wisteria Irina quickly pressed her finger on the delete button to delete the message she just edited.

"Then, that's it—"

[Su Mujun, I will return to my hometown someday, and I hope to have a drink with you at that time. ]

"No, this is really too unfamiliar!" Wisteria Irina rubbed her hair in annoyance, "If Su Mujun saw this news, he would definitely think that I was estranged from him!"

Wisteria Irina, a conservatively trained church warrior, posed as a salted fish lying on the bed.

In any case, it seems that there is no way to choose the language...

Wisteria Irina rolled over on the bed, troubled.

"Damn, although I usually keep in touch, but because of confidentiality requirements, I can't speak freely when I speak." Wisteria Irina grimaced, "I have something to hide from him, will it have been discovered long ago? ?"

"No, I remember that Su Mujun seems to be very keen since he was a child, and he can always find things that others can't. What should I do now?"

After staying in the church for so many years, I was finally able to return to my hometown to find the childhood sweetheart.

However, in addition to expectation and joy, Wisteria Irina's heart is more nervous.

"Then, the most important thing now is to ease my nervousness."

Wisteria Irina took a deep breath, and then showed a calm expression on her face.

[Su Mujun, I like you very much, let's date when I go back! ]

Then, my finger decisively pressed the "Send" button.

[The message will be sent in five seconds (immediate send/unsend). ]

[5,4,3.... ]

Well, even if the childhood sweethearts that I haven't seen for many years, even if they still have a relationship, it's impossible to really confess like this.

Even if you want to reveal your fiery heart, you need to consider the other party's thoughts, otherwise what should you do if you scare people away.