

unknown_20281 · アニメ·コミックス
126 Chs

Chapter 27

As early as just now, the sound of the system has already sounded.

[Ding--! Congrats on completing the Platinum Achievement, "Smack the Demon Lord Serafel's ass and leave his own handwriting on it". ]

[Ding--! It is detected that there is an "achievement level increase opportunity" x1, do you want to use it? ]

Hearing this voice, Su Mu's face suddenly showed surprise.

To be honest, when he saw Seraph before, he realized that this might be an opportunity for achievement.

Wanting to try to achieve achievements is also one of the reasons why he treats Seraph as a Demon Lord like this.

Now, the system really didn't let him down, and it really accomplished the corresponding achievements.

Moreover, it is the platinum-level achievement he has always wanted.

In addition to the chance to upgrade the achievement level in his hand...

"System, use the achievement level promotion opportunity for this platinum level achievement."

As long as you can get a platinum level reward, you can rely on the achievement level promotion opportunity to turn it into a diamond level.

As far as he knew, the Diamond-level achievement was second only to the Colorful-level achievement level.

For the previous colorful achievement, he obtained the "Tree of Kabbalah".

Although he has not fully grasped the power of the Kabbalah Tree at this time, he can also know that if he can exert its power, even raising his hand to pick the stars is probably just a matter of children.

So, what about the diamond grade, which is just one step lower than the chromatic grade?

With his anticipation, the system's voice rang in his ears.

[Ding--! The current achievement "Platinum" has been improved, and it has now been upgraded to "Diamond"! ]

[Ding--! Diamond-level achievement rewards are being distributed! Congratulations to the host for getting a diamond-level item - Tarot, Major Arcana, The World! ]

"It's something like a tarot card again—"

Su Mu thought to himself in his heart, and then froze slightly.

"This time, there is no such thing as a rubbing plate or a one-off. That is to say, is the current Great Arcana card 'World' a genuine product with real power?"

But it is a diamond-level reward, Jiang Ran can get the big arcana card——


I almost underestimated the diamond level.

It seems that I have obtained the diamond-level reward so easily, but don't forget that this achievement level is only one level lower than the highest level of the colorful level, which can obtain the tree of Kabbalah.

To be able to obtain diamond-level rewards so easily, what he has done is not small.

If it wasn't for Orpheus, even with the strength of a demon king, it would be impossible to successfully do such a thing to the demon king girl, Seraph, right?

In this case, I also added a chance to increase the achievement level.

Sensing that there seemed to be some deviation in her thinking, Su Mu quickly corrected it.

Then, he held out his hand.

A card with a simple style, but one that can make people subconsciously put their eyes on it, appeared in his hand.

The World.

It was the one that Su Mu had just drawn, but was disturbed by Seraph when it was almost finished.

Come to think of it, Seraph broke the fake he made, but made him get a real one as compensation...

Good man!

Su Mu sighed in his heart.

On the card surface, the main drawing is a woman holding two warrants and wearing a purple cloth.

There are four beasts in the corner of the card face, representing the four elements of earth, fire, water, and air, alluding to the four saints of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and also representing the four directions.

"World" is a card that symbolizes permanent and continuous success. It means that you have reached the front of the door of success. The goddess of success asks you to wait patiently. It is only a matter of time before she will let you enter the door of success.

The number 21 in the tarot card is called the world, which means that the whole world is in control.

Su Mu picked up the card with two fingers.

The spiritual power in the body poured out from the tenth element "kingdom" and slowly flowed into this tarot card

"Smash! Valudo! (theworld)".

Chapter 57 The "Craftsman" of the World

The tarot card named "World" turned into light spots and gradually dispersed, dissipating into Su Mu's palm.

The Major Arcana of the Tarot.

There are many people who believe that as long as they can master the true power of the Tarot cards, they can achieve the real state of [Omniscient and Almighty].

Moreover, this kind of omnipotence is a great power that will not be limited by the ridiculous paradox of "Can God create a stone that he can't lift himself".

Among the tarot cards, the main ones are 22 major arcana cards, and the remaining 56 minor arcana cards are just supplements.

Even if you add up all 56 cards, the entire Minor Arcana deck may not be able to catch up with one of the Major Arcana cards.

It can be said that the Major Arcana is almost all the power in the entire Tarot system.

In Su Mu's hands, this [The World] can be called a 1/22 fragment of the entire Tarot system.

smash! Valudo!

The world in front of Su Mu's eyes began to change—no, it wasn't that the scenery in front of him changed, but the angle from which he observed the world began to change.

And this observation is not just through vision. And this experience is amazing.

Imagine a flat person in a two-dimensional plane painting living in three-dimensional space. No matter how colorful the picture is, the two-dimensional person in it can only see the side of the surrounding world.

In their eyes, the people and things around them are just lines of different lengths.

Only when a two-dimensional flat person floats out of the painting, enters the three-dimensional space, and then looks back at the painting, can the whole picture of the painting be seen.

At this time, Su Mu had a similar feeling.

He was stunned.

At this moment, I seem to be out of the three-dimensional perspective, and I am observing the world from a higher-dimensional perspective of four dimensions.

When he was in the three-dimensional world before, he had never seen his own world at all. If he compared the three-dimensional world to a painting, all he saw was the painting when it was placed perpendicular to the plane of his face. Just draw a line on the side instead.

Only when viewed in four dimensions does the painting lie flat to him.

Su Mu glanced at his room, and he looked at the closed book on the table.

Without opening it, only the cover, sides and spine can be seen when viewed in three dimensions.

However, when observing in four dimensions, it seems that every piece of paper is laid out in front of him, allowing him to read.

He stared at the table in front of him. He could see not only the surface of the desk, but also the wooden texture of each layer. It seemed that the table had been carefully cut into extremely thin pieces of wood and spread out in front of him.

He looked down at his body, and what he saw was the human body in infinite detail, all the bones and internal organs, the marrow in the bones, the flow of blood between the ventricles of the heart and the flow of the valves. Opening and closing.

But the word "juxtaposition" can also be misleading, the physical position of the parts of the human body has not changed in any way, the skin still wraps the internal organs and bones, the familiar image of his body in the three-dimensional world is still there, part of the details, with other Unlimited details juxtaposed together.

Just as his book is still on the table intact, rather than being torn page by page, just as the table is still in front of him.

What is the world?

This is the world!

In other words, this is "the world in the eyes of those who master the world"!

The one who can master the world is the existence beyond the world, who overlooks the world from a higher dimension.

Number 21 in the Great Arcana, "The World," gave him a perspective beyond the world—no, it wasn't just that.

At the same time, there is the ability to control the world.

For the three-dimensional world, Su Mu undoubtedly has the perspective of "God" at this time.

And this "God" perspective brings, perhaps the power of God!

As a higher-dimensional existence, he has the ability to control the world with the advantage of dimensions.

In his field of vision, he could directly see bones, muscles, internal organs and skin side by side.

Then, if Su Mu can make his actions also be carried out in a four-dimensional way...

In this case, if someone is in front of Su Mu, then Su Mu can directly reach out and remove his internal organs without touching his skin.

Even if the opponent wears the strongest armor on his body, it is ineffective.

Because for the three-dimensional, he may be tightly wrapped in armor.

But for Su Mu, his heart and armor were actually placed side by side in front of him.

Thinking so, Su Mu controlled her fingers with some difficulty.

Because for the first time he was in the four-dimensional perception, he was not very used to this state.

He looked at his closed drawer, and then took out the notebook inside without opening it. .

Chapter 58 The dazzling 22nd path!

With a burst of dizziness, the notebook in his hand suddenly fell to the ground. The tarot card named "World" reappeared in his hand.

Su Mu covered her forehead with one hand, her face was pale and tired, and she almost fell to the ground with a weak leg.

The consumption is too great.

However, after observing for a while from a four-dimensional perspective, he took out a book from the closed drawer, which directly consumed all the spiritual power in the body, and even reached an overdraft state.

It's just that the spiritual power is overdrawn, and it will not let him do this.

The point is, his spirit also bears a huge burden.

When viewing the world from a four-dimensional perspective, the amount of information that can be harvested is more than a hundred or thousand times that of a three-dimensional perspective?

Including later he let himself act in the form of a four-dimensional creature, which caused him a burden.

When using this tarot card, Su Mu was so immersed in the temptation of the high-dimensional world that he never realized that he had already reached the limit.

However, Su Mu was not frustrated by this.

He picked up the tarot card with a faint smile on his face.

On the card of "The World", the goddess in purple cloth is running and dancing with a scepter. She has endless power and travels through the world to show the truth.

This card says that nothing is attainable in this world.

Yes, Su Mu realized that the role of this "world" is not only to observe interference from a four-dimensional perspective, to control the world.

In other words, it is not because of the position of "high-dimensional creatures" that it is possible to control the world.

Rather, he who can control the world naturally has the means to become a high-dimensional existence.

When using this card, the whole world in his eyes is like a running machine, and he is the manipulator of the machine.

He has also won tarot cards before.

The "Little Arcana · Rubbing Plate · Four of Wands" obtained from the bronze achievement has the ability to completely imprison the enemy.

The golden achievement of "Great Arcana · Rubbing Plate · Lover" allows you to ignore the barriers of time and space and share the power of the one you love.

Just because it is a powerful thing like the Great Arcana, the rubbing plate has more limitations and can only be used once.

Su Mu originally thought that the limitation of the Great Arcana rubbing plate was only in the number of uses, but now it seems that it is not only that.

With the genuine tarot card [World] that can truly grasp the world, if this card like [Lovers] can only share the power of a lover, it would be too thin.

Now that I think about it, the rubbing plate is not only a limited number of uses, but also a castrated version that has weakened and restricted in all aspects.

In contrast, this authentic tarot card, the Major Arcana "world", can be worthy of a sentence of "such horror".

Whether it is the mighty force that controls the whole world, or the perspective that transcends the world.

Su Mu looked at the "world" in his hand, and suddenly remembered the words in "Cuiyu Lu" that he had read.

In this way, you can gain the glory of the world and stay away from darkness and ignorance.

This is the power of ten thousand forces, breaking the tough and pulling the tough.

This sentence means that by seeking immortal spirituality, one can awaken from the existence of reality, gain synaesthesia wisdom, and find light.

After that, return to real life, everything is clear, and the spiritual eternity that can be achieved through thorough understanding will also transcend the limitations of time and space.