

unknown_20281 · アニメ·コミックス
126 Chs

Chapter 14

Su Mu knew that this was a spiritual pen that should be "charged".

As a spiritual pen, it is not ink that needs to be replenished.

As long as you stay with "wise people", their spirituality will naturally be replenished.

"Then, wait until the pen is fully charged, and then go to draw the rest of the tarot cards."

Su Mu put away the pen and paper with some regret, and sighed in her heart.

Then, he looked up at the Tacheng kitten sitting in front.

When he was concentrating on the painting in his hand just now, he could feel the kitten glance at him.

Somewhat curious about what was going on, Su Mu raised her hand and poked the kitten's spine lightly.

next moment.


The Tacheng kitten was shaking all over. .

Chapter 28 Mao Shan was bullied

The Tacheng kitten turned his head and glared at Su Mu.

Her fair face was full of blush, and her eyes were full of shame and anger.

I was listening to a class when I was suddenly interrupted.

That's not the point.

After all, she is not a good student who really studies hard.

Most importantly, the place where she was suddenly bumped was near the midline of the spine.

Above the spine, there are a large number of nerve cells, which are extremely sensitive.

Suddenly being touched by someone, she was caught off guard, causing her to call out accidentally.

Aware of her strangeness, her face suddenly became hot, and she quickly covered her mouth and looked around, but fortunately no one heard her voice.

Although she didn't mind being isolated, she was still a girl after all.

It's still quite embarrassing when this happens.

If your voice is heard by others...then it's even more embarrassing.

In fact, at this time, Su Mu was also a little stunned.

Originally, he just raised his hand and gently stabbed the Tacheng kitten sitting in the front seat, and whispered something in class.

Who knew that this kitten's body would be so sensitive.

He could still understand the angry eyes of the kitten at this time.

After all, she is a naturally thin-skinned girl.

And, to be honest, the sound the kitten made just now...

It seemed to him that it was quite seductive.

Because she was still in class at this time, Tacheng Kitten could only bury her shame and anger in her heart for the time being—she had planned to do so.

But for a while, he became more and more angry, and in the end, he didn't even care that he was in class, and stood up all of a sudden.

"Tacheng classmate, is there any problem with my class?"

The teacher on the podium stopped copying what was written on the blackboard and turned around blankly.

"Sorry, teacher, I'll deal with this guy first."

The Tacheng kitten replied calmly and bowed gently.

Then, grabbing Su Mu's hand, dragged him and rushed out of the classroom without looking back.

There was an uproar in the entire classroom.

The teacher on the podium gave a wry smile, and had to restore order in the classroom and continue lecturing.

As for the two who ran away...

One of them is a character that the superior has specially explained and does not need to be concerned about.

There is another person, who has been the first in the grade since he entered the school, and is at the peak of the school's popularity.

"Tacheng classmate-"

Grabbed by the Tacheng kitten, he ran all the way out of the teaching building, and didn't stop until he ran to the cherry blossom forest behind the teaching building.

Su Mu moved her wrist silently, her eyes innocent.

"Excuse me, you suddenly pulled me out, is there something important?"

Seeing Su Mu pretending to be ignorant, Rao is a kitten in Tacheng who always looks like nothing, and his teeth itch with anger.

In other words, as long as any girl encounters such a thing, she will not be angry, except for some monsters.

"What's going on, don't you know?" Tacheng Kitten stared at the yellow eyes, his face like frost.

As a girl, it's okay to be isolated in groups.

If she suddenly called out in class and was heard, then she would probably die socially and was about to transfer to another school.

Ah, yes, she is a demon after all, so she can ask Minister Rias to help clear the memories of the whole class.

But in this case, thinking of the playful gazes of Akeno Himejima and Rias, she felt a little unable to raise her head.

"If you want to say something -" Su Mu raised her hand and pointed around.

This time period is just beginning of school.

In neon anime, the most common scene at the beginning of school is cherry blossoms.

The cherry blossom forest behind the teaching building seems to have always been a place of confession in the school.

In this regard, even the Tacheng kitten, who has few friends, knows it.

"Could it be, Kitten, do you want to confess to me here?" Su Mu chuckled, "Although I have never had a girlfriend before, if it is Kitten, then I will not refuse."

"Who wants to confess to you! Shilang! h! The humanoid self-propelled estrus machine!"

The Tacheng kitten suddenly blushed.

Especially when I heard the sentence "If it was a kitten, then I would not refuse it", I was extremely shy.

She quickly released Su Mu's wrist, took a few steps back in a panic, and reprimanded.

It's just that this angry look is more cute than scary.

It's like a kitten with its teeth and claws—well, it's a kitten with its teeth and claws.

"So, what's the matter?"

The Tacheng kitten hesitated for a moment.

Although she really wanted to accuse her, because Su Mu stabbed her spine in the back, she accidentally called out something.

But as a girl, how could she be embarrassed to say something like this.

Coupled with being so disturbed by Su Mu, the anger just now dissipated.

So, she sighed helplessly, temporarily opened the topic, and prepared to ask what she had been wanting to ask today.

"After you separated from me yesterday, haven't you encountered anything strange?"

The Tacheng kitten calmed down and asked.

"Something seemed to happen in a small alley yesterday, and I sensed your breath there—"

After speaking, she seemed to be worried that Su Mu had misunderstood something, and hurriedly added another sentence.

"Of course, I didn't tell anyone about it."

(Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for an evaluation).

Chapter 29 Temptation

I didn't tell anyone about this.

Hearing this sentence, Su Mu was stunned for a moment.

The cat-like girl in front of her seemed to feel a little uncomfortable under Su Mu's gaze.

She looked away silently, pretending to be calm and looking at the cherry blossoms in bloom next to her.

It turns out that the lost demon that I destroyed was the target of the Occult Research Department itself.

After I left, many demons led by Rias also arrived there, and finally found out that there are many unknown people in Kuwang Town who possess supernatural abilities and whose strength is no lower than that of intermediate demons.

And Tacheng Kitten, with its keen sense of smell as a cat mandrill, sensed my residual breath at the scene, but didn't tell Rias directly about it.

"In that case, there is no need for me to hide it. As you can imagine, the monster last night was solved by me using the power of inexplicable awakening."

Knowing the whole picture of the incident from Tacheng Kitten's words or two, Su Mu suddenly felt a little good in an unexpectedly good mood.

"However, do I need to say thank you to you for helping me hide this?"

The corners of Su Mu's mouth were slightly raised, and she said in a slightly smiling voice.

"I'm not trying to help you hide it."

Hearing Su Mu's teasing, Tacheng Kitten's expression instantly became embarrassed, and then he deliberately turned his face.

"It's just that if this kind of thing is wrong, it will waste the minister's time."

"Okay, then let's take it as you said." Su Mu nodded with a smile, and then said, "However, I heard you say 'minister' just now, it seems that your whole The paranormal research department, they are all from the other side, right?"

In fact, Su Mu had long known the identities of Rias and Zhi Quang Na and others.

However, now he has to pretend to be ignorant of it.

It seems mysterious and unpredictable to appear to be prescient about everything.

But if you put your position too high when your strength is not enough, you will be very embarrassed when you fall.

Although Su Mu has Orpheus as his backing at this time, he doesn't have to worry about falling down.

However, using the power of others to improve yourself...

Su Mu still can't quite manage to look like a fox and a tiger.

"Me and the Minister are actually both—"

Hearing Su Mu's question, Tacheng Kitten subconsciously wanted to answer.

However, the way Su Mu was teasing her before suddenly came to her mind, making her face silently.

"Sorry, I didn't want to tell you."

She turned her face to the girl next to her, raised her chin slightly, and said in a cold tone, looking like a cat that was making trouble.

In her opinion, Su Mu should have just awakened her own divine weapon at this time.

In the mysterious world, he should still belong to an existence similar to "senior".

That being the case, it was only natural to tell him the identities of himself and Rias and others as demons.

However, she always felt that she was being played by Su Mu, which made her feel quite unhappy.

So, taking this opportunity, I wanted to tease Su Mu a little bit.

"You should be curious, right? Whether it's the power that suddenly awakened in yourself, or the hidden identities of Minister Rias and I."

The Tacheng kitten raised its chin slightly, with a smile that could not be hidden in his eyes.

"It's okay if you want me to tell you this, but you need to call me Senior Tacheng-"

However, before she could finish speaking, Su Mu interrupted her.

"Kitten, you said 'you didn't tell others about me' before." His face was flat and his words were calm, "According to what I usually know about you, you are not the kind of talkative person. You can say If you say this, it means that you have a responsibility to tell others about this matter."

Inadvertently, Su Mu has changed his name from the previous "Tacheng classmate" to the closer "kitten".

"However, I don't think you are the kind of kid who can leak friends' secrets without any scruples. You should face a dilemma like this, right?"

Su Mu said softly, with an indifferent smile on her face.

Judging from his appearance, it was obvious that he had a firm grip on the Tacheng kitten's temperament.