
Chapter 92

Answering people's desires came easily to Damian as a devil. He solved the mysterious desire of Rias, revived Akeno's mother, indulged both Ai and Ingvild, granted Ophis the silence she so desired, and now she was finally at the last of them all.

"Hehe." Giggling much like the Norse All Father would have Aika Kiryuu looked at him with a lustful glint in her eyes. Despite that, however, her wish had actually been quite normal though the implications were worrying.

"As a devil, our magic is simple but expensive. We focus on imagination and visualization to create phenomena. But imagination is built upon our knowledge, that's why you've been learning more about the scientific side of your sacred gear." Damian began.

Out of all the things she could have requested, magic was not one he expected. As a newly reincarnated devil her skill tree was heavily slanted in favor of her Longinus but he hadn't expected her to come to him for that. He expected something much more primal from her.

"For example, creating a fire is simple. Just imagine a fire above your palm and it'll manifest into existence. Let's give this a cost of five. If we cut this spell down into its baser components we can drop that cost." Damian began.

Devil magic was by far the most simple of them all but that also led to a decently high skill curling. With everyone having the ability to do almost anything with ease lots of little tricks were made and the one Damian was currently teaching was one of them.

"If we imagine a spark that burns up all the oxygen in the air we have the same spell but its cost will be much cheaper. This would have a cost of one." He continued briefly, happily relaying what Ajuka had taught him so many years ago.

"Like this?" Aika inquired, a flame dancing around her palm once more. However, unlike Damian's attempt, her method was incorrect. From an outside view, it was nearly identical but their visualization had been vastly different.

"No, you just replicated what you saw. What you need is to imagine something deeper. Close your eyes for a second." Damian requested lightly, a slightly perverted grin crossing her face before she forced it down and closed her eyes.

Placing a palm on her head pink energy flowed into her as her mind seemed to clear itself, a new level of clarity reigning supreme in her mind. It was like she was a new person as even her perverted thoughts were pushed to the side.

"Think of the air. It's made up of tiny little specks. These specks are flammable so create a spark and ignite them." Damian commanded softly, a flame lighting above her palm in reaction to his words. Normally she would have smiled like a fool but not now not with her peace of mind.

The method she had chosen was scientifically the wrong one, their only similarity being their very basic facets. But much like a math question you just happened to stumble into the right answer on, the correct path isn't always necessary.

"Congratulations." Removing his hand from her head the sense of calm disappeared with it. It was an advanced manipulation of the soul that would help her progress drastically but Damian will not do it again. If she gets used to it she may not be able to correct the bad habit.

"I did it!!!" Cheering Aika waved the fire in her grasp throughout the air. As a devil who previously knew basically nothing about magic, it felt amazing! Even better still, she was being taught by a hunk!

"Yes, you did. Now, as an added benefit of that, that spell is real." Damian explained with a smile, a curious look crossing her face. "Certain items have magic nullification abilities and as time passed people made ways to overcome them. This is one of those ways."

As the flame was started with a spark and only a bit of magic the spell was, according to reality, completely natural rather than magical. Those magic nullification items would be helpless against it. Overall, it was much better than the past methods of devil magic.

"Cool!" Holding it up to her face she happily gazed into its depths, the orange glow reflecting off her glasses giving her a mad sense of charm. Unfortunately, her creative ploy ended in futility when Damian pulled her hand away.

"Careful. Because it's seen as real it can hurt you just as much as it hurts others. Your magic resistance should take care of it but be more cautious." Damian warned seriously, his point completely lost in her love struck eyes.

"Ok~!" Agreeing without complaint Aika's voice shook just as much as her knees, her smile wobbly as drool dropped from her lips. If Rias was a Succubus, Ingvild a Siren, and Akeno a Fallen, the Aika was the degenerate.

"That's enough for right now. Take a break, keep practicing, or call for some emotional support since you'll need it. I'll be back within the hour." Damian promised lightly, his emotion briefly flicking behind him before returning to his perverted student.

"Alright!" Smiling brightly Aika ran toward the bathroom, a pair of undoubtedly lewd panties magically manifested into her palm all the while. Shaking his head with a wry smile Damian turned his attention back to his guest, the two of them.

"It's been a while, Mad Dog. Though I suppose Malevolent Star is what you go by these days, isn't it?" With an irritatingly smug smile on his face, Vali Lucifer made his presence known, the white dragon resting atop his shoulder revealing the man's title.

"It seems you've improved again, Vali. Acting as the battery of a Heavenly Dragon is no easy task." Praising his rival Damian greeted the man with a smile. Despite their battle supposedly fated to end with one of their deaths Damian had no reason to entertain the idea.

He was completely sincere as well, acting as the energy source to supply a Heavenly Dragon's existence was no easy task. Unless Vali could reclaim Albion's Dragon Heart or recreate one as Damian had Vali himself would act as the power source.

"With a rival as strong as you, I have to grow stronger. It may not be today but I'll reach your level one day. Then we can fight properly, a showdown of the descendants of the Underworld's first Kings. Doesn't it sound nice?" Vali spoke with an excited grin.

"I'll be waiting then. But, as nice as it would be to just sit down and talk, I doubt you came here for that." Moving into the main subject Vali's smirk faded into a deep frown, annoyance practically radiating off him.

"Three hours ago, Cao Cao and the Hero Faction were found dead." Vali explained gravely.


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