
Dragonfire Flame of the soul

Right at the heart of a mysterious continent, a world of dreams and reality, there lived a young mysterious boy of unknown origins, who lives a lonely and desolate life of being forsaken by both man and fate - a lousy talent at magic and a feeble figure. But one day the mysterious mediocre boy, saved a mysterious mediocre man, who gave him a mysterious mediocre gift, will his mediocrity stop with a grand come back or will it become more mediocre?

Nathaniel_Moon · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Unexpected encounter( The gifts)

After the conclusion of the event, every one left for their separate ways and the once brimming stadium was once again empty.

But people will never forget the things they saw and will always tell the tales of the things they witnessed especially the birth of the 'legendary' F class - the trash who bested the best. But is this truly the beginning of a legend?

Richard left for the nearest train station as fast as he could while trying as much as he could to stay inconspicuous. But his efforts proved futile. Not everyday will you come across a figure with a long white hair who happens to be a teenager on the street of Fegnar.

Reaching the outskirts of the town, he didn't return home immediately, but tried to cover up his identity as much as he could. And after he was sure that the coast is clear and there is no one on his tail, he headed home.

He exhaled deeply as he closed the door, leaning his back against it. He couldn't help but think about how the whole day had gone.

He had only sought for a meal before realizing that Realmsgate Academy would be admitting students. He had only ventured to watch and not to participate but was some how caught in between. Had taken part in the tests and although what happened in the first two test was within his expectation the last had totally rocked his world. What happened today was totally unexpected.

He couldn't help but look at the imprint on his chest. Something within him had caused this. But what exactly? Who is he? What is happening?

And just like before, all he got were riddles. His very existence is a riddle.

He couldn't get the answer to his questions. He was all alone.

He laid his body on the bed looking at the ceiling. Now he must ask himself whether or whether not he should go to the academy. Yes he has been admitted, but it remains a fact that his evaluation was trashy.

F class? more of Failure class. Is there any need for him to go.

He would probably be bullied to death.

He couldn't help but also remember the vision he saw. What was it about? Who was it? What relationship does it has with him and the flame? Why does the world always prefer to speak in riddles?

Arrgh! He was frustrated. He never ever let himself to be bothered. But this is very bothersome and he hated it.

And as he was thinking about all of this he slept off.

Morning. He opened his eyes and saw that it was just sunrise. Sunrise!!

This is a problem, an abnormality, a very serious one.

He had never for once, Never, woke up at sunrise. He always sleeps until noon. And soon enough, he found out that the cause of this was the hot sensation he got when the sun ray shine at his chest, almost as if it seared his chest. He looked at his chest and found the cause to his immature waking. ' This damn lotus '

He closed his windows and soon the hot sensation stopped. ' Won't I burn to death at this rate '. Damnit!

He tried to sleep but couldn't. Damnit! Damnit!! Damnit!!!

' With my poor physique I would not be able to survive the sun. What is the difference between me and a Vampire then? Arrgh!!! '

' You damnable lotus. Forcing my hands, huh? '

' Shit, it is better to be bullied to death than to burn to smithereens '

Richard grumped and grumped. And tried to get out many times but couldn't bear the pain. He holed up all day, even when he was hungry, he drank and drank water all noon as the temperature becomes too hot for him.

At dusk, he gritted his teeth and went out and although it was still abnormally hot it was bearable at least. He took along with him money to buy a high level magical staff. He had decided. He will enroll.

Soon it was dark and he was now able to move freely with no burden at all except for the hood he had on, a measure against being easily identified as he has a bad feeling going out openly. It is better to be safe.

Far in the distance, he could see a lying silhouette and that many people were avoiding him or her not bothering to take a look or offer help. He tried to take away his gaze, to convince himself that it doesn't matters to him. But the nearer he got and the clearer the image becomes.

A middle-aged man with a long white hair covered in blood which flowed from his head. Exhausted and weak. Dirty and blood-stained.

Wasn't this exactly his state that year?

He teared up. And with no hesitation, ran to help the man.

Under the gaze of many people, his feeble hand reached for the man and carried him. Yes with all the strength he could summon, he lifted the man up.


He felt like he was lifting a mountain. No, not a mountain can be this heavy, but tens of mountains! His leg shook fiercely and his whole body quivered visibly but he can't just give up. No he can't.

He piggyback the man and arduously move ever slowly taking his step yet firmly. He didn't know where he got the strength from or how he was doing this but he knows one thing he had to help this man.

After what seems like a journey of no end, he arrived at his house. Laying the man on his bed, he raced to the city to find a healer. The city clinic was closed for the day. He searched for everywhere until he found one who agreed to help.

The healer attended to the middle-aged man's injuries. And prescribed some potions. Richard thanked the man after paying him for his service.

He sat beside the man. Thinking. Thinking about his past, how he met the old man. He looked more keenly at the middle-aged man's features and couldn't help but feel some familiarity.

The following day, he woke up early. Again. But not due to the Sun's searing his skin. But because he had to hurry and buy the potions before the sun totally rise impeding him from going out later on. He finished shopping soon buying along some foodstuffs so as no to starve himself and the man to death.

Many days passed and the man still remains unconscious but was showing improvement. Soon the two weeks period was almost up, but Richard had already gave up the thoughts of going. He had spent almost all of his ten years savings, in tending to the man and have no other means to get himself a wand or staff.

A day to the final day of the two weeks period, at dusk returning from shopping. Richard came back home to see that the bed was empty. Where was the man? Gone? He searched everywhere but there was no sign of him.

He looked at the bed and could see a note and a wooden box.

Reaching for the note, he read through its contents.

Dear Friend,

I am sorry to have troubled you for so long and to also make an abrupt leave without saying a thanks nor goodbye. I am truly sorry and indebted to you. I believe that our meeting is fated to be and that our meeting is not so simple at all. I do have some urgent things to take care of and I believe that sooner enough we will surely meet. In that wooden box is the little things I can offer as a sign of our bond. A wand as a payment for your care this past days. And an egg. Take good care of it and for a greatness lies within which slumbers and if it is truly fate, wake (that which slumbers) up.

With faith


Looking at the wooden box, Richard opened it slowly and found a silvery wand and a black egg. He couldn't help but muse at how funny fate is. It was an unexpected gift.

What lies in this odd looking egg that he has to wake up, he has no clue but he will have to find out later on. Holding the wand in his hand, he made a resolve to be strong.

The next day, he left very early and though his body still couldn't bear the burden of the lotus he resolve to leave the shadows and live in the light.

And as he stared at that giant gate once more, though sweating profusely, he couldn't help but think in his heart that maybe it is high time his story began.