

Valentina Moon, the dynasties fallen Queen, recognised devil. Attempting to escape ghosts of her past life, not to be found by those who hunt her. Those who murdered her predecessors, family. Meets Axel Wren, country boy, training defensive agent residing in Moonstone Valley. Decides to throw an extravagant spring party, one that nobody will forget. As fate brings them together, all hell breaks loose. Two kids from opposite ends of the chain set to flip the whole hierarchy upside down. When the new girl Valerie shows up, everything changes, people start acting differently, and nothing makes sense. She's eager to explore. A place to call home? Drugs, murder, money, mayhem...drives everyone insane, is it following her here? Will the truth set them free? Or will their lies destroy them altogether?

Dmystery_ · ファンタジー
3 Chs

1 | Addicted

One hour ago, I'd arrived at Monroe Manor to attend the highly anticipated spring party. Thrown by Wren, otherwise known as Axel, a well-known face around town. 

A hot topic.

Washboard abs, plus more


Enticing music gradually awakened my soul as I glided gracefully towards the historical Manor. Bearing emerald ivy vines, along with stained glass windows, glowing golden as a result of the vibrant LED lights entertaining the guests in attendance. Seems like it wasn't a real party yet...

I cautiously approached rosy satin dress draped over me, the icy wind brushed against my shins, my thin metallic heels barely stabilizing me upon the fine gravel, filling the moonlit driveway, guarded by sophisticated steel lanterns, perfectly aligned. Upon my shivering shoulders was a stygian leather jacket, swaying swiftly, from side to side.

Hanging limp, an antique opal necklace lined my hazelnut-toned collarbones.

Suffocated by my anxiety-driven thoughts, I briefly stopped until 'In Da Club' by 50 Cent began to violently blast out from the arched oak entrance doors. 

Open just ajar, allowing me to hear the mumbles, whispers, shouts, and screams, coming from the packed ballroom. Full of the unknown, we'll until I noticed the faint sign which read

' Monroe Manor', a name quite memorable, something to investigate? I guess you can say the paranoia crept in. 

Death changes one. Anyway.... 

Regaining stability I detected

a dark silhouette suddenly appeared.

It was propped against the bleak stone wall beside the entrance. Unsure of how long it had been watching me, I allowed an uncertain feeling to come over me. My first thought urged me to inquire why such an iconic song released back in the early 2000s was even on this playlist. Yet as my eyes travelled upwards, the figure began to advance towards me, inching closer and closer, giving me no time to collect my thoughts. I'd never felt so alone. Whatever seemed to be towering over me.

"Valerie...Moon," a raspy and foreboding voice muttered. But was it the voice of this mysterious figure standing before me? Why was it waiting for me?...luring me in, tempting me?

*1 mile away from the Manor

Deep inside the forest, Jayden strolled between the colossal oak trees, towering hundreds of feet. Embedded in damp soil beneath his snowy white boots, silver beams of moonlight swept across his delicate peachy skin, shining in all its glory. 

Accentuating misty puffs of smoke escaping the sweet laced tobacco cigar, stolen from the office desk. Frequently in use since his occurring mental breakdowns.

Tonight had been a blur. Nothing fazed him anymore. Usually, his eyes exuded an inviting nature due to their sophisticated cyan irises, but now a tinted sapphire pigment filled them with a lost conscience.

As Jayden deciphered each thought entering his mind, he began to reminisce upon his short-lived life, one of mystery, uncertainty, battling, and struggle. Many considered him to be a forgotten teenager, consumed by the brutal events, occurring during his younger years, something he kept hidden. Runaway. Abandoned.

An eternity spent here alters you.

Nobody expected him to become into a strikingly stunning young man, confidently hiding behind the charismatic character of a typical popular, playfully teasing his peers. Innocent to the naked eye, but complex underneath, a collection of delicate layers.

Heavenly thick golden locks tumbled across his chiselled face, with perfectly arched eyebrows able to foreshadow both expressions and emotions.

But hours earlier, he'd been in the midst of a chaotic scene, sprinting, panting, gasping for air. Hastily catching his breath, waiting for a hush, no movements should be presented. Especially knowing they were out there, mythical creatures so revolting your guts would rearrange themselves by churning. 

Screeching yaps echoed into the night, causing flames to lick the crispy thin branches, ready to be set ablaze. All alone, Jayden began to huddle together, shivering. Beasts he'd know hunted to kill those who'd seen them.

Would anyone ever know what happened?


Rising from the depths of the dense, cramped Blackberry bushes, Jayden huddled, carefully watching each movement he'd made. Gradually gaining the confidence to move. Peeping shyly, revealing only himself from the eyes up...was the coast clear? 

If not death would certainly entangle him, swallow him whole.

Beasts such as these were ruthless, vicious, and menacing. Quite literally ripping you to shreds. However, that couldn't bother him at the moment, as he'd needed to rush back to the party to stop the rumours. Rumours that could ruin his and Carly's relationship, a potential break up? Not that he cared...

Well, they weren't completely wrong. They'd been on the rocks. 

Especially after coming back late, after a deal went wrong with the crew, though that was a story for another day.

"Whooosh," a movement amongst the brush.

Stunned Jayden froze, dramatically rotating his whole body towards its presence.


It had just been an Owl, swooping less gracefully to catch a limp dead mouse tight in its razor-sharp claws. Glimmering in the moonlight. Forgetting his paranoia, his legs hastily moved to navigate the secluded dirt path to reach the Manor. Reminding him, he'd need to hurry, pretend. Fake, fake, fake, till you mske it. Pretending was a regular occurrence nowadays.

*5 mins later 

Jayden's first-person POV

I eventually located an intimidating opening of the forest jaws, both majestic but daunting in size.

Carrying my heavy limbs effortlessly once I'd seen Monroe Manor, shining rigidly, each crack becoming more apparent the longer I'd pondered upon flaws.

Unexpectedly, my eye was distracted by a shimmering rose gold glare coming from the direction of our entryway, stairs to the Manor. Leading me to notice her.

She was otherworldly, wearing an effortless satin dress, revealing a perfectly formed hourglass figure, a breathtaking view, assisted by flowing locks, shaping gorgeously to dance collectively along the back of her neck.

*Returning to Valerie Moons POV

Uncovering this mystery was one thing, whilst processing tonight was most probably another deranged experience, waiting to happen. Sometimes, things can change in the blink of an eye. It only takes a second for your world to be shattered into pieces, I'm talking from personal experiences, some I wish to forget.

Guiding myself back to reality seemed like a struggle. Yet I could feel my heart beating frantically, unable to pace itself through the one hundred thousand heartbeats it averaged per day, but instead was submerged within a profound pool of immense panic. 

Once I was finally able to process the words that this figure had spoken, it struck me, I knew this thick accent filled with unintentional passion, care, and love. However, I could not identify the person this voice belonged to. A stranger to my eyes, but familiar to my ears.

Now aware of the figure, standing mere inches behind me, lurking, watching, intruding, forced me to regain my weakened posture.

I urged to scream for help at the top of my lungs, though no air escaped from my partially parted lips. The shock had slapped me, slapped me, directly in the face. 

My conscience suspected that this was a male presence due to their significant stature. It felt as if the devil himself appeared behind me, all his repulsive spirits dripping off of him. What were the chances some of it would rub off on me?

All of a sudden, I felt a tight grasp settle upon my tensed-up shoulders like an erratic anaconda gently suffocating its precious prey. 

Without warning, a stream of icy cold breath settled upon my neck, as this voice revealed a detailed message. In an attempt to refresh any of my forgotten memories from my former self, past, and history. They prevailed, saying...

A shadow remained on their face.

"You broke me, and now you expect me to follow you blindly, into the battlefield?", a hint of annoyance lingering in the air for the following few seconds.

"What?...what do you mean?"I replied, trying to decode the disguised message whilst simultaneously attempting to remain confident.

"Did you hear me? Valerie... Valerie...Valerie Moon!?" 

"Yes, I did... Damian L' amour?"I hissed, my fading voice echoing into the distance, just a squeak compared to his condescending voice. 

I had to face my fears, head-on.

Cautiously, I spun to turn exactly one hundred and eighty degrees to face his elongated torso, bearing a snowy white shirt, clinging tightly to his toned physique. Let's just say...

he had abs! Damian's wavy jet-black curls were neatly combed back beautifully, glistening as a result of the thin layer of gel placed upon each strand, nearly too perfect to appear real. As I glanced up, we immediately locked eyes, Damian's chestnut brown irises hypnotizing me, below them a collection of ashy amber freckles. Yet his mesmerizing smile, enclosed in raspberry tinted lips, was magical.

A/N: Thank you for taking a chance on me by reading this first chapter! I thoroughly loved writing, so PLEASE VOTE, if you enjoyed the first chapter of 'Dreamer'. The name's unique. I've always had this idea for a book, so I'm finally getting to share it with others. The inspiration came from my life ;)