
Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Darkness reigned before the dawn of light... Who would have thought that his mundane life would take a chilling turn one day? Trapped in the monotony of his office existence, Simon suddenly finds himself thrust into an extraordinary realm beyond imagination. Death was merely the beginning... When Simon opened his eyes next, a fantastical landscape vastly different from his familiar office cubicle awaited him. A marvellous sight, a different world. The cruel life... Althaea, a realm of merciless brutality where the law of survival dictates: eat or be eaten, kill or be killed. Born not as a human... Simon emerges as a demon, a being shunned by humanity and embroiled in a relentless war between humans and demons. The Seraphims, protector of humanity, and the Demon lords who rule across all demonkind. Amidst all the chaos, he must navigate the treacherous hierarchy of demonkind as one of the lowest-ranking Demon Nobles. The unique power... The art of dungeon creation—a golden opportunity to ascend above the chaos and establish his dominion. With power comes adversaries... Now he must delve deeper, unveil its hidden powers and forge alliances that will dictate his fate. Fight rival demons, vengeful seraphims, and ancient evils who were up to no good. . Join Simon on his odyssey through a world teetering on the edge of destruction, where every step forward is fraught with danger and every decision could mean life or death. Will he rise to the challenge and defy the odds, or will he succumb to the unforgiving darkness that threatens to consume him? ----- Join our discord for Q&A and to chat with fellow members- https://discord.gg/bXexmSNeqn You can support me by helping me buy illustrations:- patreon.com/ViciousPepper.

ViciousPepper · ファンタジー
942 Chs

Chapter 14- Elixir of Enticement

Simon was currently munching on a chicken drumstick and looking at his status which has changed quite a bit after these three days of constant grinding.


Name:- Simon

Race:- Demon Baron

Title:- Demon of Pride [Incomplete Fragment 1/5]


Level:- 99

HP:- 10,124

MP:- 16,958

Strength:- 897

Defence:- 997

Agility:- 1095

Magic:- 1295

Endurance:- 996

Luck:- 598

Skills:- Language Comprehension, Analysis, Flame Magic Mastery, Wind Magic Mastery, Thought Processing, Regeneration.

Amalgamation Skills:- [Flame-Wind Magic]

Inherent Skill:- [Dungeon Creation], [Main Menu]


As Simon's level inched closer to the hundredth threshold, he felt the surge of power within him. Accompanying this growth were two new skills - [Thought Processing] and [Regeneration].

[Thought Processing]- this skill helps process the thoughts inside his mind faster. [Regeneration]- Just like the name of the skill suggests, it heals wounds faster.

Other than these two skills, he also held the enigmatic title called- Demon of Pride [Incomplete Fragment 1/5].

Simon pressed on his title; however, to his disappointment, the status provided no information.

"If the status is unable to display any information about this title, then how about the [Main Menu]."

Determined to unveil the mysteries behind the title, he turned to the [Main Menu], hoping it would hold the answers he sought.

The [Main Menu] had an option called the [Character]. It was similar to the Status window but more detailed. Nevertheless, even the [Character] option failed to shed light on the mysterious title.

"Hmm that's weird I was very sure that the [Character] would display the information related to this title. If it's not here then where could it be.."

Simon tilted his head and contemplated for a while when suddenly his eyes narrowed and a thought flashed inside his head. Following his instincts and pressed on the [Constellation] button located just above his stats and right below the title.

When Simon designed the game, he provided a power-up of sorts for the players in the form of [Constellation]. Every player can unlock 6 stars. Each star provides a massive buff to the players, and the more stars they unlock in the [Constellation] the more powerful they become.

Call it a gut feeling or intuition of sorts, but Simon knew that the answer he was searching for, was in the [Constellation] feature.

When he pressed on the feature, a new window opened up displaying a Cygnus constellation. The constellation had six stars out of which only one star was shining brightly, the other five were dull and dark.

The details of the star shining were as such:- Constellation of Pride 1/6, increases the exp gained by the user manifold.

There were some discrepancies with the status which showed there were 5 fragments in total whereas the [Constellation] displayed 6. Regardless, Simon finally found the details of his title displayed in his status.

The revelation of his title's details was a relief for Simon. Now he understood the secret behind his rapid level-ups and gained some insight into his true power.

"So this is why my level increased so fast. Well, it's a good thing since levelling up faster will ensure my survival."

Simon mused, grateful for the advantage. He did some more digging and sought clues to unlock the remaining fragments. Despite his thorough search, the answers eluded him, leaving him with no choice but to proceed cautiously and gradually.

Since he had no inkling of how to unlock the other fragments, he could only leave it to time and take things slowly in the end.

"Now then it's finally time I start my new operation for grinding DP. Hehe, the stage is all set I wonder how much DP they will award me," A wicked smile that was inborn to his race flashed on Simon's face.

26-02-2023..... Reworking the Dp values. New readers might find it inconsistent with the latter chapters of the story.

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