
Dragon Saga

Alex and Ethan spend their days either arguing with each other or running around the town to escape the trouble caused by the perverted friend Ethan. An unusual accident threw the two childhood friends in the world of martial artists as one of the strongest warrior race. Turns out the world they arrived at isn't that unfamiliar after all, as they had watched past, present and the future of the world all along as they grew. As the duo starts their adventure, changing the events as they please to keep surviving as they enjoy the new world of Dragon Ball. ** Disclaimer: Dragon Ball Z and all its characters are solely owned by the original franchise. I don't claim ownership of the given and just using the contents as a part of my fanfic story. Cover credits: evillilmonk.deviantart.com --- Please support me on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/dtroid

Dtroid · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

At the Boundary

In a town near seashore two young men in their twenties could be seen running as the dark clouds start to cover the sky. They ran and changed many routes while escaping their pursuers, looking back as they misled them in other directions.

A few blocks away from them a few groups of people could be seen as they searched through the streets and alleys.

The people searching for the two had an expression of anger that they tried to hide behind their indifferent faces as they moved in groups of 3 from one area to another.

Some of the pursuers were fuming with rage and traces of burned hair could be seen, while some were moving weirdly while trying to hide a big ventilation hole in their pants on the backside.

After running and moving for almost half a day, two of them reached near a worn-out building and slowed down as they probed their surroundings for any followers.

"Ethan why do we always have to run around the whole town once a week and come to this deserted place just so you can rant about the hypocrites you met the other day or your new crush from a certain area who might just Coincidentally turn out to be sister, girlfriend or even wife of some martial artists or one of the gang leaders around."

Alex berated his friend in a worn-out tone as they settled down on the roof of the old deserted building. The place was branded as haunted because of the abnormal incidents that a few people noticed from time to time.

The two ran into each other for the first time at the age of fourteen when Ethan was about to be clobbered by some high school delinquents for suddenly kissing their leader's girlfriend and was running around the town.

"It's like someone said 'Appreciate your surroundings and you'll find the good stuff'. Besides you also made some new fans while helping me in some races, I'm sure they would be joining 'Kill the Friend of that Bastard First' fan club soon after."

Ethan replied with a smug expression and moved towards a pole in the center of the building to release the force he had been holding inside.

"More like finding new chicks around so you can appreciate them by stalking and it's all your fault that they had to form that stupid club in the first place."

Alex chided from the side as he threw a stone in Ethan's pants and made his aim on the base of the pole and faced the sky with relief.

The next second the pole was hit by a bolt of lightning as the two got engulfed and vanished leaving behind a charred mark on the ground around the place.

Without any sense of how much time has passed in a dark space, the two opened their eyes as they felt being drained of something from inside them and noticed they were floating in the middle of nowhere.

"Which moron flashed in at my glorious watering moment!?"

"It wasn't the watering moment but us that got flashed.."

As Ethan murmured he heard Alex from the side who also woke up.

"Did you just called me an imp just before the lightning hit us?"

Alex asked zipping his pants while looking around the new place they were standing at.

"I thought it was you... Wait! What!? There was lightning?"

Ethan shouted back from shock as he didn't even know what happened in that flash of light and about the new place they had arrived to.

"I felt like my balls fell..."

'That was a stone you dumb Shithan'

As he berated Ethan in his mind Alex was surprised comprehending a little of their situation. Both of them were turning twenty-four this year but right now they were turning younger at random times while looking around the place.

As Alex was examining changes around and felt some changes in their appearance, a glowing round sphere with a faint hue of blue floated near them.

[Welcome to Lacuna.]

What they heard next shocked Alex to his core while Ethan was counting the girls he had missed out to propose with a dejected expression.

"That light bulb said he doesn't know where we came from but we were alive for the time being."

"I'm assuming that lightning was the reason and it wasn't my imagination when I saw a smiley face in there before being hit."

Ethan and Alex were now standing in the air somewhere surrounded by a lot of steam and couldn't discern anything past half a meter around them.

They were pulled in a dark and vast space where they couldn't see anything but themselves and many flickering lights in the distance. But while conversing with a flickering light they again heard some weird voice and were again dragged to a different place.

Alex was inspecting his surroundings when he heard Ethan's annoyed voice behind him.

"Oi, what the heck was that voice and why another deserted place again?"

"It's better than you running around after every random girl while provoking their boyfriends whether they are some boxing club ace or related to some mafia gang."

Alex replied sarcastically to Ethan's antics and noticed some peculiar changes with their appearances.

[ Looks like my wish has been granted in a very bizarre way. ]

Both were first startled by the unfamiliar voice then Alex as if getting a hint about the situation they were in looked around as he asked in a casual tone.

"Who are you and why are we here?"

[ I'm sleepy at the moment but we'll meet soon in the future, so just settle down and get strong for now. ]

"Hey lamebrain, just answer the damn question first and if you did brought us here at the very least you could toss us in girls college or hostel at night. You squarehead come back here now and give me my compensation for all the girls that I am unable to gaze over anymore."

As the voice vanished after speaking Ethan went into a tirade of abuse, while Alex felt annoyed not having any explanation about the situation.

After a while, the duo came out of the steam and noticed the giant furnace in the middle of a mountain area. Alex who was looking around the furnace as it reminded of a place he knew from an anime series he liked found what he was looking for confirmation.

Both of the boys who were floating in the steam were thrown over nearby, Alex stabilized himself and pulled Ethan with him to move near the giant furnace.

"Wow! Finally, not just one but two babes. No way I'm playing bumboy with you, FRIEND"

"Just shut up and listen Ethan.."

Before Alex could explain the situation Ethan already shook off Alex's hand and ran off towards the two women who were staring at the new unexpected guests.

"Who are you guys? Why are you here?"

The guardian of the furnace in red robes asked them in a stern tone while Alex grabbed Ethan's tail from behind to control his hysteria.

"I'm Alex and this miserable thing is Ethan."

Alex replied from a distance as he pulled Ethan by his tail. Then he let go of his tail and stepped on it to keep Ethan down.

As the guardian of the furnace Annin, and Alex were introducing themselves to each other a young man in a sleeveless orange gi with a black short-sleeved undershirt who was also observing the duo noticed their tails and was surprised.

"You guys have tails the same as I had when I was a kid. Where are you from?"

"I would like to explain everything but before that could I get some rope or chains to tie this guy up?"

"You damn traitor release me now or I'll be declaring you as my lifelong nemesis."

Hearing this Alex's eyes started twitching in vexation and he let go while turning to Annin and said.

"Please go easy on this degenerate."

After that Ethan got smashed around for about five minutes while almost being thrown into the furnace fire and was later tied to a pillar nearby.

"Annin let me explain everything to you as I can't explain our situation to everyone because it is way too absurd and may create problems if too many people know about it."

The guardian of the furnace looked intently towards Alex then towards the old man standing nearby who nodded back to her and gestured for Alex to follow her.

After Alex explained their situation to Annin with a lot of changes like how the both of them and Goku shared the same place of origin, also about Frieza and the tragedy that they avoided because of getting sucked into some sort of time and space rift at the time of their planet's destruction because of which they somehow ended up here.

She had a complex expression as she looked at Alex and towards the pillar some distance away from where Ethan was brooding over his failure with a disfigured face.

Even though she felt a bit suspicious about the whole story, the fact that they might have the same origin as Goku left her little to think about the matter.

"So what are you two going to do from here on out? You can't go back from where you came."

"I don't know myself either but if that other person is one of us and was sent here when he was a kid then it's quite possible that we have to confront Frieza or his army the Frieza Force in the future.

So there is no choice but to get strong for the time being to be ready for any outcome we might face in the coming future."

Annin and Alex concluded their long-drawn conversation and came back to stand with others. Alex untied Ethan and explained to him how they were summoned to the world of dragon ball and somehow became Saiyan teenagers around fourteen years of age.

"So until we find out how and why we are here in this world, we have to get familiar with this place and get strong to survive all the events that will take place in the coming future."

While Alex and Ethan were deciding their future steps on the other side Annin went and explained their past that she heard from Alex to Goku and others.

After a while, Ethan moved towards Goku and told him about their plan to stay on this planet and train themselves for the day they might have to face the one that brought their race to extinction.

Alex and Ethan both had no idea who pulled them in that dark space through lightning and for what purpose. Alex deduced this all had something to do what that glowing sphere had informed them about when they were in that dark space called Lacuna.

From there they were again wished to be summoned in this fictional world of an anime from their past life as a Saiyan and Alex knew that this was probably related to super dragon balls because there might not be any other dragon balls capable of doing so.

I'm writing this fan-fic to test and experience my writing skills and will finish this as per the plot-line that I had already prepared and to start with my main story with the experience I get while writing this.

I don't know how good or bad my writing is, so go ahead and get brutal with the corrections and suggestions. I would appreciate all the suggestions I get.

If you appreciate my work do try to support me on pat reon to give some extra encouragement.

(patr eon. com/dtroid)

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