
DxD : Conquer Multiverse

This is simply a dxd fanfic…OP MC, Harem is huge. If you don't like this, please don't read it. 1nd World : Highschool dxd . 2nd world : One Piece ( Done .) current world : Highschool dxd . I can't write, English is not my mother tongue. Please read this fanfic gently

Oniichanishere · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

ch 105

After hearing what King Neptune said. Ryuhei felt rather uncomfortable for some reason.

Ryuhei was about to say something when Akeno stood up, surrounded by countless dancing golden lightnings. Although Akeno was still showing her usual gentle smile, her eyes were not. Right now Akeno is extremely angry. Akeno's mother also passed away when she was a child. That's why Akeno feels empathetic for the mermaid princess.

"Fufufu Where is he?! I'll teach him a lesson so he stops harassing the poor princess."

Neptune was overjoyed to hear this and burst into laughter. Ryuhei then patted Akeno to calm down.

"Let me handle this. I will bring him here." Saeko said while squeezing her katana then she let out a bloodthirsty smile.

"Let Kuroka come along, we don't know if this pervert is strong or not." Ryuhei said.

"Um um, okay then I'll protect Saeko." Kuroka said happily while shoving a grilled fish into her mouth.

Seeing that, Ryuhei turned to look at Jinbe and said.

"I hope that you can guide them so they can complete the quest immediately"

Hancock was also angry and told Neptune.

"You really are a cowardly father."

Neptune is embarrassed to hear this because he knows that what Hancock said is true because he can't even protect his daughter from harassment.

"Take me to your daughter, she will no longer be threatened." Akeno said, she believes in Saeko and Kuroka's strength anyway. They would surely kill this pervert easily.

Neptune then ordered two guards to lead Akeno to Shirahoshi's room. When Akeno finally left, Ryuhei spoke to the three princes.

"haizz, can't even your sister protect ?. You've trained for so many years to defeat Vander Decken but you're still too weak, it proves that you guys are. don't care about your sister."

Ryuhei wanted to annoy them because they were really a bunch of turtles waiting for others to help. " Jinbe was on Fish-Man Island and you still couldn't catch the pervert. ?" Ryuhei said .

Ryuhei's harsh words caused all three princes and King Neptune to bow their heads in apology.


Akeno was currently walking towards Shirahoshi's room, after a few minutes she was now standing in front of a large metal door. There were a lot of weapons attached to the door, seeing this made Akeno feel a little sorry for Shirahoshi and told the guards to open the door.

Akeno stepped inside and saw a large mermaid currently sleeping with a giant shark beside her. Her heart softened when she saw Shirahoshi's lovely face. A pair of bat wings sprouted from Akeno's back, then she flew towards the princess's giant bed.

The guards immediately left and closed the door for safety.

When Akeno landed on the bed, the shark woke up and made a sound while staring angrily at Akeno.

Shirahosi also woke up from that sound and was surprised to see someone on her bed.

She was scared and shy asked.

"ummm, who are you? and what are you doing in my room?"

Akeno smiled warmly and said.

"My name is Akeno, may I know what your name is?"

Shirahoshi became less alert when she saw Akeno's beautiful smile and told herself that such a beautiful woman wouldn't be a bad person.

"Un, my name is Shirahoshi. Nice to meet you, Miss Akeno, you are really beautiful." Shirahoshi said while staring at Akeno.

Akeno giggled and said.

"fufufu, Shirahoshi. Would you like to leave the room with me?"

Shirahoshi looked very excited when she heard this and after a while she made a sad and depressed expression and said.

"I want to but there's a bad guy out there that wants to hurt me, that's why I'm always in my room and can't go out."

When Akeno saw Shirahoshi's ruined expression, she promised not to let the pervert die until he suffered.

Akeno touched Shirahoshi's hand and said.

"Don't worry about that bad guy, my husband and my friends took care of this."

"Re.. really?!?! Lady Akeno's husband must be very strong. "Shirahoshi said.

"Ara, my husband is very amazing. "

"I'd love to meet Lady Akeno's husband."

"…So where do you want to go when you leave this room?" Akeno immediately changed the subject, it would be dangerous to let an innocent girl like Shirahoshi meet Ryuhei.

"… can we visit my mother's grave first?" Shirahoshi said longingly.

Akeno immediately agreed to make the princess swim in joy, Shirahoshi then changed her clothes.

After changing, Shirahoshi nervously followed Akeno out of the room.

"Lady Akeno, maybe my father will be angry if I leave without his permission." Shirahoshi said with teary eyes.

Akeno just laughed and scoffed.

"Your father is angry just because I let you out? Let him try and we'll see if he's still king tomorrow."

Although Shrihahoshi did not understand what Akeno was saying, she knew that her father would not be angry and breathed a sigh of relief.

Akeno and Shirahoshi are currently heading to the banquet hall. The guards stationed inside the palace were surprised to see Shirahoshi coming out of her room, they were about to tell her to turn around when suddenly they noticed Akeno and just stood in their place.

After walking for a few minutes, they finally reached the banquet room, Shirahoshi was looking at the familiar room with sparkling eyes.

She looked around and saw her father and 3 brothers sitting on the table, she immediately ran over to greet them. But when it came to their table, Shirahoshi was confused because they were all lowering their heads and gritting their teeth while a strange man was scolding them, Shirahoshi saw this and stood up to protect his family.

" Don't scold them , you you you .. stop . Why are you angry with my family? Did they do anything wrong? . ' Shirahoshi asked with teary eyes. She then blocked Ryuhei's line of sight with her large arm.

Ryuhei raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw Shirahoshi's large size.

"I was just educating them, so where is Akeno? "

Shirahoshi was stunned to hear Ryuhei speak to her kindly. she unconsciously leaned to the side and revealed Akeno.

Akeno then walked over to Ryuhei and sat next to him, she kissed him lightly on the cheek and spoke to Shirahoshi.

"This is my husband, Shirahoshi, he just scolded them because they didn't do anything when that pervert harassed you." Akeno then picked up Ei-chan and placed it on her lap.

"And this is my daughter, Ei-chan." Akeno said while patting Ei-chan's head, who was looking at Shirahoshi with sparkling eyes.

"Mama, this mermaid is so big." The girl immediately jumped out of Akeno's lap, and from Ei-chan's back grew four black crow wings. The little girl flew towards the mermaid and looked at Shirahoshi with eyes full of admiration.

"Mermaid-chan is so pretty. Mermaid-chan's milk jug is very big too. "

Even though Shirahoshi didn't quite understand what Ei-chan was saying, she knew that this little girl was praising her. The princess giggled when she saw Ei-chan holding her finger.

"Nice to meet you, Ei-chan. I'm Shirahoshi."

After playing with Ei-chan for a while, Shirahoshi then looked towards Ryuheu and bowed her head in thanks.

"Thank you very much for helping me, Mr. Ryuhei, sorry for getting angry with you earlier."

Ryuhei shook his head as he looked at the innocent princess.

"well, it's okay. I heard that you didn't get a chance to visit your mother, so do you want to go now?."

Shirahoshi nodded excitedly.

"Yes, I'd love to go see my mother." then she looked at Akeno and hesitated for a moment.Akeno saw this and stood up.

"Shirahoshi, you don't have to be shy, I'll follow you to your mother's grave."

Shirahoshi smiled and thanked Akeno for agreeing to join her. The two immediately walked towards the tomb that was being guarded by a group of soldiers. Ryuhei then looked towards King Neptune and said.

"You will need to protect her carefully… It would be complicated if many people knew about the power she possessed."

King Neptune and the princes were immediately stunned upon hearing what Ryuhei said.

" How …"

"I simply feel it… This girl has two souls inside." Ryuhei said and looked at Irene, who had similar thoughts to him.

"It's quite similar to a Sacred Gear… I felt the same when I saw her." Irene said.


Akeno and Shirahoshi finally reach the sea forest, Shirahoshi then goes to her mother's grave to pray.

Akeno gave her some space and waited from afar, while waiting for the shirahoshi to finish her prayer, she noticed Robin walking towards her.

"Have you seen the Poneglyph?" Akeno asked.

Robin nodded and smiled. "Yes, and I've finished reading it."

Then Robin curiously looked in Shirahoshi's direction. When Akeno saw this, she explained.

"Her name is Shirahoshi and as the current princess of Fish-Man Island, she had a tragic childhood because a certain mermaid kept harassing her. Fortunately, Kuroka and Saeko went to catch the culprit. Finally, the mermaid princess can have a normal life."

After waiting for a while, Shirahoshi finally finished praying and went back to Akeno. She was shocked to see another beautiful woman standing beside Akeno.

"I'm done, Lady Akeno." then she turned to Robin and said . "Hi, my name is Shirahoshi."

Robin smiled at her and replied.

"Hello Shirahoshi, nice to meet you, my name is Robin."

"Oh Lady Robin, you are so beautiful."

Robin and Akeno giggled at the princess' innocence. The three walked towards the palace while chatting together.

"Oh, Mr. Ryuhei has many wives. You all look so beautiful." Shirahoshi said.

"Ara ara… But he is a very dangerous person for an innocent girl like you." Akeno said that causing Shirahoshi to tilt his head in confusion.

"But I found mr.Ryuhei to be a very nice person ."

Both Akeno and Robin shook their heads upon hearing what Shirahoshi said. Ryuhei is a good person? Never , although he often shows that he is very nice to others , but who knows what is in his mind . Especially when Ryuhei showed a sinister smile every time he was planning something.

And this was the smile they were seeing, Ryuhei was still at the banquet table while showing a sinister smile.

"Darling… What's going on?" Akeno asked.

"There's a guy bullying my friend…" Ryuhei said simply as he took out a Den Den Mushi and called someone. From the other end of the line came the deep voice of a man.

"Brat, what's wrong?"

"Old man, how are you these days?"

"Guararara, stronger than ever. "

"So that's fine. Well, I called you because I wanted to ask you for a favor." Ryuhei got straight to the point.

"What do you want me to help you with?" Whitebeard curiously asked.

"It's simple, can you send some of your commanders to island X to help my friend? He is being attacked by King of the Beast Pirates." Ryuhei said.

"…Idiot Kaido… Haaaa… Alright, I'll send Marco to help your friend." Whitebeard said.

"Thank you, old man."

"So are you going to confront the Beasts Pirates?" Whitebeard asked.

"He bullied my friend, I will definitely deal with him. It's just not right now, I'm currently traveling with my wives so I don't want his blood to contaminate my fun."

"Um, but be careful. I heard that Kaido and BigMom are allied with each other."

"Thanks for the information, see you in the new world."

" See you again ."


Back a few minutes ago, Ryuhei was talking to King Neptune about the hidden power in Shirahoshi when his Den Den mushi vibrated.

" hello." Ryuhei said simply as he picked up the Den Den mushi.

"Ryuhei-sama… It's me."

"Oh… Dofi, what's wrong?"

"Nothing much… I was just doing the work you gave me when I was attacked by the Beast Pirates. My attacker was King, one of Kaido's three trusted subordinates. It seems Kaido is very angry because I am no longer cooperating with him… Can you send Albedo-sama to help me?." Doflamingo said.

"Albedo is currently busy with paperwork in Dressrosa… I am traveling with my wife… But rest assured, I will send someone to help you."

"Thank you, Ryuhei-sama." Ryuhei then hung up and Akeno's group entered.


Today , time continues to pass without much happening . After Vander Decken has been killed. Ryuhei's group decided to return to Gabriel even though King Neptune had invited them to rest at Ryugu palace.

On the way back to Garbiel, the group decided to turn into a mermaid cafe. The group happily chatted among themselves while Ryuhei stacked the jewelry and a coffee mug and teleported it somewhere.

"Where did you send it?" Irene asked curiously.

"Ah, I sent it to Albedo. She must be very upset that she can't join us." Ryuhei said.

While they continued to talk to each other, a mermaid came down from the stairs and immediately stared at Ryuhei.

Ryuhei also seemed to notice the gaze and turned to look at the girl. It was a large mermaid with purple nail polish, red lipstick, and blue eyes with slanted pupils like shark eyes.

"I am Madam Shyarly, the owner of this cafe. I didn't know that the 5th emperor came to my humble cafe. I hope that the coffee here will suit your taste." Shyarly said then approached Ryuhei's table with her float.

"Yes, the coffee here is very good." Ryuhei answered simply.

They then exchanged some small talk before Ryuhei and the girls left.

After Ryuhei left, Shyarly now had a strange feeling inside her. Shyarly had heard about Ryuhei's statement while he was fighting in Marineford so she was curious as to whether such a good future could happen. Even though she had already used her prophecy, somehow she still decided to peek to see what would happen in the future.

Shyarly took out a crystal ball and placed her hand on it. After a while, strange images began to appear inside the crystal ball. It is a picture of human children and fishman children playing together happily. Shyarly also subconsciously let out a warm smile when she saw the bright future that Ryuhei had to offer.

However her curiosity did not stop, Shyarly decided to look deeper into Ryuhei's future. Now she is no longer prophesying about the future of Fishman Island, she is prophesying about Ryuhei's future.

Immediately Shyarly shivered with fear at what she was seeing. She couldn't believe what was in front of her eyes anymore.

There, Shyarly saw Ryuhei playing poker and happily talking to a group of strange creatures. Although it sounded normal, Shyarly knew well that these guys were definitely not normal at all.

Sitting to the left of Ryuhei was an extremely terrifying creature. It possesses the appearance of a large skeleton, wearing an ornate and detailed black robe with many purple and gold edges.

Sitting to Ryuhei's right was an androgynous 15-16 year old young man with blue hair and golden pupils. His outfit consists of black pants and a long sleeve black shirt accented with white boots and white stripes respectively.

To the right of the blue-haired young man was a young man with a harmless face and chestnut brown hair and green eyes. His outfit is a green tracksuit. If it was to be commented, Shyarly was sure that this guy was the most harmless looking guy.

She then looked towards the last person, who was sitting on the left hand of the terrifying skeleton. He is a white-haired young man with an eyepatch over his right eye and a mechanical arm on his left.

Although what Shyarly was seeing was simply an image, it was enough to make her mind so stressed that she had to stop prophesying.

Shyarly silently cursed her curiosity before sighing and walking towards her room while trying to forget the terrifying images… That wasn't Ryuhei's Poker battle. What scared Shyarly the most was the number of monsters standing behind them.