"You are an amusing child Damian. Your eyes contain so much confidence, it is as though you see a future I do not." Ajuka began, solemnity and interest meshing in his confident and wise tone reminiscent of any sane researcher.
Staying silent Damian merely waited for his uncle to continue. While he was more surprised that Ajuka was onto him than he'd like to admit it truthfully meant nothing. No, rather he could confidently say that it was a good thing that it was Ajuka who knew he was different.
Ajuka was a lustful man, albeit one with a lust for knowledge rather than woman, and that made him easy to understand. He would do almost anything for more knowledge and so if you had knowledge he was not aware of you could utilize him to your benefit. Of course, revenge may arrive at your door if you go too far.
However, the most important part was that, unlike most researchers, Ajuka was quite stubborn when it came to his limits. While he wasn't against things such as experimenting on bodies and the like he required clear evidence of his subject's acceptance and wouldn't do anything that they themselves did not agree to or wish for.
People like the Nabierius head or Euclid were both researchers similar to Ajuka although they were far from comparative and yet there were reasons why the Nabierius head, Moris Nabierius, and Euclid fell to their lust while Ajuka had remained sane.
"I won't lie to you, I want to know what is going through your mind. I've never seen a child so experienced. Even Serafall's sister can't hold a candle to you for now, it's impossible for me not to be interested. That's why, I have a proposition for you. How would you like to become my apprentice?" Ajuka offered seriously, his eyes practically shining.
'His apprentice? That's surprising.' Damian thought to himself, his mind running through various scenarios in his mind. There was a dangerous element to this deal as Ajuka was only offering it to closely examine Damian and understand his thought process however its value could not be understated.
He would have the backing of Beelzebub, the seventh strongest being in the world, and the man who controls reality as though it was a member of his peerage. It was risky and the danger of the situation could never be underestimated, however…
"I accept." Damian accepted with ease. There was no reality where he would possibly decline such a deal. "However, I have a few details I'd like to add. All optional of course." Honestly, he was probably pushing it with extra demands.
He was already receiving the offer a devil's lifetime and yet he still had the gall to ask for more, it was ballsy if nothing else. However, there was a reason for this. First off, he was confident that Ajuka would accept his 'demands' as long as they weren't excessive.
Yet that wasn't his only reason. Damian thought of this opportunity as a preliminary test from Ajuka to test out his assistant. He didn't think it was unreasonable to assume that the test was how he reacted to the offer.
If any other kid were to receive the offer they would accept without a second thought whereas somebody like Sona would probably refuse. Not only was it risky but it was also something that didn't align with their specialties.
Sona was good at strategizing and her talent was of the highest caliber however that did not translate to talent toward inventing. Sona knew that and she wouldn't accept a position she wasn't qualified for.
Damian himself understood that he most likely wouldn't be all that good at inventing things, especially not at first, however, he thought of it differently. Ajuka most likely offered the position completely aware that he wouldn't be fit for the position.
In Damian's mind, this led to two possible answers. One, he had a decent talent for inventing that Ajuka wanted to cultivate. It was unlikely but possible. The second option however made much more sense.
Ajuka wanted to keep him nearby. There were plenty of possible answers ranging from his clan trait to his vision of the future however that didn't really matter. In the end, Ajuka wanted to study him from nearby. And Damian wouldn't dream of declining with that as the only caveat.
"Of course. I may not be able to accept everything but I have no issue with accepting a few things." Ajuka agreed easily, the pleased smile on his face being the only clue to his true emotions.
"It's nothing much really." Damian assured possibly the wealthiest man in the world since Gilgamesh. "I'd only like a blood contract with you." He revealed boldly, not a trace of subtlety in his mind.
"That's quite the request nephew. Even I'm hesitant to accept one of those so easily." Ajuka spoke hesitantly yet his eyes betrayed him. However, he was being truthful to a degree. A blood contract was not something to enter calmly.
It was a contract empowered by the user's blood that could not be broken. It was a divine creation formed between various gods of contract to ensure that peace between factions would not be broken easily.
There were plenty all over the world since the gods of contract overestimated their value although they were still pricey as the creation of gods. But a price tag never scared away a devil heir before let alone one with the potential backing of a Satan as rich as Ajuka.
But the issue wasn't their rarity or price, it was the danger they presented. A blood contract was something that utilized blood, the personification of lifeforce, to access the soul. If the contract is betrayed or destroyed by one side without permission their soul will be destroyed.
Of course, the strength of even those numerous gods couldn't compare to Ajuka so he could most likely survive breaking the contract without any permanent harm. That isn't to say it won't be painful though.
While it had never happened to him and hopefully wouldn't, it isn't hard to imagine that the pain of one's soul being destroyed even if only for an instant is far from pleasant. Perhaps a masochist would disagree though.
Regardless, a blood contract was a risk many wouldn't take for the sake of mere curiosity no matter how strong their desire. It merely wasn't worth it for information that may not even exist in reality.
For that exact reason, Damian had chosen it.
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