
Orphanage Lifestyle

Standing in a slightly rugged room surrounded by sleeping kids and teenagers sat a girl who was currently playing around with a floating paper airplane. She had pitch black hair and red eyes with a white 4 leaf clover sign in the middle. She also had pale white skin with a cute face befitting of a 6 year old.

Hearing a slight rustling next to her, she saw another 8 year old girl pop her head out from under some blankets and look at the floating paper airplane with curiosity. Instantly separating her demonic energy from the object she made a shushing notion to the girl, "Do you like my puppeteering?" She lied slightly while looking into the girls eyes.

"Mhm," she confirmed sleepily while nodding her head. "What's your name?" She said while looking into Kaya's eyes. "Kaya," She said while extending her hand in the way Rose taught her. The girl looked a little amused at the gesture and shook her hand, "My name is Raine," Raine said with a smile.

Raine looked had black hair and brown eyes, with a cute face. "Why were you so sad earlier?" She asked innocently while Kaya grimaced, "I-I'm not comfortable talking about that," she said truthfully while trying to hold back some stray tears.

Surprisingly, the girl hopped out of her blankets and crawled into Kaya's bed, "Mhm.. it's okay. I lost someone too," she said while guessing what Kaya was going through.

"D-does it get any better?" Kaya asked while her voice cracked slightly. "No," Raine responded bluntly while snuggling against Kaya in order to comfort her. Kaya let out some muffled sobs as she clung to Raine while seeking emotional comfort.


Sunlight struck Kaya's eyelids from the opened window, "Ugh," she grunted slightly while sitting up straight. "Mhm," Raine also grunted while following Kaya's lead and getting up as well. "Wake up! dinner is ready!" A kind old lady said whom was standing next to the opened curtains.

A bunch of the other orphan kids grumbled slightly while taking turns washing up in the bathroom. Kaya looked over to Raine, "Who was that old lady?" Kaya questioned while looking directly into Raine's eyes.

Raine laughed a little, "She's the one that carried you inside when you fell asleep on the stairs. Her name is Izumi but the orphans call her Matron," she said while taking Kaya's hand and leading her into the back of the bathroom line.

"Huh.. I don't remember that," Kaya mumbled. "Well it doesn't matter now! Unless you got someone to return to the Matron will be happy to let you join us here!" Raine said while encouragingly patting her shoulder.

Kaya nodded while the duo waited in line and cleaned up once it was their turn. Once all the orphans were seated and chatting amongst themselves Kaya was pulled aside by the Matron.

"Hello dear, do you know why you were asleep on the doorsteps?" the Matron Izumi asked in a kind and calm voice. Kaya nodded her head, "I'm an orphan," she said while ignoring the fact that her mother is, most likely, alive.

Izumi gave her an apologetic look, "I'm sorry to hear about that," she said while rubbing the top of Kaya's head slightly. Kaya stiffened slightly upon the contact, which Izumi noticed, but relaxed after a few seconds, "Can I stay here?" Kaya asked with upturned eyes.

Izumi smiled, "Of course! We're going to have to make you search for some identification for you, and if you don't have any I can always 'convince' the local authorities to make you some," she said while dangerous smirk when she said convince.

Kaya shivered slightly but looked at Izumi with gratitude, "Thank you," she said while hugging the waist of the matron. "Of course dear, now go on and eat with the other children. I'll have to ask you some questions later for your identification if need be so don't be worried if I call for you," she said while shooing Kaya in the direction of the seat next to Raine.

Kaya plopped down in the seat next to Raine while munching on some mashed potatoes, "So how did it go?" Raine said while stuffing her face with apple sauce. "It went good, I can stay here," Kaya said while smiling slightly as she looked at Raine.

"Wooo!!" Raine yelled while lifting her arms into the air, "That means were best friends!" She declared while giving the stunned Kaya some of her apple sauce. A couple of the older orphans looked amused at the interaction of the two causing Kaya to gain a slight shade of pink from embarrassment.

"W-what?" Kaya asked shyly while looking back and forth between some of the orphans watching and Raine. "We held hands earlier in the line! That makes you my best friend!" Raine declared while throwing daring looks at the others seeing if they would refute her claim.

Once nobody did she smiled triumphantly before looking at the still confused Kaya, "But don't worry! I won't hold hands with anyone else since your my best friend!" Raine shamelessly said while sitting back down into her chair and eating some pork.

"Uhm.. uhh.. okay?" Kaya said while still slightly confused but going with the flow and eating her meal.


After everyone fell asleep Kaya snuck into the bathroom while turning on the faucet and staring at the water with fervor. 'What are your secrets?' She thought while dedicating to her memory about how she saw the water flow. Taking a cup she filled it to the brim before quietly walking outside into the backyard.

She poured the water into a barren patch of earth and began analyzing how it feeds the soil. After analyzing it for an hour she understood the basic concept, 'Water flows gently while feeding life, however it can also destroy landscapes,' she thought as she pictures tsunamis wiping out small towns.

Just like before a small surge of energy erupted from around her before coiling around her demonic energy and fusing together. Kaya held out her hand as a short water spear shaped in her hands. Kaya smiled slightly before walking into the orphanage sleeping room and laying down on her bed and falling asleep.


After dinner the next day Kaya was pulled aside by the Matron once more and taken into her office. "So dear, I need a little help filling out some of these ille- very legal birth certificates and such," Izumi said while smiling.

"Yes ma'am," Kaya said politely as she started to fill out some of the personal information such as birth date, hometown, parents, and name. She filled out the lines as best as she could before stopping on parents and name. For parents she wrote down Rose Flauros while leaving the father blank. For her name she wrote 'Kaya Rose Flauros' in memorial of her deceased mother-figure.

"I'm done Matron," Kaya said while pushing the documents back to Izumi as she started to fill out some of the more complicated matters on the certificate. "Alright dear, go and play with your friends now," Izumi said while looking at the document and making a shooing motion.

"Thank you," Kaya bowed slightly as she walked back to see a bunch of younger orphans huddled around a TV watching cartoons. She spotted Raine sitting by herself on the side and plopped down next to her.



Kaya's ears popped as she felt her demonic energy capacity increase immensely. "W-well I didn't expect this," Kaya said a little bewildered as she was currently about to sleep. 'Guess I am a 'mid-class' now, neat,' Kaya thought while wondering how strong Rose was.

'Probably very strong,' she thought as she sagely nodded before falling asleep.

Waking up inside of an illuminated white pathway was currently not what Kaya was expecting to wake up to. Taking a better look of her surroundings, one would see two paths that differed greatly.

One was a path lined with pale white lilies that radiated warmth and acceptance, whilst the other was the complete opposite. Pitch black roses barbed with razor sharp thorns were the pathway itself, the roses radiated rage and negative thoughts.

Kaya's brain was running a mile a minute thinking about how she got herself into such a coincidence. She didn't want to walk the path of the white lilies.. to her it seemed to good to be true. The path of the black roses however, she looked at the path, she knew if she went down that path she couldn't come back.

So taking the most logical choice, she walked directly in the middle.


Kaya woke up sweating heavily with a worried Raine shaking her shoulders, "Are you okay?" Raine asked while glancing at Kaya. "Ye-" Kaya was about to say before Raine shot her a glare, "I don't know?" Kaya said while thinking of what her dream could truly mean.

Raine let out a tired sigh, "Alright.. lets go and get cleaned up for dinner," she said while hoisting Kaya from her bed. Kaya followed wordlessly behind her while still pondering to herself.

"Lets go!" Raine said enthusiastically while pointing towards the dining hall causing Kaya to smile slightly and follow her.


(A/N: Chapter was a bit shorter this time but I'm going to make them longer in the future.)