
DXD: As a OC Primordial

Usernamemustbe3_18 · アニメ·コミックス
31 Chs

Chapter 17

He could not kill him because prominent kings of the Aeolian family were present.

Instead, he asked Jason: "What would you do if an oracle announced that one of your fellow citizens was destined to kill you?"

Jason replied that he would send him to go and fetch the Golden Fleece, not knowing that Hera had put those words in his mouth.

The Golden Fleece was the fleece of the golden-woolled, winged ram, Chrysomallos, that rescued Phrixus and brought him to Colchis, where Phrixus then sacrificed it to Zeus. Phrixus gave the fleece to King Aeëtes who kept it in a sacred grove, whence Jason and the Argonauts stole it with the help of Medea, Aeëtes' daughter. The fleece is a symbol of authority and kingship.

Jason formed a crew named Argonauts and set out on a quest for the fleece in order to place Jason rightfully on the throne of Iolcus in Thessaly. All crew members would adventure into my inheritance side before their final destination in order to gain the strength that helped Hector form an empire. Jason, who had weak willpower, could not pass even the first test. The same could be said about Pollux and Castor.

The Boreads were the sons of Boreas and Oreithyia, the daughter of the dethroned King Erechtheus of Athens by the Trojans. They were the brothers of Chione and Cleopatra, the wife of Phineus. They both could not pass even the first test. Idmon, a son of Apollo and the crew seer also obtained the same result.

Aethalides, who was the herald of the Argonauts, a son of Hermes and Eupolemeia, a daughter of King Myrmidon of Phthia, and had received from his father the faculty of remembering everything, even in Hades. Had passed the first test, but failed in the second. Palaemon, who was the son of Hephaestus, also failed the second test.

Ascalaphus was a son of Ares and Astyoche and a veteran of the Trojan War. He only did not become a slave, because Hector feared retribution from the god Ares, but he was oaf bound to serve Troy, whenever they called up arms for a war. He passed both the first and second tests but failed on the last.

The same happened with Atalanta, who was the daughter of Iasus and Clymene, but because of her over-devotion to the goddess Artemis, who indirectly helped to keep her safe, when her father who wanted a son abandoned her in the forest as a baby.

Hercules, who was the son of Zeus and Alcmene, also failed the last test.

Asclepius was the son of Apollo and Coronis. He did not show any interest in my inheritance site, as he seems to focus only on the learning of the healing arts.

A lot of crew members of the Argonauts ended up awakening touki, if one adds the fact that there were several demigods among them, they could be said to be the strongest crew in the Roman Empire.

Medea, who wanted to protect her hubby, Jason showed a very strong will and cunningness by passing all the tests and becoming my second inheritor. I made her vow to hide the contest of the last trial, and gave her some of Medusa's dragon scales to her, which would surely be useful to a witch like her.

I was not sure if that version of her was the one who would kill her own children to get back at Jason, but I counseled her to try to not implicate the innocent as much as possible when she wanted to get revenge.  I did not care if she made the life of Jason hell in the future as long as she did not implicate her children.

Using the dragon scales from Medusa, Medea was able to tame one dragon that was born of Medusa's hair, which was now in the Ultimate class.

Through the help of Medea, they acquired the Golden Fleece. Pelias, of course, did not return his throne to his nephew, so Medea simply used her newly acquired dragon and burned Pelias to ashes.

Jason would abandon Medea and the family he formed with her for another woman, not even recognizing his marriage with her, as he stabilized his hold on his throne. Medea would make his life hell, without implicating her children to the point where Jason would kill himself. Tired of humans, she would take refuge with her children with me.

I would divide the Minister of Magicraft, Education, and Craftmanship; which Prometheus held into two in order for him to be able to focus more on science, which he liked more. Those ministries would be the Minister of Magic, Magicraft, and Education; and the Minister of Education, Science, and Craftmanship. The second would be kept by Prometheus while the first would go to Medea.

Medea as a strong devout of the goddess of Magic Hecate,  which was associated with the moon, could power several magics using the moon. With my support, she was able to power a ritual that made her and her children immortal, so she became a Goddess of Magicraft, manly because she did not want to collide her domain with the goddess she was devoted to.  Her children Alcimenes, Thessalus, Tisander, Mermeros, Pheres, Eriopis, and Medus would marry moon humans, integrating into the moon society.

Medea also helped me to develop an underworld for the moon humans. At this point none of them had died yet, but it was better to have everything prepared to avoid them being send to different pantheons randonwly as the moon was connected to several pantheons. The territory on the heaven and underworld was occupied were already divide between the several pantheons.

So I had to claim the occupied dark sky on the underworld. I planned on the beginning to send a clone of mine to manage it, but it would not be enough, the underworld lacked a son that could properly nourish my clone.

The Asphodel Meadows was where the souls of people who lived mediocre lives remain. Its relationship to other places in the Greek afterlife remains uncertain. It was a land filled with magic white asphodel. It had a ghostly gray color flowers, which is appropriate to the shadowy atmosphere of the underworld, and can be described as untouched, lovely, soft and holy.  the plant could thrive on the lightless underworld.

Medea suggested me to use to use my pollen to fertilize a magical white asphodel.