
DXD: As a OC Primordial

Usernamemustbe3_18 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 18

I did as she suggested producing a ghostly gray with blue dots fruit. I used my belt to break a large piece from a mount on the moon, which was useful because the moon sometimes was associated with the underworld in magic. I planted the fruit on the rock, after transporting both to the Greek underworld.

Quickly from my pollen, a large gray tree was born, with my lack of creativity, I named it Nkrí Dentro, which means gray tree in Greek. That was how my first daughter was born. She became the guardian, of the moon humans' afterlife.

On her flying island, moon humans could live a life after death, but she was still deciding how she would organize the afterlife system. She was born with a mature mind and wisdom, making her mentally an adult. She would eventually marry Tartarus.

Meanwhile, the Trojan Empire, or more accurately the Roman Empire, in the following centuries spread its dominion to Britannia, parts of Germania, Gaus(future France), the Iberian peninsula, north of Africa, except Egypt; Italia, Cappadocia, Syria, Cyprus, and Judea.

Having a territorial extension of the Roman Empire in the original timeline. The empire eventually fought and defeated Carthage.

At some time, Hector supported the founding of Alba Longa, which would be the base of the empire's expansion through the Italian peninsula.

Fate auto-correction would have its effect and some centuries in the future the Roman Empire would end up fighting the Persians, or more precisely the Achaemenid Empire, like the Greeks eventually would in original history.

The Achaemenid Empire's glory started when they conquered the ancient Babylonian civilization, whose pantheon had been annihilated by Tiamat.

Before the age of gods' intervention ended, Ahura Mazda, the uncreated and benevolent deity of wisdom and supreme being in Zoroastrianism left a rich legacy to the mortals under them in the form of a unique magical system of mythical weapons, and eternal blessing to the throne of Achaemenid.

Through an advanced to the time intelligent network, the use of guerrilla tactics, and a better-centralized state machine, the Persians gained an advantage on the Middle East front and quickly expelled the Roman empire from the Middle East. The same could not be said about the Persian expansion through Europe, which had to deal with the strongest supernatural army in the world. As time went by the two empires wore off each other strength.

Alba Longa had grown to become the second most influential city in the Roman Empire, due to its key position in the center of the Italia province and on the sea trade with Gaus and Iberian Provinces.

Seeing the central power of the empire growing weak, Alba Longa would revolt and conquer the western territory of the empire, with this the Roman empire was divided into the Western and Eastern Roman empires, as the empire could not focus all its power to clear its internal problems. Eventually, the Persians gave up on expanding to Europe, but the damage was already done.

My third inheritor Alexander from Macedonia, invaded the eastern Roman empire. I had given him some special herbs, including dragon herbs, which he gave to his teacher the alchemist Aristotle, to study. Using dragon herbs, Alexander was able to tame his own dragon like Medea.

The Eastern Roman Empire soon fell to the Macedonian Empire. Due to my pressure, instead of being killed all the branches of the Troy royal family were exiled to the moon, where they gradually assimilated with the local moon humans. With the fall of the eastern empire, Alba Longa was eventually renamed Rome. The location was roughly the same as Rome in original history.

Alexander, which came to be known as Alexander the Great, lived more than in original history due to the extra vitality my inheritance gave him. He conquered the Achaemenid Empire, soon after the Roman Empire. His conquest continued until he conquered half of India and was killed in battle by an avatar of Vishnu when he was in his forties. 

Alexander IV was the son of Alexander the Great (Alexander III of Macedon) and Princess Roxana of Bactria and heir to the throne. After his father's death, he had to fight a war against his father's half-brother to keep his throne, which he won. Meanwhile, Macedonian generals responsible for different provinces became ambitious and proclaimed themselves kings.

Alexander IV had to fight a war of reconquest to unify his falling apart empire. After leaving a unified empire to his heir, exhausted of ruling he renounced his rule to his successor. After this, few dared to defy the Argead dynasty rule. Alexander IV renamed his empire the Eastern Roman Empire in other to get the honor of being Rome's successor.

Far into the future, the western roman would fall under the might of the Germanic invasions, after they suffered a humiliating defeat under the Pendragon forces. At this point, they had already converted to Christianity, and so did the eastern one.

The Eastern Roman Empire kept the tradition of large touki users from the original Roman Empire and also had a royal family who commanded dragons.

By fate intervention, they had to fight the Ottomans, who wanted their territories. How could these tribes in the Middle East, which the empire simply ignored get the strength to defeat them?

At the time Osman Gazi, leader of the Turkish tribes in Anatolia, founded the Ottoman Empire, he held Alphecca Tyrant.

Alphecca Tyrant takes the form of the legendary Iron Crown of Lombardy, which consists of a circlet of gold and jewels fitted around a central silver band, which tradition holds to be made of iron beaten out of the Holy Nails that were embedded in the True Cross when Jesus was crucified.

It allowed the wielder to attack using nails made from holy aura & was able to brainwash a person by making them listen to a conversation for several minutes while inserting certain keywords, although it was limited to humans. 

Alphecca Tyrant was stated to have no apparent limit to the number of humans it could control, with a previous owner, an unnamed instructor, dominating an entire town. With this sacred gear, the Ottoman first emperor was able to command six Longinus users, who served under the Ottoman Empire and were the key to the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire, marking the end of the Middle Ages.

I eventually saved the survivors of the Argead dynasty, by taking them into the moon.

On the supernatural side, the Ottoman Empire expansion was eventually only stopped with the intervention of the Church and Heaven.

With this auto-correction effect, fate was eventually corrected to a similar result with quite different variables.