
DxD : Conquer Multiverse

This is simply a dxd fanfic…OP MC, Harem is huge. If you don't like this, please don't read it. 1nd World : Highschool dxd . 2nd world : One Piece ( Done .) current world : Highschool dxd . I can't write, English is not my mother tongue. Please read this fanfic gently

Oniichanishere · アニメ·コミックス
120 Chs

ch 104

"Welcome to Fish-Man Island. The 5th Emperor or should I call you True God now?."

Hearing the question from the fishman in front of him, Ryuhei just shrugged and answered simply.

"Meh, call it either way." He then immediately turned to Ei-chan while raising the pink dress in his hand.

"Ei-chan, Papa just found a super cute dress for you." Ryuhei said while estimating the dress to see if it would fit Ei-chan's body.

"Ehehe." Ei-chan giggled and went to try on dresses with her Papa.

Jinbe scratched his head and didn't know what to say. Even the other girls laughed awkwardly at Ryuhei's antics. Currently he is in Papa mode and he will usually pay little attention to his surroundings.

"…Fufufu… He often does that when he's with Ei-chan." Akeno said.

"He is a good father Pyon." Carrot said.

"I would love to have a baby with him." Saeko said.

"Next time I will definitely get pregnant…" Kuroka said.

The girls then started talking about having a baby with Ryuhei leaving Jinbe at a loss for words because he had no experience with male-female relationships.


"Jinbe, so what brought you here? Don't tell me you rushed here just to greet us?" Hancock said.

"Wahahaha, I came here to invite you to Ryugu Palace because the King wants to meet you and prepare a party, so would you please follow me?" Jinbe asked.

At this point, Ryuhei changed Ei-chan into a pink dress that made her look like a magical girl.

Ryuhei had heard Jinbe's offer and he had no reason to refuse King Neptune's invitation. He looked at his wifes and said.

"Well, wait a minute my wifes is still busy, if they're done we can go."

Jinbe was excited to hear this and immediately nodded in agreement, something Jinbe didn't know would turn into hours.

After 2 hours of waiting, the girls finally bought everything they wanted.

Jinbe cried in regret and told herself never to follow women when they go shopping. Ryuhei put everything they bought into his personal inventory and said .

"Let's go, Jinbe has been waiting for 2 hours."

Hancock snorted, she glared at Jinbe and said.

"Hmm! Who told him to wait for us? Their king should be glad we're shopping in his kingdom. If I were King Neptune I would gladly wait for our arrival."

Jinbe broke into a sweat when Hancock complained and looked at Ryuhei with pleading eyes. Ryuhei just smiled lightly and patted the angry tigress.

"Come on Hancock, Jinbe just wanted to escort us so he waited patiently for us." Ryuhei then signaled Jinbe to continue leading the way.

Jinbe complied and started walking while also showing them the unique things they have. After sightseeing for 30 minutes they finally arrived at the Ryugu Palace.

They then entered and was greeted by two fish- man, they bowed at Ryuhei and introduced themself .

"Nice to meet you 5th Emperor, I am the minister of the left while the one beside me is the minister of the right."

Ryuhei nodded to both of them and said nothing. Then the minister on the left continued.

"King Neptune has been expecting your arrival and is currently waiting in the banquet hall. "

He then led Ryuhei's group to a large hall, upon entering there were dozens of mermaid guards standing beside him.

Neptune and his sons rose to greet their important guest.

"Welcome to my humble kingdom, Mr. Ryuhei." Neptune said.

"You have a very nice country Neptune, I enjoyed staying here and having a bit of a relaxing time. "

Neptune smiled as Ryuhei praised his kingdom and led him and his wives to their seats.

Ryuhei then sat down and placed Ei-chan on his lap. Rias and Akeno are on his left and right sides while the other girls are also sitting around him.

On the opposite side of Ryuhei were King Neptune and his children.

"So what brought you to my kingdom, Mr. Ryuhei?" King Neptune asked.

"I was just passing by and wanted to see the famous Fish-Man Island." Ryuhei said while drinking his wine.

Neptune smiled and replied to Ryuhei.

"You can stay here as long as you like, Mr. Ryuhei." Then he stood up and raised his cup.

"This feast is special to welcome the 5th Emperor! Now that he is here, bring the food and let's get this party started."

After finishing their speech, dozens of mermaids appeared carrying different kinds of food, some also sang on stage. Ryuhei and his wives enjoyed the performance while eating the dishes on the table.

Ryuhei has no grudge against the Fishman race, he is not a racist and he has no interest in those weaker than himself. As long as they treat he well, he will treat them well in return.

While the party was going on, Ryuhei took a quick glance at some of the mermaids because they were really pretty and he was curious about their appearance.

More precisely, he was curious about their fertility.

According to Ryuhei's meager knowledge, fish don't have sex. The female will lay eggs and the male will shoot sperm into the eggs. Ryuhei began to imagine about fishman have sex. The female would lay eggs and the males would masturbate and shoot sperm on the eggs. Soon he began to wince and wish he had lost his memory.

(Author: seriously, I've been curious about this for a while. I'm usually curious about a lot of things and most of that stuff is pretty stupid. I think this is also how Shirahoshi got it was born… I mean compare the sizes of King Neptune and his queen… Well, I unfortunately did imagine that so I want you to suffer as I did.)

While Ryuhei was feeding Ei-chan, his Den Den Mushi suddenly rang. Ryuhei wiped Ei-chan's back before he picked up the Den Den Mushi to listen.

"Ryuhei-sama, it's me. Margaret." Margaret said.

Ryuhei raised his eyebrows slightly when Margaret called him, and the girls around him also looked at him curiously as if to ask if he and Margaret had a relationship but Ryuhei just shook his head.

"What's the matter, Margaret? "

"Ah um… Nothing serious… It's just that Sengoku wants to see you." Margaret said.

"Is that so… So where are they now?"

"They are at the border of Amazon Lily, they want to see you but you have already left so I can only call you to ask for advice."

Ryuhei put his hand on his chin, thinking for a moment before replying to Margaret.

"Give the Den Den Mushi to Sengoku." Ryuhei said and hung up.

After about 10 minutes, Ryuhei's Den Den Mushi finally sounded again. Ryuhei quickly answered the phone. From the other end, Sengoku's tired voice resounded.


"Oh, Sengoku… You miss me so much that you came all the way to Amazon Lily just to find me?."

"…Stop joking… I came to Amazon Lily because I wanted to talk to you… But you've already left so now we can only talk through Den Den Mushi."

"Oh , What do you want to talk to me about?"

"Are you related in Garp and revolutionary army attack on Mary Geoise?

"Yes, I have related to do with that. I want them to rescue all the slaves in Mary Geosie and destroy all of Celestial Dragon. I told you at Marineford, didn't I?. I will exterminate those disgusting things from the world and bring freedom to the entire race of this world." Ryuhei said cheerfully, causing King Neptune and the mermaids there to widen their eyes at what they heard.

They know about Ryuhei's statement during the battle at Marineford, but they don't know if the equality Ryuhei is talking about includes fishman. Now they were assured that Ryuhei would also bring freedom to their race.

The only response to Ryuhei was Sengoku's sigh, who was feeling extremely dizzy right now. After a moment of silence, Sengoku was able to continue speaking.

"So what are you going to do with the Marines?… Are you going to destroy it?" The Marines are Sengoku's whole heart. It was something that had nurtured his heroic complex since his days as an ordinary marine. Even as the Marines gradually went wrong with their path of justice, Sengoku still cherished it immensely.

"Hmm… No… Actually, I have a pretty good offer for you." Ryuhei said.

" …What is that ?." Not only Sengoku, but Aokiji and Tsuru were also silent to listen to everything.

"Let the Marines work under me… More precisely, let Marines work for me… Sooner or later the world government will collapse. "Then Ryuhei started talking about the plans he wanted to make with the Marines. He plans to replace the Pirate system with another system called Guild. And those who want adventure and discovery will be adventurer .

However, it is certain that there will still be many evil pirates who want to plunder and kill. With people like this, I will leave it to the Navy to take care of it.

" What do you think ? This new Marine will be

A force that protects the people and will destroy the evil pirates. It's quite similar to the old Navy system but this time the Navy won't worry about going in the wrong direction like before."

"…This is hard to believe…But who will control guilds around the world? The Marines can't do too many things at once." Sengoku said.

"Ah, that part you don't have to worry about. There is an old man who owes me a lot. Even though he wants to retire, I will definitely exploit his labor." Ryuhei replied.


On a random island in the New World. Whitebeard was sitting next to his children when he suddenly sneezed.

"Pop, do you have a cold?" Marco asked.

"…No… I just feel like I'm being targeted by someone." Whitebeard said uncertainly before he continued drinking with his children.

"Pop, Shank is coming." Jozu told his father.

( Author : Do you guys think like me ? Whitebeard 's appearance , strength and personality are well suited to being the Guild leader . .)


"Um… Your offer is really good… But there's a pretty big problem right now…" Sengoku said.

"What's the problem?"

"Currently, the Navy does not have money to maintain operations." Sengoku said.

"Ah… I'll lend you money, I have a lot of Beli right now."

"Oi, isn't that Beli number because you robbed our gold vault?" Sengoku complained.

" Where ? Who? Do you have proof?. Well, I'll send someone to Beli for you. I'm a bit busy right now." Ryuhei said before he hung up and continued the party. Ryuhei and King Neptune began to discuss many things with each other, such as fishman spawning… King Neptune offered to cooperate with Ryuhei on helping fishman walk freely on the ground. Ryuhei agrees to that since he will gain more followers from fishman island.

Somehow, Ryuhei even imagined tens of thousands of people kneeling and praying while looking at him. But somehow the priest is Sanji.

While Ryuhei and King Neptune talked about whether the male Fishman had to masturbate to get his partner to have children, Robin suddenly spoke up.

"Does Fishman Island possess a poneglyph?"

Neptune was surprised when Robin asked this and nodded .

"You're right and if you want to take a look at it I will tell my guards to bring you to it's location."

Robin stood up and nodded in agreement her approached Ryuhei and kissed his cheek and said .

"I would be back dear, I'm curious at the poneglyph and I can't wait anymore ."

Ryuhei smiled and caressed her face .

"It's okay Robin, you can take your time and study the poneglyph ."

Robin nodded happily and left with some guards. When Robin left Neptune wanted to say something but hesitated, after hesitating for a while he looked at Ryuhei and aaked.

"Mr. Ryuhei, can you please help me deal with a certain fishman?"

Ryuhei raised his eyebrows and said. " Specifically ?"

Neptune smiled upon hearing this and explained.

"My daughter, Shirahoshi. She is being harassed by a mermaid named Vander Decken. He fell in love with Shirahoshi when she was just a child."

Neptune took a deep breath to control his anger and continued speaking.

"he ate the devil fruit and marked Shirahoshi, since then he still sends love letters every day, but a few years later he started sending giant axes and other sharp objects. That made Shirahoshi even worse. He didn't even leave his room and didn't get a chance to visit his mother's grave because of this."

"As a father. I will definitely crush this bastard."