

unknown_20281 · アニメ·コミックス
126 Chs

Chapter 48

Chapter 87 Rebel's Compromise (4/6)

"The little princess of the Phoenix family is missing?"

Hearing Grefia's words, Rias was immediately stunned. The Phoenix family is one of the seventy-two demon families in the underworld.

And unlike many families who are about to lose their blood, the Phoenix family can be said to be one of the families that suffered less damage in the original three-family war.

Now, it can be said that the underworld is the top demon family in the underworld, except for the families where the four major demon kings belong.

After all, it is a family that is married to Rias, so she will naturally choose the one that can help her as much as possible.

For his sister, whether she understands it or not, Sazex can't make her suffer.

For this point, the family that was originally slapped with the way of chess to settle the marriage contract is actually the same.

Of course, as for why he didn't marry the other Demon King's families—the marriage was meant to represent, in a sense, alliance.

This is equivalent to releasing a signal that the top four are holding each other together.

Because of the relationship between the four major demon kings, even if they uphold a fair attitude as much as possible, they will inevitably benefit the four families, and there is a slight tendency to surpass the rest of the family.

If the families of the four major demon kings were to form a group, then the demon nobles of the underworld would not be able to accept it.

Because this means that the family of the Four Demon Kings is truly closed into a small circle, completely surpassing the rest of the family, becoming the "royal family" of the underworld, and even the "Dragon people".

The rest of the nobles are just nobles.

Moreover, choosing to marry the Phoenix family, because of the family power, if they really get married, even if Raisa is temporarily stronger than Rias, it will still be dominated by Rias after all.

If you choose the rest of the Demon King family, it will be unknown.

Therefore, regarding the issue of marriage, whether it is Sazex or Rias's parents, it can be said that they have thought about it carefully, rather than taking her out for an exchange of interests on the surface.

However, Rias did not appreciate these things.

When she heard the news of the disappearance of the little princess of the Phoenix family, Rias was surprised at first.

After all, it is considered a top family, and the little princess in the family will suddenly disappear.

Then there is...

"That's great."

In an instant, a smile appeared on Rias' face.

In any case, the difficulties that I need to face seem to be delayed.

Of course it's fun.

As for worrying... If you can't solve your own problems, how can you spare yourself to worry about others?

She is not stupid.

Maybe there is kindness, but the mud Bodhisattva cannot protect himself when crossing the river, and it is too stupid to sympathize with others.

Rebel Phoenix, a name she had only heard of.

Hearing the phrase "This is great" blurted out from Rias's mouth, Grefia's face suddenly stiffened slightly.

Then, he shook his head helplessly.

"Rias-sama, even if you say that in front of me, it's nothing. However, if it's on other occasions, please maintain a little etiquette."

It is impossible to blame.

Although it is a marriage object, it does not say that the two families have too much communication on weekdays.

After all, since she is a big family, Grefia naturally still faces Rias.

However, if Rias accidentally said something like this elsewhere, it might cause a lot of trouble.

Even, the effect that marriage can play may be greatly reduced.

"By the way, Rias is big. Although the Phoenix family intends to postpone the ranking game because of Lebel's disappearance, it does not mean that it will be cancelled."

She bowed respectfully.

"If it proves that Rebel has died, or that the whereabouts have been unknown for too long, then it is normal for the ranking game to restart."

The earth will continue to spin without anyone.

Even if there is someone missing from the Phoenix family, the days ahead will continue.

"I see."

If Rebel really had an accident, the ranking game would restart after the pain.

But if she can disappear and remain missing, the problems she faces can be delayed for a long time.

In this way, she naturally hoped that Rebel would remain missing, but her life would be safe.

Rias nodded lightly, then silently folded her hands together with a pious demeanor.

"I hope Rebel is okay."

The old hope is home.

By the way.

I hope that Rebel's trace will not be found, not found, not found.

Rias prayed earnestly in her heart.

Seeing her like this, Grefia shook her head helplessly.

In fact, the ranking game was Rias' last chance to resist.

In fact, apart from the ranking game, Rias could not use too many methods to destroy the marriage.

For example, let's sneer at the disappearance of Rebel now.

In this way, let alone the door of Phoenix's house in the future, even for Sazex's sake, they will politely ask her to get out.

However, all she had left to choose was the ranking game.

Yes, Rias' resistance at this time was just willful.

Whether it's Grefia, Sazex, or Rias, they all know it.

Even at that Phoenix house.

However, Grefia and Sazex, and even everyone in the Gremory family, actually did not necessarily expect her resistance to be successful.

Because this is actually kind of proof.

This proves that Rias has the ability and right to be willful, and even does not need the qualifications of marriage in the future.

What's more, the Gremory family has already prepared for the probability of less than one percent, or even one in a thousand, and discussed with the Phoenix family how to compensate the Phoenix family after such an unexpected situation.

Under this kind of compensation, what the Phoenix family can get is not much less than the marriage plan.

Rias is not the poor princess imprisoned in the Demon King's castle, and the Phoenix family is not the villain in the story.

The simple world and logic in fairy tales do not exist at all.

Just as in the sky, it is not always clear, but there are also dark clouds and torrential rains.

A cloudless clearing may not be all that well.

But, at least at this moment, she sincerely prayed—

Accompanied by the light of the magic circle, Grafia's figure slowly disappeared.

Rias reached out to the sky outside the window, as if trying to grab something.

"At least for this moment, I want to see the sun."

She smiled.

Then, pray again.

Rias thought, clasping her hands together and speaking sincerely.

"I hope Rebel is okay!"


At this time, Rebel Phoenix, the object of Rias's heartfelt prayer, was at Su Mu's house.

Rebel looked at the maid outfit in front of her, her face full of confusion.

"Maid costume!"

"That guy, actually came up with this kind of thing!"

"Maid control! Change! Lolicon!"

"This guy turned out to be serious! I'm a big Phoenix family, how can I really be a maid!"

Looking at the small maid outfit that seemed to fit her body type, Rebel felt a little exasperated.

"There is such a trumpet for such a thing as a maid. Is it possible that all the people in this country are mutated?"

"It's chilling!"

"What happened to the country of Neon? It must be a physical problem. I fell into deep thinking!"

"Let me purify this country and that bastard out there with the holy phoenix flame!"

"Is it all right, Rebel?" Just when the little princess of the Phoenix family exploded, a urging voice suddenly came from outside, "Just change clothes, why does it take so long?"


"If you don't hurry, I'm going in!"

What are you doing in here?

Do you still want to help me change my clothes?

Rebel's face instantly panicked.

But soon, the little face that was full of grief and anger just now changed into a slightly flattering smile.

"Come here, wait a minute! I'll be fine right away~"

That sweet and greasy voice, although a little immature, still makes people feel crisp.

As soon as the words fell, Rebel silently slapped her face with tears.

The majesty of the phoenix, broken.

Super glue doesn't stick well either.

Woohoo, why do you have to encounter this kind of thing.

With an extremely reluctant smile on her face, Rebel put on the little maid outfit with some jerky movements.

And the most shameful thing is that, with the glory of the phoenix on his back, he would show such a servile, flattering and shameless attitude!

Is the military salute of the surrendering country so fast?

No, at times like this, show a strong and unyielding attitude.

In anime, doesn't the protagonist often face the choice between life and death without changing his face, and finally gain the admiration of the enemy?

Rebel suddenly felt a little stunned, and nodded firmly.

Yes, the more submissive you are, the more you will be despised by the other party.

Only the truly brave can be respected by others.

Rebel closed her eyes and recalled the appearance of the handsome "Silver-haired Killer Princess" she had seen in the underworld. Even in a maid outfit, she could show a queen with a strong temperament.

it is good!

At this moment, she seemed to have seen the portrait in the ancestral hall, the ancestor who died in the battle of the three tribes smiled at her.

Rebel opened her eyes with awe.

With a cold face, the little princess of the Phoenix family slammed the door open, her eyes shining brightly.

Although, the lively double ponytails were tossing around, which spoiled the atmosphere a bit.

"You shouted that loudly just now—"

She sneered with her hands on her shoulders, and spoke in a stern tone.

Then, the words got stuck for a while, beads of sweat gradually appeared on his forehead, and the expression on his face slowly became flattering.