
☆ ★ Prologue ☆★

I was destined for destruction, from birth, from inception. No cookie cutter bullshit.

Attaining a well-acquired pallet for chaos. It fed me. What can I say, It's all I've ever known. As the daughter of so-called criminal psychopaths does that do you. Slaughtering enemies in their path. Brutal, right? Oh no... to them, a Funfair brawl, practically Christmas, without any joy, just death, murders, execution style, cremation, anything merciless. Dynasties 'leaders for life', the motto. Guess embracing our violent culture to reach domination still applied. 

Story of my life, or more importantly, how it ended. 

As Heir to the Dalani Dynasty, named Valentina Moon, I'd been chosen crowned goddess of my family's house, words engraved on my pure-cut emerald sword. 

Papa had always loathed me. Due to being birthed on the day of a blood moon, during the total lunar eclipse, in accordance with him, it gave me the mythical potential to conquer life. But, It took time for my fate to be discovered to witness a disruptive change my spirit would bring to this globe of continents.

As I believe, there are no accidental meetings between souls. In existence comes purpose.

Fairy tales were reality, to me, all about the perfect happy endings, knitted together neatly. Nothing was left unsealed. 

Yet this illusion of a fantasy land expired a while ago, slashed deep sewn wounds into my veins, ones full of innocence. Glancing at a world through rose-tinted glasses creates a reality more painful. Trust nothing, nobody. Learning to lick Love off of Knives is toxic, trust me from experience, it is a sharp insufferable pain. Necessary. Character development. I'm not sure.

I knew then... I died inside.

I was just a child.

With an emotionless mother and father who's outta touch with it. 

I never asked for this.

And would do anything to go away and live again.

Maybe God thought I could handle it. I've never heard a worse lie. Calculations appear to be off. 

Instead of leaving, I held on until it obliterated me, ripped me apart, limb by limb. Rotting from the inside out as you can not escape, others see the real you, authentic, raw, unfiltered. True to form. 

Guilt of the grief. 

Whilst gazing at the stars from the porcelain mosaic patio, smoke erupted from the opening of the stained windows. All New Year's resolutions flew out of the window that night of the event on January 1st. I witnessed them all die, my brother, Mama, and Papa incinerated in an inferno of flames in our French-style villa located in the suburbs. Nothing to rescue their souls, karma?...for various sins committed. However, the innocence of my baby brother was ripped away.

Riddled with nightmares, true survivor's guilt, my life, quite literally went up in flames. Never again did I fear darkness, but revelled in it

Since then, I'd prayed to have gone along to join them all. Perhaps it was the allure of the birds-eye view of the all-knowing biblical scriptures always allude to, I'd never truly been absorbed in such bullshit. But that day, I was overwhelmed with my hollow eyes trying to search out for another soul to comfort my lonely, empty feelings. 

Do you know what hurts more? Is knowing how your entire family watched your demise? Lying for years about Resghi Reaper shadow walkers they hunted, as well as the drugs they cut cleanly next to us children, in our back garden. 


Grabbing front row seats, even including a complimentary side of fresh popcorn, to relish knee-deep in an entertaining performance. One of life and death, my fate. Risking their children's life for selfish gains. Money created diamonds within the eyes. 

A sister's love for her brother never dies, Ares was elegant and talented, and my baby brother bonded besties for life, 3 years my junior, but opened my cold heart often. Spending weekends prancing, dancing, even sword fighting through the ominous endless sunflower field, riding our horses: Midnight and Chestnut, sneaking them apples from the orchards. Ri's tossed tanned locks were all I tousled with. He knew how to ignite joy, his pure smile as we binged through 1960s Elvis songs, as well as Mrs Doubtfire, our favourite movie. Giggling hysterically upon end. Piggyback rides were his favourites, hugs so warm as I swung him around. We were close, venturing the world endlessly. I knew his favourite apple pie cream dessert, whilst he memorized the recipe for my favourite white sauce pasta dish. Ares and I kept secrets two, aware, he was aware of my ethereal essence my abilities carried, hypnosis. And I knew his, too. Some evil capabilities beneath his sun-kissed skin, always glistening through a touch of moonlight, common during bedtime stories I told him each night. About creatures from fantasy land.

We were worthless to them, dirt, trash, junk. Well, what I meant to say is, 'I was'...it is no longer a present tense statement.

I guess you could say I'm glad they're dead.

6 ft under preferably.

Blood may render you related. However, loyalty makes you family.

You'd think time would heal all wounds... right?


So guess what?... I got tired of waiting around for solutions, so I came here to Moonstone Valley to obtain answers.


I fell

Head over heels, drowning for A. Because even if the shore is much safer to catch a breath, it was in the canyon of unknowing, the day I escaped where I glanced upon him. Wasn't I built up to surrender alone in despair? Apparently not. Instead, I met A, the sunrise to my sunsetting heart, the passionate fire. The mysterious man in the woodlands, adoring it, nearly a second home. Mostly alongside Bailey, his doberman pincher puppy, named after his favourite alcohol beverage, classic.


Turning 17, I ached to explore, diving into the depths of lakes and rivers to rinse off my sin. Alone?

So listen closely here to the tale of where Axel meets Valentina, one long forgotten. Eyes of his saved me from my near brush with death. Our journey of sworn secrecy evolved to vicious deals and escapes, yet most importantly led us to our 'Always and forever'. A girl grown from an unworldly rough bloodline together with a hidden boy, a warrior against evil fights harder for the opposite of what he hunts, chases. Thrilling discovering the pits where satanic beings lay. Fighting the risen echelons of leaders. Together

If I'd known then what I know now, I never would have tried to uncover the secret, which destroyed us both. An addiction that fuelled me completely. Slow burning

Because, in the end, it was all a lie. Nothing was ever real. Why do the kindest hearts make the cruellest villain?

How could I have expected anything less from the one whose soul mirrors my own so completely?

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